After a discussion with Zenko, Abeno and Ashiya head to a shrine where a yokai is rumored to appear, and Ashiya is suddenly possessed by one! Sasa the yokai has been trapped inside a tiny shrine for many years by a golden-eyed and golden-haired human with the ability to use his "influence," which allowed him to overpower the strongest of yokai. Sasa reveals their evil intentions when they see Abeno, a human who looks quite similar to the one who robbed them of their freedom. Abeno uses his influence to knock out the possessed Ashiya, but it only increases Sasa's hatred... Later, Ashiya regains consciousness, but his unusual behavior and cold eyes remind Abeno of another person--
Les témoignages alarmants au sujet d’un esprit malveillant étaient malheureusement fondés, et Ashiya est le premier à en faire les frais : possédé par la créature, il se précipite pour la libérer du sanctuaire où elle était scellée. C'est alors qu’intervient quelqu’un que personne n’attendait.
요괴를 찾으러 왔다가 거미에 물린 아시야는 갑자기 돌변한다. 아베노가 사당에 갇힌 사사라는 요괴를 퇴치하려 하자 아시야가 나서서 막고 아베노는 그런 아시야를 기절시킨다. 그리고 사사는 아베노가 자신을 사당에 가둔 인간과 닮았다며 공격하려는 순간 기절했던 아시야가 금색 눈동자를 한 채 깨어나는데…