Der Weihnachtsmann lädt zum Weihnachts-Dankfest ein, das alle hundert Jahre stattfindet. Väterchen Frost, die Lichterkönigin Lucia, die Hexe Roxana und die Sternenstaub-Streuerin sind mit von der Partie. Der Weihnachtsmann zaubert mitten am Nordpol einen Strand und ein leckeres Büfett herbei. Grantelbart bekommt von der Feier Wind und ist erbost, weil er nicht eingeladen ist. Als Roxana sich verirrt und Grantelbart nach dem Weg fragt, sperrt er sie ein und geht selbst als Hexe verkleidet zu dem Fest. Dort hat der Weihnachtsmann zu einem Wettbewerb aufgerufen. Sieger ist derjenige, der dem kleinen Jungen Karma das Fliegen ermöglicht. Als Grantelbart die Pläne der anderen sabotiert, fliegt seine Tarnung auf und die Gäste des Dankfestes beschließen seine Bestrafung ...
Every hundred years, Santa invites his magical friends to the North Pole. He then transforms the area near his workshop into a sunny paradise. However, he then gets a letter from a boy who wishes to fly because the city he lives in can only be reached by helicopter. He sends Thoren and Guilfi to get his friends, Frosty Freddie, who controls snow and ice, Helpy Helga, who has the power of rain and Stardust Glitter, who controls fire. Santa is also expects Bafauna, an old lady who rides on a broomstick and controls the wind but she gets sidetracked over misinformed instructions and gets caught by Gruzzlebeard. Gruzzlebeard poses as her to sneak over to the Christmas Conference. Santa decides on a contest to see who can create the best present for flying. However, when his friends are finished their inventions, Gruzzlebeard sabotages them when they go to sleep. Next day, they try out the inventions on the elves who perform greatly, but they feel apart. They are saved by each magical beings' powers. Afterward, they accuse each other of sabotage until the elves unmask Gruzzlebeard. Everyone goes to Gruzzlebeard's house to free Bafauna. Frosty Freddie then freezes Gruzzlebeard and Dudley within their own home. Santa then figures out they been going out at this all wrong; instead of competing against each other, they should be working together. His friends then work to create a flight suit that is resistant to all the element. as Santa brings his friends back to their respective homes, Gruzzlebeard and Dudley dig out of their frozen house and try to get warm at the melted lake, not knowing that Guilfi and Balbo are shutting down the heater then melted the lake. The duo soon find out too late.