Dr. Snoozabit tells Willibit, Lillibit and Teeneybit about horses. Willibit asks if he's seen a horse and Snoozabit tells him that horses can be seen in a big field downstream. Although it is off limits to children, Snoozabit says that when he was young he wanted to see the horses so bad that it didn't matter. However he says that he had lost his nerve and didn't see any horses
הקטקטים יוצאים לדרך. הם רוצים לראות סוס ולרכוב עליו, ואכן פוגשים סייח חמוד אבל פחדן. הקטקטים עוזרים לסייח להתגבר על פחדיו.
Su invito involontario del dottor Doklin, Belfy, Napoleone e Lillibit vanno nella valle dietro la montagna e scoprono una mandria di cavalli in corsa. Tra loro un puledro deve imparare a saltare.