It is an incredibly hot day and Scareybit is not at all happy about it. Infact she is in such a crabby mood that she scares off a bunch of the children playing in a pond. Teeneybit however stays behind and decides to take Scarybit to Dr. Snoozabit. At Snoozabit's Snoozabit treats Scareybit and yells at Willibit and Lillibit for running off and leaving Teeneybit behind. A storm comes along and temporarily grounds them nside with its severity
בכפר הקטקטים מופיעה קשת אדומה. המכשפה מרג'י מאמינה שזה סימן לאסון ומחליטה לתת מנחה למפלצת האגם כדי שתסיר את קללת הקשת האדומה מעל הכפר.
Tornati dalla visita al mare mai visto prima, al villaggio c'è un nuovo pericolo: gli dei della montagna sono adirati con i Fanit e rendono rosso l'arcobaleno. Solo la piccola Kukuna riesce a placarne l'ira con le sue parole e la sua innocenza.