The Black Jerseys return from the mountain. They challenge court 2 in a heated match. The Black Jerseys show an incredible improvement in their abilities, thanks to the intense training at the mountains. The Black Jerseys defeat everyone with ease, and soon Ryoma faces Migihashi, the captain of court 2. Migihashi employs a technique called "God's Domain", and it utilizes the spin of the ball so that it always draws back to him, much like the Tezuka Zone. Migihashi claims that Ryoma will not be able to send the ball past the right side of the court. They began to add the number of balls from 1 to 8 to 9. However, Ryoma was not able to return 9 balls. Ryoma then successfully return 9 balls at once,which he then adds another ball. Migihashi is unable to return all of them, and thus Ryoma wins. The Black Jerseys are now promoted to court 2. In the evening, the students from court 3 and court 2 have matched with each other. Ryoma also has a match with Tokugawa by using multiple tennis balls. But it never ends.
Los Black Jerseys regresan de la montaña. Retan a la pista 2 en un partido acalorado. Los Black Jerseys muestran una increíble mejora en sus habilidades, gracias al intenso entrenamiento en la montaña. Los Black Jerseys derrotan a todos con facilidad, y pronto Ryoma se enfrenta a Migihashi, el capitán de la cancha 2. Migihashi emplea una técnica llamada "Dominio de Dios", y utiliza el giro de la pelota para que siempre retroceda hacia él, al igual que el Zona Tezuka. Migihashi afirma que Ryoma no podrá enviar la pelota más allá del lado derecho de la cancha.
Não se pode recusar um desafio dos que vestem agasalhos pretos. Os perdedores voltaram e os jogadores da quadra 2 serão as primeiras vítimas. Enquanto isso, Ryouma tem umas contas a acertar.