Jimmy Doherty embarks on a quest to reveal the hidden lives of farmyard animals. He visits a farm in Devon to find out about cows. They are taken for granted but what really goes on inside their brains? Jimmy tries to find answers to questions such as how does a cow work out who is the boss? Why have 1,000 people been injured by cows in the last ten years? And why are cows so sensitive to sudden movement?
Jimmy Doherty embarks on a quest to reveal the hidden lives of farmyard animals. He finds out about chickens: often taken for granted, what really goes on inside their brains? On a farm in Devon he finds out how chickens decide the pecking order. He also tries to find answers to questions such as how do chickens communicate with their chicks? How can chickens look in two directions at once? And can hens really change sex?
Jimmy Doherty embarks on a quest to reveal the hidden lives of farmyard animals. Jimmy visits a farm in Dartmoor to find out about pigs. How sensitive is a pig's nose? Why can they find truffles underground? How do piglets find the right teat to feed from? Pigs are very intelligent, but can they recognise themselves in a mirror?