At Royal Woods Middle School, Lincoln, Clyde, Liam, Rusty, Zach, and Stella are in need of new broadcasting equipment for the Action News. They are approached by Chandler who offers them new broadcasting equipment. In exchange, he wants them to join the Action News Team. When that happens, Chandler makes things difficult for them by wanting a bigger part in exchange for more broadcasting equipment. Now they must find a way to get Chandler off the Action News.
À Royal Woods Middle School, Lincoln, Clyde, Liam, Rusty, Zach et Stella ont besoin de nouveaux appareils pour Action News. Chandler leur en propose mais en échange, il veut rejoindre l'équipe Action News. Lorsque cela se produit, Chandler leur rend les choses difficiles en voulant une plus grande part en échange de plus d'équipement . Maintenant, ils doivent trouver un moyen de retirer Chandler.
Chandler entra a far parte della troupe del notiziario.
Das Action News Team muss Chandlers Forderungen nachkommen, nachdem er ständig neues Equipment für das Team kauft.