All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Government Cover Ups

    • June 28, 2024
    • History

    Has the US Government been hiding the truth about aliens? Are the recent UAP incidents presented to the US Congress proof that unidentified aerial phenomena are a threat to national security? Journalist Tony Harris and his team of experts will evaluate compelling evidence and pass verdicts on their authenticity.

  • S01E02 UFOs at Sea

    • July 5, 2024
    • History

    With over seventy percent of the Earth's surface covered by water, perhaps instead of looking up for UFOs we should be looking down? Journalist Tony Harris and his team of experts will present and analyze evidence of unidentified submerged objects and render a verdict.

  • S01E03 UFO Hotspots

    • July 12, 2024
    • History

    Tony Harris and his panel of experts investigate UFO hotspots around the globe and pass a verdict.

  • S01E04 UFO Technology

    • July 19, 2024
    • History

    Tony Harris and his panel of experts investigate evidence of superior alien technology.

  • S01E05 Extraterrestrial Evidence

    • August 9, 2024
    • History

    Tony Harris and his team investigate Kansas and Japan for evidence of alien visitations on earth.

  • S01E06 Bizarre UFO Shapes

    • August 16, 2024
    • History

    A family's footage of a rectangular UFO; a T-shaped UFO on a collision course with a jetliner; footage of a cylindrical aerial object; and more.