Sketches include ""Casual Friday,"" ""Antique Appraisals: Old Woman,"" ""Naughty Magazines,"" ""Moon Walk,"" ""Antique Appraisals: Woman in Bikini,"" ""High School Reunion,"" ""Men Cooking,"" ""Interrogation,"" ""Scientific Discoveries,"" ""Canned Surprise,"" and ""Shoe Shop.""
Sketches include ""Frat Boys,"" ""Monkey Spunk,"" ""Frozen (1),"" ""Card Game Thoughts,"" ""Frozen (2),"" ""Know-It-All,"" ""Baby Returns,"" ""Beer and Women,"" ""Frozen (3),"" ""Gay Pork,"" ""Private Dancer,"" and ""Everyone's a Lawyer.""
Sketches include ""Office Bets,"" ""Up the Ass,"" ""Dance #319: Man at a Wedding,"" ""Stalker Song,"" ""Office Hunt,"" ""Up the Ass: Commercial,"" ""Russian Interpreter,"" ""Dance #12: Inappropriate Confidence,"" ""Office Ritual,"" ""Taste Test,"" ""King of Spain,"" ""Dance #932: Bullet in the Shoulder,"" and ""Treating Marlon Brando Impersonators.""