デルゾゲードに現れたアヴォス・ディルヘヴィアは伝承と噂に支配されたミサだった。彼女はディルヘイド中の魔族に自身を信奉させ、アノスを滅ぼすことを宣言。 アノスたちはミサを救うために魔王城へ。一方、街中ではアヴォスに支配された者たちが混血の魔族を襲っていた。その脅威はアノスの両親にも及び……!
Avos Dilhevia who appeared in Delsgade was actually Misa, who was being controlled by traditions and rumors. After getting the demons in central Dilhade on her side, she declares that she will destroy Anos. Anos is making his way to the Demon King’s Castle to rescue Misa. Meanwhile, in the city, the people being controlled by Avos were attacking mixed blood demons, and they had even started making their way to Anos’ parents…
Com a identidade de Avos Dilhevia revelada, Anos e suas amigas devem formar um plano de como lidar com o crescente perigo que o rei demônio falso pode criar em todo o reino.
Se produce una revelación impactante por parte de Avos y comienza el ataque contra Anos.
Le réveil du roi factice a eu lieu, et Anos n'a d'autre choix que de s'en débarrasser, afin d'éviter que les Sang-pur extrémistes lui obéissent.
Anos hat endlich herausgefunden, wer Avos Dilhevia in Wahrheit ist. Er stellt daraufhin den falschen Dämonenkönig zur Rede. Anos bemerkt sofort, welches Ziel der Hochstapler verfolgt.