The show revolves around the lives of an angry, insane chihuahua named Ren Höek and his brain-dead "eediot" sidekick cat, Stimpy. Together the duo have lots of bizarre and outrageous adventures accompanied by George Liquor, Mr. Horse, Powdered Toast Man, Muddy Mudskipper, Mr. and Mrs. Pipe, Mrs. Buttloaf, and Svën Höek.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | August 1990 | August 2020 | 43 |
Season 1 | August 1991 | December 1991 | 12 |
Season 2 | August 1992 | May 1993 | 18 |
Season 3 | November 1993 | June 1994 | 16 |
Season 4 | October 1994 | April 1995 | 25 |
Season 5 | May 1995 | October 1996 | 21 |
Unassigned Episodes | 121 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | September 1991 | August 2020 | 36 |
Season 1 | August 1991 | February 1992 | 6 |
Season 2 | August 1992 | May 1993 | 12 |
Season 3 | November 1993 | June 1994 | 10 |
Season 4 | October 1994 | April 1995 | 13 |
Season 5 | June 1995 | December 1995 | 11 |
Season 6 | August 1990 | August 2003 | 7 |
Unassigned Episodes | 161 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | August 1991 | February 1992 | 6 |
Unassigned Episodes | 250 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Bob Camp | 22 | 08/10/1990 - 11/05/1994 | |
John Kricfalus | 13 | 08/15/1992 - 05/23/1993 | |
John Kricfalusi | 9 | 08/10/1990 - 07/31/2003 | |
Jim Gomez | 8 | 05/23/1993 - 11/05/1994 | |
Vincent Waller | 5 | 02/27/1993 - 05/23/1993 | |
Ron Hughart | 5 | 03/27/1993 - 06/04/1994 | |
Chris Reccardi | 4 | 05/23/1993 - 10/07/1995 | |
Bill Wray | 4 | 01/14/1995 | |
Jim Smith | 3 | 08/15/1992 - 05/08/1993 | |
Gregg Vanzo | 2 | 11/05/1994 | |
Bong Hee Han | 2 | 11/05/1994 | |
Lynne Naylor | 2 | ||
Peter Avanzino | 1 | 04/24/1993 | |
Stephen DeStefano | 1 | ||
Howard E. Baker | 1 | 04/09/1994 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Ron Hauge | 3 | 06/04/1994 - 11/05/1994 | |
Richard Pursel | 3 | 08/15/1992 - 10/07/1995 | |
Steve Mellor | 1 | 01/08/1994 | |
Jim Smith | 1 | 08/10/1990 | |
Ron Hague | 1 | 12/18/1993 | |
Elinor Blake | 1 | 04/24/1993 |
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A list of the Nick shows I grew up with and have the most nostalgia for, organized by release date.
From time-capsule sitcoms to cutting-edge Peak-TV dramas — the definitive ranking of the game-changing small-screen classics
A comprehensive list of all TV series seen and experienced throughout my life from early childhood to the present day. Usually full completion including all seasons, but at least a mandatory minimum of one full season. Will include live action and Western animation/cartoons, but exclude anime, which is on a separate list.
The series centers on Ren Höek, a short-tempered, psychotic, "asthma-hound" Chihuahua Dog, and Stimpson J. "Stimpy" Cat, a dimwitted and happy-go-lucky cat.
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