Dumb Industries Chris Gersbeck, the man behind The Mads Livestreams, brings us a brand new show from another MST3Ks alumnus, the incomparable Mary Jo Pehl. Premiering on Twitch, Aug 24th, 2021, and hosted by her pal from Austin, Robert Faires, the first episode is a retrospective of projects she's worked on over the years - from an early sketch comedy troupe, "The Boneless Hamms", to a short titled "Lipstick" - from "RenFest", to Ruth Larson and her "Vuh-log", and finally, my favorite, the hilarious "America Obscurious" which should have been picked up by someone - it's centered around a bunch of found footage, which MJs character builds a false, and funny history for. ("Dolls on turtles" was the tagline of the night). MJ is joined by many faces familiar to MSTies... Trace, Gruber, Kevin, Bridget, you'll even spot some costumes by Beez. Wonderful opening episode, much fun, and frivolity, which highlights what an incredibly talented and clever woman Mary Jo Pehl is - even if networks and streaming sites have failed to appreciate that fact, we fans have always been in the know.