HE'S COMING HOME HE'S COMING - BURNSY'S COMING HOME We're delighted to bring you an EXCLUSIVE in Burnsy's first interview since rejoining Leicester and later on we're joined by England & Lions Legend Kruisy. We discuss; - How Burnsy's move back to Leicester came about and how Archie helped facilitate it. - If Burnsy had any regrets rejoining after what happened last time he was there. - How Borthwick is using 'Money Ball Formula' to innovate Leicesters recruitment system. - Update on Japan - Archie's Prep school porn stash - Burnsy's return to Clapham and Infernos - Andy Goode outting him in public for his Chassis shots - Kruisy's time in Japan - The reaction to saracens relegation and punishment - Monday Night Guildfords - His best ever rugby night on the lash - 4/5 CBD and their upcoming investment round and much much more........