Willibit and Snagglebit injure a squirrel by making it fall from a tree. The next day they and Lillibit find the squirrel very sick in a tree with a concerned squirrel family around. Dr. Snoozabit is called up and even he has his doubts about weather of not the squirrel can be saved because of her high fever. Willibit and Snagglebit get the idea to the top of a mountain where there is ice on top.
הילדים משחקים בחישוק, והסנאית לוקחת להם את האוכל. נאפו משליך עליה את החישוק ופוצע אותה. הד"ר אומר שצריך קרח כדי להוריד את החום, וטיפטיפון ונאפו יוצאים אל הר טונגארי.
Durante una gita sui prati, Lillibit e Napoleone feriscono uno scoiattolo che tentava di prendere le loro merende. Inizia la corsa contro il tempo per salvare l'animale dalla febbre che lo coglie. Persino il dottor Doklin interviene in soccorso.