This hour-long series follows the five orphaned Monroe children as they struggle to survive in the Wyoming Territory during the 1870's. When their parents are lost in the rapids of the Snake River, 18-year-old Clayt leads his sisters, Kathy (16) and Amy (6), and brothers Big Twin and Little Twin (almost 12) to the land their father staked out years before. During the journey, they encounter wildlife, bad weather, an Indian they name Jim--and a crisis: Amy is stricken with a fever.
This well produced family adventure series, set in Wyoming in the 1870s, combines heartwarming incidents with rugged , action scenes. The Monroe orphans seem to attract bad luck from every direction as they set out to build their cabin shelter in anticipation of the hard winter to come. Their main obstacle is a couple of wolf hunters who offer assistance at first but have robbery on their minds.