Home / Series / The History Guy / Aired Order / Season 2020 / Episode 131

The Kefauver Committee and Organized Crime

In 1950, freshman U.S. Senator Estes Kefauver took the stage against organized crime, at the head of a special committee. The Kefauver hearings, as they became known, were held in major cities across the country. The ones that were televised live became a sensation, and were how much of the country heard about the mob for the first time. The Kefauver Committee is history that deserves to be remembered. Check out the Mob Museum Mobile App, the ultimate guide to the Museum for visitors or those planning their visit. https://smart.link/5e1cfed2ceb98 This is original content based on research by The History Guy. Images in the Public Domain are carefully selected and provide illustration. As very few images of the actual event are available in the Public Domain, images of similar objects and events are used for illustration. You can purchase the bow tie worn in this episode at The Tie Bar: https://www.thetiebar.com/?utm_campaign=BowtieLove&utm_medium=YouTube&utm_source=LanceGeiger All events are portrayed in historical context and for educational purposes. No images or content are primarily intended to shock and disgust. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Non censuram. Find The History Guy at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHistoryGuyYT/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheHistoryGuy Please send suggestions for future episodes: [email protected] The History Guy: History Deserves to Be Remembered is the place to find short snippets of forgotten history from five to fifteen minutes long. If you like history too, this is the channel for you. Subscribe for more forgotten history: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4sEmXUuWIFlxRIFBRV6VXQ?sub_confirmation=1. Awesome The History Guy merchandise is available at: https://teespring.com/stores/the-history-guy Script by JCG #history #thehistoryguy #mafia

  • Originally Aired November 2, 2020
  • Created September 29, 2021 by
  • Modified September 29, 2021 by