All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Episode 1

    • November 14, 2016
    • BBC One

    Two-year-old Nicholas has been rushed to hospital because he is struggling to breathe.

  • S01E02 Episode 2

    • November 15, 2016
    • BBC One

    Hospital employee Antony is preparing for a double hand operation after an accident.

  • S01E03 Episode 3

    • November 16, 2016
    • BBC One

    A six-month-old with a rash all over his body is rushed in by ambulance.

  • S01E04 Episode 4

    • November 17, 2016
    • BBC One

    Sonny has a suspected broken finger after trying to save a ball at a summer camp.

  • S01E05 Episode 5

    • November 18, 2016
    • BBC One

    At the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham, Stephen has arrived for leg surgery.

  • S01E06 Episode 6

    • November 21, 2016
    • BBC One

    At Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Lisa has a new battery fitted to her pacemaker.

  • S01E07 Episode 7

    • November 22, 2016
    • BBC One

    At the maternity unit in Romford's Queen's Hospital, Shola is expecting triplets.

  • S01E08 Episode 8

    • November 23, 2016
    • BBC One

    At The Great North Children's Hospital, baby Calvin fights for his life.

  • S01E09 Episode 9

    • November 24, 2016
    • BBC One

    A 63-year-old arrives in A&E with a serious head injury after falling off a ladder.

  • S01E10 Episode 10

    • November 25, 2016
    • BBC One

    At Romford's Queen's Hospital, 30-year-old Iona needs to have an emergency C-section.

  • S01E11 Episode 11

    • November 28, 2016
    • BBC One

    Documentary series following patients who enter hospitals across Britain. In Romford's Queen's Hospital Maternity Unit, bed seven is looking after 29-year-old Lauren. When Lauren gave birth to her first son she had to have a caesarean section as the birth was considered high risk. This time she wants to have as natural a birth as possible. At Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital Day Surgery Unit, 54-year-old Julie has arrived as she has discovered a cancerous patch on her left leg. This will be the second operation she has had after the first one didn't take all of the cancerous skin cells away. At Newcastle's A&E Department at the Royal Victoria Infirmary is 47-year-old action man Andy and his wife Allison. Andy has come in because he hurt his hip while kayaking, and he is in serious pain. He has been to A&E 20 times throughout his life, so he is no stranger to the hospital beds.

  • S01E12 Episode 12

    • November 29, 2016
    • BBC One

    Documentary series following patients who enter hospitals across Britain. At the Day Surgery Unit in Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Shirley has come in to have a stent put into her heart. She's had the procedure done before over ten years ago but needs to have it re-done as she has been having chest pains. Over at the Great North Children's Hospital, bed 27 has welcomed four-year-old Rebecca, who has been brought in by her dad as she has injured her arm at school. Back in the Day Surgery Unit at Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 19-year-old Sean needs to have a grommet fitted into his left ear. The last time he had to have this done he was 13, and this is the first time he has been to hospital since he has become an adult. It is all very new to him, and he is nervous about the procedure.

  • S01E13 Episode 13

    • November 30, 2016
    • BBC One

    Documentary series following patients who enter hospitals across Britain. At the A&E Department in Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, a trauma call has come in. Eighteen-year-old George is rushed in by ambulance with suspected meningitis and an extremely high heart rate. At the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle, 13-year-old Harvey has been shown to bed 27. He was playing badminton at school and after landing at a funny angle on his right leg, he felt his knee lock and hasn't been able to bend his leg again. In Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital Day Surgery Unit, 51-year-old Ann-Marie has come to have a new type of injection to treat her rare blood disease. Having had the condition since she was a baby she is no stranger to hospitals, as she had her first operation when she was only six weeks old.

  • S01E14 Episode 14

    • December 1, 2016
    • BBC One

    Documentary series following patients who enter hospitals across Britain. At the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle, bed 27 is looking after 12-year-old Patrick, who has come in with lower back pain as a result of a collision during rugby practice. At the Day Surgery Unit in Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Carl has arrived to have an operation on his nose. He has been having problems with it for the last year and has already had two investigative operations to find out what is going on. The surgery will involve the bone being broken and moved to the side. In the A&E Department at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, bed nine is looking after 22-year-old Ellen. She is in a lot of pain and is worried that she might have kidney stones. Ellen already has a condition that heavily affects her life called hyperparathyroid, and she is often in intense pain.

  • S01E15 Episode 15

    • December 2, 2016
    • BBC One

    Documentary series following patients who enter hospitals across Britain. In bed nine at Newcastle's A&E Department in the Royal Victoria Infirmary, 19-year-old chef Michael has arrived having fallen off his bike the day before and injured his shoulder. Birmingham's Day Surgery Unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital has just welcomed 67-year-old Janet, who is going to have an endoscopic procedure that will allow her to be fed straight into her stomach. While having a routine check-up at her dentist, Janet found out she had a large tumour in her mouth and neck, which turned out to be a rare form of cancer. Over in Romford's Queen's Hospital Maternity Unit, bed seven is looking after 28-year-old Shirley, who is being assessed after her waters broke in the cafe downstairs. She is keen on having a water birth, but she has an infection which needs treatment.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Episode 1

    • June 5, 2017
    • BBC One

    In Barnsley Hospital's A&E department 42-year-old Michelle has been rushed in by ambulance having suffered her second stroke. A&E bed 12 is ready for her, and doctors must react quickly to limit the damage caused to her brain.

  • S02E02 Episode 2

    • June 6, 2017
    • BBC One

    In Queen Elizabeth Hospital Day Surgery Unit, bed 81 is with former Marine Matt, who lost part of his lower leg while serving in Afghanistan. By his side is wife Amy, and they hope that the procedure will make exercising on his leg more bearable.

  • S02E03 Episode 3

    • June 7, 2017
    • BBC One

    In Queen Elizabeth Hospital Day Surgery Unit bed 33 is being prepped for Christine, who has come in for an operation on her finger. She developed complications when a splinter went septic causing permanent damage and pain in her finger.

  • S02E04 Episode 4

    • June 8, 2017
    • BBC One

    Barnsley Hospital's A&E department is constantly busy. In bed 12 is 64-year-old Charles, who has been rushed in with severe pain in his abdomen. Doctors are concerned that he may have a potentially life threatening bowel blockage.

  • S02E05 Episode 5

    • June 9, 2017
    • BBC One

    Elaine has been rushed into hospital gasping for breath. She has a tube in her neck to allow her to breathe, but it's become blocked. Doctors must react quickly to clear her airway.