Based on the satirical mahjong manga by Oowada Hideki originally serialised in the Kindai Mahjong Original manga magazine published by Takeshobo, then switched to bimonthly serialisation on Takeshobo's other mahjong manga magazine Kindai Mahjong in April 2009.
The premise of the story is that international diplomacy is settled on the mahjong table, with real-life politicians depicted as masters of mahjong. The title, Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku (Reform with no Wasted Draws), is a parody of Koizumi Jun'ichirou's slogan, "Seiiki Naki Kaikaku" (Reform with no Sanctuary, 聖域無き改革).
Although based on real-life politicians, the characters are, as the disclaimer notes, "works of fiction and not really related to any real-life people".
世界屈指の強運を持つ男・小泉ジュンイチロー。かつて、日本国内閣総理大臣として、各国首脳陣との激闘――麻雀対決を繰り広げたこの男は、国会議員を引退し、一線を退いた今も、日本を護るべく政治活動にいそしんでいた。そして、混迷する世界情勢の中、ジュンイチローの戦いは、アジア諸国へと舞台を移す。闘牌開始! 国と己の尊厳を麻雀牌に賭けた、熱き漢たちの戦いが、ここに始まる……。
Politisch wichtige Persönlichkeiten, wie Kim Jong-il, George W. Bush und einige japanische Ministerpräsidenten, spielen Riichi Mahjong gegeneinander.