From your co-workers to grating sounds to the obnoxious guy texting in his car ahead of you, we all have our list of what drives us mad. The world around us may be crazy, but do we have to be? Fasten your seatbelts as host, and data scientist Jake Porway explores the science and numbers behind daily stresses, everyday annoyances and pet peeves that can drive us crazy. We'll help you see how to read the signs of whether you are losing it and give clues, news and the answers on how to deal.
Des collègues bruyants aux embouteillages routiers, il existe beaucoup de choses qui nous agacent et nous rendent fou ! Pour National Geographic Channel, le scientifique et explorateur Jake Porway explore la science et les données qui se cachent derrière notre stress et nos contrariétés quotidiennes et qui nous font littéralement perdre la tête ! Nous allons vous aider à détecter les signaux qui vous trahissent et vous apprendre à gérer la situation...
Od tvojih radnih kolega do antipatičnog čovjeka koji šalje sms poruke u svom automobilu ispred Vas, svi mi imamo listu onoga što nas ljuti. Svijet oko nas može biti lud, ali moramo li i mi biti? Vežite pojaseve, Jake Porway istražuje znanost i brojeve iza svakodnevnog stresa, svakodnevnih stvari koje nas živciraju.