"How The Grinch Stole Christmas!" is parodied in this special about Thurgood stealing the tenants' Christmas presents so he can afford to buy Muriel a computer.
Series finale. Thurgood talks about his life making the show to an interviewer, with clips from past episodes used to illustrate his points. This episode is done from a lack-of-fourth wall perspective and features a different voice actor for Thurgood.
Would-be bluesmen Thurgood, Walter, Jimmy and Sanchez get stranded in the urban wastelands of the South South Side on the way to the gig of their dreams.
To warn Sharique of the dangers of being an entrepreneur in the projects, Thurgood tells her about a cleaning solution he invented, Formula Forty-O Nine, and how a big corporation tried to take advantage of his accidental brilliance.
Residents of the Hilton-Jacobs Projects are split into two rival tribes--one led by Muriel and one by Thurgood--for a televised competition, Survival: In tha Hood, sponsored by H.U.D.
Mrs. Avery's new zest for life after surviving a heart attack leads her to challenge champs Bebe and Jimmy in a local dance contest. Meanwhile, Thurgood refuses to enter the competition with Muriel.