It is November in Foothill Forest and all the adult littlebits are concerned with the winter harvest preparations. Mayor Bossabit however is busy running for mayor once again. He has a little lunch party and invites the children over. The children enjoy various desserts that Helpabit made. Confusing democracy with monarchy Snagglebit says that he will automatically be mayor after his father. Chip and Willibit tell Snagglebit that the only way that he can be mayor is if he gets elected.
יום בחירות בארץ הקטקטים. כולם עסוקים מאוד ואינם מגיעים להצבעה. האם מר מימון, אבא של נפו, ייבחר שוב לתפקיד ראש הכפר?
Nonostante le elezioni per il nuovo capo del villaggio siano necessarie, nessuno si cura di votare, preparando invece l'arrivo dell'inverno. Napoleone attende impaziente quel momento, per vedere il padre eletto. Solo un incendio convincerà gli abitanti ad accordarsi.