The Forest of the Great Spirit Aharthern. Anos who has transformed into his younger form, takes on the fake name Anoshu Polticoal, and decides to stay to investigate for a while. They watch over Shin who was tasked with being a bodyguard of the Great Spirit Leno by Anos prior to his reincarnation, and then appears the Blaze Death King Erdomaid, who claims to have brought information regarding the gods...
Anos e seus amigos continuam a aventura junto de Leno, que descobre mais sobre Shin, de sua condição e seu passado.
Shin continue de protéger Reno, qui doit tenter de comprendre ce qui arrive à l'arbre qui se meurt dans la forêt.
Una vez en el pasado y tras conocer a Leno, aparece Erdomaid para explicar algo sobre el niño divino que puede cambiarlo todo.
Anos und seine Kameraden begegnen Leno und Shin in der Vergangenheit. Anos möchte herausfinden, was damals nach seinem Tod im Wald des Obergeistes, Aharthern, vorgefallen ist. In der Zwischenzeit wird Shins Geheimnis gelüftet.