All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 We moved into a haunted house

    • December 10, 2010
    • YouTube

    So seriously, we moved into this house only a few months back. I had a feeling about it from the get-go but there is something seriously going on in this house. It's just me and my mom and when she's gone to work or sleeping and I hear things. I know it's a ghost. Anyway, I want to prove to my mom that they are here... I think. So I got a camera and I'm going to try and catch one on camera. Guess I just became a ghost hunter!

  • S01E02 Showing you my haunted house

    • December 10, 2010
    • YouTube

    Doing videos is kind of addicting. I did like three in the first hour! Hey, if I'm gonna catch a ghost on video. Like a clear, real life ghost... something no one else has every seemed to do (even those stupid ghost hunting shows on TV) I'm going to have to get used to the camera. So here you go, more about me and my awesomeness... oh and my room.

  • S01E03 Meet my mom at the Haunted House

    • December 10, 2010
    • YouTube

    This is like the third video I did in three hours. I'm still getting used to the camera. Anyway, here's a little of the creepy house we moved in to and my mom not liking me filming her :-) I know I will capture some ghostly activity. It's crazy living in a house with ghosts, especially being a teen girl in a house with so much paranormal activity. You will see what I mean soon enough i'm sure. Just keep watching!

  • S01E04 The Breaking Bad Meth Lab and sketch neighborhood

    • December 10, 2010
    • YouTube

    Breaking Bad Meth Lab: So I decided to go outside and show you the area where I live. Lots of fun stuff to show you including a boarded up house that could easily have a dead body in it or something. So creepy. Living here it's no wonder I hear ghost noises. Maybe I should do some research on the history of my house or this area.

  • S01E05 1st real GHOST activity caught on tape!

    • December 10, 2010
    • YouTube

    See! Watch this and tell me there isn't a ghost in this house! This kind of stuff happens all the time. I hear people talking and walking and no one is there. Doors slam and open. It gives me chills just thinking about it... I swear I'm going to catch something real on camera and my mom will HAVE to believe me.

  • S01E06 I hear a ghost... or do I?

    • December 11, 2010
    • YouTube

    Sheesh, ghost sounds caught on camera that kind of freaked me out. I can't believe I moved into a house with so much paranormal activity. I am living in a Paranormal Activity movie!

  • S01E07 Catching a ghost on camera is hard work!

    • December 12, 2010
    • YouTube

    Catching a ghost on camera is hard work! I will keep my camera with me. So I heard noises again last night and I couldn't find my camera to capture the ghost on camera so I will have to keep my camera around more. I feel like I'm failing everyone out there by not catching the things I hear.

  • S01E08 Almost caught a ghost on film! Almost.

    • December 13, 2010
    • YouTube

    I was just working on some homework (lame) and I heard some strange noises. It sounds like a guy talking... which totally freaked me out. Next time...

  • S01E09 Meeting Creepy Lady

    • December 13, 2010
    • YouTube

    I just had to make this video! Who is this woman and why is she staring at our house? Normal people don't do that do they? Like what the hell is the deal? And that's all she does. She walks up to the house and stares and then walks away. Totally crazy! Do you think she might be a ghost? A witch? Should I go talk to her?

  • S01E10 My mad guitar skills. Not.

    • December 14, 2010
    • YouTube

    I was just killing time and had the camera around so I thought I'd make another little video for you guys. Sorry if this one seems lame...

  • S01E11 GHOST shuts door on me

    • December 15, 2010
    • YouTube

    OK, so this happened to me this afternoon and I don't know what to think of it. I was upstairs and I saw something in the backyard move. It might have been that woman, it might not have... I'm not sure. The things is I went downstairs to go see if I could see anything and check out what happened...

  • S01E12 Mom makes a video! Ugh.

    • December 16, 2010
    • YouTube

    My mom totally made a video! I can't believe that like in no time she's already getting freaked out about the weirdness that is happening. I mean I totally was trying to convince her that strange things were happening for like months before this.... granted the weird lady thing just started to happen. I don't think she totally buys the whole ghost thing though, as many of you apparently don't either. We'll see what happens next.

  • S01E13 GHOST activity scares me and mom

    • December 16, 2010
    • YouTube

    So I don't know what the deal is but I feel like the ghost is getting braver or something. I mean ever since I started recording these videos the occurrences of strange things happening seems to be increasing, which pretty much freaks me out :-(

  • S01E14 Trying to hear a GHOST!

    • December 17, 2010
    • YouTube

    But I'm not sure how. I guess I'm hopeful that I will be able to hear something upstairs BEFORE the next door slam. Anyway, let the ghost hunting continue. Hopefully I'll catch something on camera soon!

  • S01E15 Just me being a dork!

    • December 18, 2010
    • YouTube

    Me being a dork, because I had my camera handy, and there were no ghosts. Yep, the title pretty much sums it up. Not much else to say here!

  • S01E16 Update on Creepy Lady! Is she a witch?

    • December 19, 2010
    • YouTube

    So here's an update video about the creepy lady because I know a lot of you are concerned for me and my mom. Thanks for that by the way, you're all so sweet. Anyway, check out the video to hear what's been going on.

  • S01E17 Caught on tape and I'm freaked out!

    • December 20, 2010
    • YouTube

    Ghost caught on tape! OK, this happened yesterday and I don't even know what to do! This is by far the most ghost activity I've caught on tape. Like I said before there's definitely ghosts in this house but I haven't really caught much on tape yet. Everything I hear is fleeting and doesn't last long at all but this! FOOTSTEPS! I don't even know what to do. Pretty freaked out right now.

  • S01E18 Mom makes another video

    • December 21, 2010
    • YouTube

    Yep, my mom took the camera again!

  • S01E19 My thoughts on the ghost activity

    • December 23, 2010
    • YouTube

    Hey, this is just quick follow up to what happened in the other video. It seems like the ghosts are getting stronger. Or maybe that's not how you describe paranormal activity. I don't know.

  • S01E20 Using the baby monitors to hear ghosts

    • December 23, 2010
    • YouTube

    I bought a pair of baby monitors to try and listen for ghosts, or spirits, or whatever they may be. They don't seem to be working and my house is still haunted. Maybe I need a better plan.

  • S01E21 Merry... Holidays! From Sunshine girl and my ghosts.

    • December 26, 2010
    • YouTube

    Eeek! It's Christmas! Or was a day ago! And now that I'm getting addicted to making these videos I made another one yesterday wishing all of you happy holidays and to show you some of my presents! I love presents! :-) OH, and the ghosts have been quiet lately. I hope it stays that way. Maybe they're gone and I won't have to do any more ghost hunting and stuff :-) But something tells me they're not. OK, I'll stop rambling. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

  • S01E22 Even more dedicated to catch a GHOST now!

    • December 27, 2010
    • YouTube

    It's almost like I'm my own little detective at this point. So I'm going to become much more on top of things. Tomorrow library. And I'm definitely going to ask around and do some more research. Even a possible expert? Well, I said all this in the video, why am I repeating it here? Ghost will be caught on tape!

  • S01E23 Creepy Lady SPEAKS!

    • December 27, 2010
    • YouTube

    So there's been a ton of chatter on here about the Witch Lady that just stares at my house and I haven't seen her in a little bit and now all the sudden this happened! So freaked out! Is she a ghost? this was caught on tape. I don't think so but she knows something about my house! She might be a witch though, I wouldn't count that out. So freaked out right now. HELP! This on top of all the paranormal activity haunting me.

  • S01E24 Follow up to Creepy Lady encounter

    • December 27, 2010
    • YouTube

    So I just felt like I should do another video while I waited for my mom to get home. It helps comfort me. Not that I have that much more to say about it but that lady was CREEPY and I don't like that she came to my door. I know a lot of you want me to talk to her and stuff but I just froze when she came to the door. I don't even know if any of this has anything to do with the ghosts... so weird.

  • S01E25 YOUTUBE brings out the meanies!

    • December 29, 2010
    • YouTube

    Yes, that is my title and I'm sticking to it :-) Watch and behold my awesomeness... now back to my Vampire Weekend record.

  • S01E26 Sorry about my video telling you to suck it

    • December 29, 2010
    • YouTube

    Ok so maybe I got a little carried away with that last post.

  • S01E27 Ghost activity sets baby monitor off!

    • December 30, 2010
    • YouTube

    Holy crap! Ghost activity caught on tape! So it worked, it really worked. Or at least I feel like it worked. I don't know what else the noise could be. I've been waiting for the baby monitors to pick up something and they've just been silent. Completely quiet. UNTIL TONIGHT!

  • S01E28 Happy New Year from The Haunting of Sunshine Girl! Gonna catch more ghost activity soon!

    • January 1, 2011
    • YouTube

    Hey everyone, as you can see from this video that I'm not at home which means that I've totally escaped all the ghost stuff for a couple days. But I'm sure as soon as I get back home the paranormal activity will pick up and we will catch more ghost activity on tape! Happy New Year!

  • S01E29 The Haunting of Sunshine Girl - About my research into the ghost in this house.

    • January 2, 2011
    • YouTube

    So yeah, I'm totally awesome and I've managed to find out a little bit more about this house. Can we say MURDER?! Yep, that's right. Do you think that's where a lot of this paranormal activity might be coming from? I mean, do think that might be why I have a ghost? I've already caught ghost activity on camera but I have a creepy feeling that a lot more stuff is going to happen soon. Just a feeling in my stomach you know? That or maybe I'm hungry :-)

  • S01E30 Ghost outside my door

    • January 3, 2011
    • YouTube

    Hey, so this paranormal activity caught on tape happened to me. I think a ghost is trying to reach out to me or something. I mean, I think it's getting stronger. This is clearly ghost activity caught on tape. I don't know what to do about the Paranormal activity at my house. Visit my channel to see the other stuff I've caught on tape.

  • S01E31 Why we moved in to this haunted house.

    • January 4, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I have something I need to tell you guys. We moved into this haunted house because I had a feeling about it. Yep, there was something that drew me to this house and my mom was too busy to look for houses so we moved here. I thought at first it was a good house but now I'm wondering what the deal is? Was I drawn to it because of the ghosts? the Paranormal activity? I mean I had no idea was was going to catch a ghost on tape, that never even occurred to me when I picked this house. I'm worried.

  • S01E32 Waiting for ghosts.

    • January 6, 2011
    • YouTube

    So yeah, hey everyone, I decided to do a quick video to respond to a few comments out there. So go ahead and listen and watch if you like :-) Don't worry, I won't stop making videos :-)

  • S01E33 Scary ghost activity caught on tape.

    • January 7, 2011
    • YouTube

    This was pretty scary ghost activity but even more scary when I watched the video I recorded. I didn't see any of the video interference happening when I was recording and it really bothers me. It could just be a camera glitch or something but where do all those noises come from? Is it from the paranormal activity? That's not the sound of my voice. Some people have suggested that I might have a Demon which absolutely terrifies me!

  • S01E34 Demon image and Audio recording? Or is this just a camera glitch?

    • January 8, 2011
    • YouTube

    Demon image and Audio recording: Some people have commented that I might have a demon but I think it's just a camera glitch. I do have ghosts though! This was left on my camera after it died and stopped being able to record. Watch my previous video to see what happened that night with the ghost. Anyway, let me know what you think it is and hopefully I'll get a new camera soon!

  • S01E35 I can keep hunting ghosts!

    • January 10, 2011
    • YouTube

    Hey everyone, I got the new camera! That wasn't that long of a break now was it? I'm driving my mom crazy with all these videos trying to get proof of my ghost at my house but i think she kind of likes it... except for when my camera just mysteriously dies on me and I have to get a new one. That part isn't so fun... and definitely put a kink in my plans to get some more equipment like EVP or digital recorder and camcorder with night vision :-(

  • S01E36 Researching the paranormal.

    • January 11, 2011
    • YouTube

    Hey everyone, I took a quick trip to the library to see if I could find anything good to read about the paranormal and all this stuff that's going on.

  • S01E37 Ghost moves objects around in room

    • January 12, 2011
    • YouTube

    A ghost moves an object around in my room but only one object. Watch the videos and see what I mean. I think that I might have more than one ghost living in this house and at least one of them seems to be playful, which makes it way less scary.

  • S01E38 Ten random facts about ME!

    • January 13, 2011
    • YouTube

    Here's ten random facts about me so you can get to know me, Haunted Sunshine Girl, a little better :-) as for the paranormal activity going on in my house, I'm still not sure about the best way to research and figure things out.

  • S01E39 Ghost moves object and scares me

    • January 15, 2011
    • YouTube

    Ghost moves object and scares me: So this happened today while I was just trying to give you an update on something that I learned about ghosts. It freaked me out. I'm pretty used to random stuff happening and I try not to look like a dork and freak out on camera but it's starting to get hard to keep it all together with all this paranormal activity.

  • S01E40 Ghost at Old Fort

    • January 19, 2011
    • YouTube

    Is there a ghost caught on tape in this video? So my mom and I took a little field trip to a location near my house that is supposed to be haunted just to see what it feels like. (I think I might do that more often) I kind of am willing to admit at this point that maybe I have special abilities to feel and sense ghosts... or maybe I don't know. Either way, what's creepy is I brought this video home and it had some distortion like the previous video did and I think there might be a ghostly figure in there. Decide for yourself.

  • S01E41 Mom gives an update about the creepy witch lady.

    • January 20, 2011
    • YouTube

    Hey so my mom wanted to do a quick video. I try to keep her off camera, LOL, but she thought it would be a good idea and I agree with her. Anyway, check it out.

  • S01E42 Ghost moves object on video!

    • January 21, 2011
    • YouTube

    Poltergeist Activity caught on tape as ghost moves object: So here's the follow up people have been asking for. They wanted me to leave the camera in the room to see if I could get paranormal activity caught on video and it looks like I did manage to get this poltergeist activity.

  • S01E43 What's happening with YouTube friends!

    • January 24, 2011
    • YouTube

    It's weird that I have to talk about myself in the third person in the title or whatever but that's how it goes :-) Anyway, I don't really need to DESCRIBE this video because you can just watch it!

  • S01E44 Haunted House information from landlord

    • January 27, 2011
    • YouTube

    My haunted house information update: So my mom talked to the Landlord over the phone and they weren't particularly helpful they just told us that there have been a lot of people who have lived here. Anyway, watch the video to get all the info!

  • S01E45 Mom has a weird accident...

    • January 28, 2011
    • YouTube

    So my mom had this accident and I wasn't sure if I should post it or not but then the thing happened at the end and now it seems like it definitely has something to do with the ghost... I guess. I don't know, anyway I'm kinda upset about it so I don't know what to do. Just get over it I guess. It was probably just an accident.

  • S01E46 Mom's thoughts on her accident.

    • January 29, 2011
    • YouTube

    Thank you so much for everyone's concern about my mom cutting her hand and what happened. We just wanted to do a quick update so you'd know what happened.

  • S01E47 Field trip to a ruin.

    • February 2, 2011
    • YouTube

    Mom and I visit an old ruin and see how we feel. It was fun and good to get out of the house! Hope you like it!

  • S01E48 Should I stop doing videos?

    • February 2, 2011
    • YouTube

    Hey everyone I just wanted to do an update video and tell you about how much I like doing videos... Is that bad?

  • S01E49 Ghost in house!

    • February 4, 2011
    • YouTube

    Ghost in house: As many of you know, I leave the camera running as much as possible. A lot of time that means I record my dorkiness and that's about it :-) but this video caught something far more interesting... Paranormal activity caught on tape again!

  • S01E50 CA Follow up video

    • February 6, 2011
    • YouTube

    OK so my title pretty much speaks for itself on this one :-) Because so many people asked here you go.... But I am going to do another video with shout outs to the awesomeness that is some of you people out there! That will come later this week :-D

  • S01E51 Updates and Shout Outs from Me!

    • February 9, 2011
    • YouTube

    Hey everyone this is just a shout out to some of you awesome people out there to let you know I am listening and considering the things you tell me to do! Love ya! Oh, and tell people to subscribe OK? Oh, and double thanks to Mellowb1rd for being an awesome friend! You rock dude!

  • S01E52 SCARY! DON'T WATCH! Ghost Child caught on tape, apparition and supernatural vlog investigation

    • February 11, 2011
    • YouTube

    Ghost child caught on tape: First the lights went out and then we heard noises and then things got really scary. This is definitely ghost activity caught on tape. I can't believe how strong the paranormal can be. My house has been haunted for awhile now and it's getting unbelievably scary. This is the worst haunting of all time.

  • S01E53 Update video after Ghost child video.

    • February 13, 2011
    • YouTube

    Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who is concerned about me and my mom. We are doing OK. It's so sweet of so many of you to be concerned it really does help us out a lot. So I just wanted to do a quick video letting you know that we're OK but I don't know what's going to happen next. I'm not feeling that well right now. As for all you jerks out there who want to be so mean to me and say I'm faking this or I'm some girl trying to be an actress I just have one thing to say. If I wanted to be that would I really upload a video like this where I look like CRAP! Blah!

  • S01E54 Ten Random facts about me... Part Deux!

    • February 17, 2011
    • YouTube

    Hey Kids! It's random fact time. Here's ten new random facts about me! Yay! I guess... I mean, maybe you guys don't care, LOL. Oh, and about giving away the t-shirt. So in one of my videos coming up I'll ask you about one of the facts and that's when I'll give away one of the shirts printed by ME! So anyway, I'll have all the info on that one :-) Thanks for watching and don't forget to tell your friends!

  • S01E55 Creepy lady enters my house!

    • February 18, 2011
    • YouTube

    The creepy lady is back! When I ran upstairs to get my camera she just CAME IN! Is she a demon? A witch? I know some people got offended when I said she might be a witch but the thing I just don't know. I do know she's not a ghost right? And how is that box going to protect me?

  • S01E56 Looking at the Box the creepy lady gave me.

    • February 20, 2011
    • YouTube

    So this is an update about the ghost activity and the box the creepy lady gave to me that she said would protect me. I just wanted to make a quick video to show all of you the box a little better and some of the symbols that are on it. Oddly enough there has been no paranormal activity in my house since the box arrived. Coincidence? I'm hopping the ghosts don't come back even stronger! :-(

  • S01E57 More on the box from the creepy lady.

    • February 22, 2011
    • YouTube

    Just wanted to chime in and give you a quick update.

  • S01E58 Is this Pandora's box?

    • February 23, 2011
    • YouTube

    So some people have mentioned that the creepy lady brought me Pandora's box. If we open it things will get really bad. I don't know. I'm not gonna lie and tell you it doesn't seem to have helped because it does but there are drawbacks too... like it's starting to smell. What should we do?

  • S01E59 I kind of miss the ghosts

    • February 24, 2011
    • YouTube

    Ok so I kind of miss the ghosts, paranormal activity, whatever you want to call it. Is that weird? I should be totally and completely 100% happy with it gone right? I guess I could look for it somewhere else like old haunted buildings or whatever.

  • S01E60 It's Snowing and I'm happy!

    • February 24, 2011
    • YouTube

    Yep, that's about it! LOL. YAy Snow!

  • S01E61 We open the box...

    • February 25, 2011
    • YouTube

    I'm not going to write much about this video. It speaks for itself. I'm not sure how I feel about things and I don't know if this means that we'll be seeing more ghost activity around here or not but something had to be done...

  • S01E62 Scary ghost activity caught on tape

    • February 26, 2011
    • YouTube

    Scary ghost activity caught on tape. I know this is the first video I have done since opening the box and look what happened.

  • S01E63 Update after scary ghost video. My mom is OK.... I hope.

    • February 27, 2011
    • YouTube

    We just wanted to make a quick video to give you an update. Thanks everyone for watching! Don't forget to spread the word.

  • S01E64 Last video - I just wanted to say goodbye properly.

    • March 1, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I just wanted to send you guys one last video... :-)

  • S01E65 I need to track down the creepy lady

    • March 2, 2011
    • YouTube

    Obviously the box was helping me and I need to work on tracking down the creepy lady to see if she can help me again. Wish me luck!

  • S01E66 Mysterious Photo of ghosts

    • March 4, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I got this photo in the mail. There was no return address. Just a hand written note. I don't know if this could be the people at the source of my paranormal activity but it's disturbing. And why are they wearing that on their heads?! This is just scary.

  • S01E67 Using a Ouija Board to contact ghosts?

    • March 5, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I got a Ouija board at a toy store and I was thinking about using it to contact ghosts. First off it looks kind of cheesy so I don't know if it's even real and second... does that even work? Ouija boards really let you talk with the paranormal? Let me know what you think!

  • S01E68 CA The Haunting of Sunshine girl update on happenings and projects and stuff!

    • March 7, 2011
    • YouTube

    Ok that was probably the worst video title ever but I didn't know what to call this one. I have a hard time figuring them out when there's no ghosts involved... or creepy stuff :-) Anyway, so yep, my shirts are up and for sale on facebook and they go to help me do more videos and get more equipment. All good causes if you ask me! And you're watching my video so you kind of did right? :-) You rock! have I told you that lately? You do!

  • S01E69 Info on my new friend

    • March 9, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I just wanted to make a quick video to give all of you people of awesomeness an update on my new friend, which some of you wanted to tease me about. He's not my boyfriend I promise! OK, now back to catching footage of ghosts because, well you know, homework is for losers.

  • S01E70 Update to SCARY ghost child caught on tape video!

    • March 12, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I just wanted to chime in with a little update video about the ghost child I saw last night. I definitely think it's the same girl that's in the photo. Let's see what happens next! I need to find the creepy lady (who isn't that creepy) and see if she can help with the ghosts. I think she can.

  • S01E71 Creepy lady finally spotted!

    • March 13, 2011
    • YouTube

    Creepy lady spotted I saw her today and had my camera handy but something weird happened! I don't know what to make of it but I'm sure she can help me with my ghosts and haunting and I just need to talk to her.

  • S01E72 Just chiming in with a quick video

    • March 15, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I just wanted to post a quick video. I just got back from looking for a part time job and boy oh boy is that lame... stay in school kids!... and me, because crappy part time jobs are crappy! BLAH!

  • S01E73 I have a message for you!

    • March 16, 2011
    • YouTube

    No ghosts, no demons, no paranormal activity in this video but It's still important to watch.. If you want to talk with me more go find me on Facebook by clicking my URL. Thanks!

  • S01E74 Ghost Caught on Tape!

    • March 17, 2011
    • YouTube

    DON'T WATCH THIS! Ghost Caught on tape! Last night I got footage of one of the ghosts that have been haunting me. It's terrifying to think that it was just there standing over me. I'm sorry it was so dark. I thought the camera was recording better than that. The paranormal activity just seems to be getting stronger and stronger, first the ghost child and now it looks like the ghost father... or demon.

  • S01E75 Ouija Board brings haunting of ghosts

    • March 18, 2011
    • YouTube

    Ghosts appear when my mom and I use the Ouija board! Actually we only look at it. Scary paranormal activity for sure! It's crazy how just looking at a Ouija Board can get ghosts to appear. I might do a whole series of videos about the Ouija Board and what it could do to you if you use it. Some people have said the Ouija board is the same as a loaded gun.

  • S01E76 Are the ghosts stronger?

    • March 19, 2011
    • YouTube

    It has been a busy weekend with the ghosts and I have a few thoughts about things.

  • S01E77 Mom and I get into a small fight

    • March 20, 2011
    • YouTube

    Mom is acting a little weird lately and I got into a bit of a fight with her.

  • S01E78 I apologize for my mom and the last video.

    • March 21, 2011
    • YouTube

    I just wanted to post a quick video and apologize for the last video with me and my mom fighting. She's just stressed.

  • S01E79 I'm leaving mom out of it!

    • March 22, 2011
    • YouTube

    So mom is getting more and more annoyed with the whole process and I think that's it's just best that I don't involve her with the ghosts anymore. For now it looks like I'll be working to solve this paranormal mystery on my own... and with your help! Ghosts!

  • S01E80 Are we moving?

    • March 23, 2011
    • YouTube

    Mom kind of dropped a bombshell on me today and I wasn't expecting it. Hmmm is this the end of my haunting adventure? Must find creepy lady ASAP!

  • S01E81 Creepy lady is going to help with my haunted house!

    • March 26, 2011
    • YouTube

    Scary creepy lady is going to help with my haunted house! So yeah I talked to the creepy lady about my haunting and she said she's going to help with the ghosts in my house... I think. But the question now is when? I hope she comes soon!

  • S01E82 Mom has set a move out date.

    • March 30, 2011
    • YouTube

    So it looks like all this is coming to an end without any answers. I guess that sometimes happens in real life but I didn't expect it too. I guess I could always go looking for hauntings or something. (don't worry...I kept filming...)

  • S01E83 DEMON GHOST attacks innocent girl!

    • April 1, 2011
    • YouTube

    DEMON GHOST attacks innocent girl! I don't have a lot to say about this. Sorry. I felt myself pulled into the bathroom. The door wouldn't open. I ended up with scratched and bruises. I don't know if we have ghosts or a demon or what. The paranormal activity in my house has been crazy for awhile now, hurting me, attacking me, doing all sorts of things. I've heard EVP's in other videos on mine. The haunting in my house is insanely epic and worse than any other out there. You do not want to deal with the Paranormal activity I caught on tape!

  • S01E84 Update to ghost attack.

    • April 2, 2011
    • YouTube

    Here is an update. I don't have a lot else to say. I'm not sure how things are going to go the next few days. Staying away from home. Thank you for all of your support. -Sunshine.

  • S01E85 Still at a friend's house

    • April 7, 2011
    • YouTube

    Thank you everyone for your support. I just wanted to do a quick update video and let all of you know that I'm headed back home this weekend. We'll see how it goes and I will definitely make a video! Hugz!

  • S01E86 Creepy Lady to the rescue.

    • April 9, 2011
    • YouTube

    OK so the creepy lady came back. I wasn't even home that long and she came up to the front door. I was kind of surprised because I didn't think I was going to be here when she came. So she had some weird sticks or something and lit them on fire and burned them. And then she just left. Did she help with my ghosts? What's going on?

  • S01E87 The ghost activity seems to have left.

    • April 11, 2011
    • YouTube

    Hey guys! So it's been pretty quiet. OK, not pretty quiet, REALLY quiet which is good. Nice even. I think maybe creepy lady should be called hero lady :-)

  • S01E88 Mom believes in ghosts now

    • April 16, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I set out making these videos to prove to my mom that our house was haunting and I discovered so much more. At times it has been terrifying but overall it's just made me want to know so much more about the paranormal! So even if this is the end of our haunting I don't think it will be the end of our ghost adventures! Stay tuned! BLAH!

Season 2

  • S02E01 My mom and I head out on a road trip!

    • April 20, 2011
    • YouTube

    So this will be first of many videos that we're posting from this road trip We're going to explore some haunted locations, have fun, relax, and maybe even talk to some ghosts Hope you have fun with us!

  • S02E02 On the road to find ghosts...

    • April 22, 2011
    • YouTube

    My mom and I are making our way to the Oregon Coast, Lincoln City to be exact, so we can check in to our haunted hotel and hopefully she will tell me about the other haunted places we're going to visit too. Am I turning into a ghost hunter? LOL.

  • S02E03 CA A Haunted Hotel

    • April 23, 2011
    • YouTube

    We have arrived on the Oregon coast. Lincoln City to be exact and now we need to find our way to the Haunted Hotel, but what will it be? My mom is keeping it a secret. After that we will explore more haunted locations along the Oregon Coast.

  • S02E04 We arrive at the haunted hotel!

    • April 24, 2011
    • YouTube

    We FINALLY arrive at our hotel on the Oregon coast, Lincoln City. The hotel is the Historic Anchor Inn

  • S02E05 Checking out The Historic Anchor Inn

    • April 25, 2011
    • YouTube

    So after arriving at this hotel, which my mom says might be haunted, we decided to check it out a little bit. It's super cool and super quirky. If you're ever in Lincoln City and want a weird, cool hotel to stay at check this one out!

  • S02E06 Our haunted hotel room

    • April 26, 2011
    • YouTube

    Ok so I had a bit of trouble with the lock on the door to actually get in to our room but we finally made it in. I''m not sure if our room is haunted or not but we'll try to find out. Hello ghosts?

  • S02E07 Exploring the Haunted Hotel.

    • April 27, 2011
    • YouTube

    I'm not sure if we will find any ghosts or not in this hotel but we are definitely finding lots of interesting things to look at. What a hotel. Now, which corner should we look in to find the paranormal?

  • S02E08 The Story of the Hotel Haunting

    • April 29, 2011
    • YouTube

    Mom tells the story of the haunting of this hotel, which is also the LAMEST ghost story I've ever heard and my mom totally sucks at telling stories. Here is a link to the hotel.

  • S02E09 EVP of ghost recorded at haunted hotel.

    • April 30, 2011
    • YouTube

    EVP of ghost recorded at haunted hotel on the Oregon coast. My mom and I were just having a conversation and then I watched the video and I was shocked at what I heard. This is scary.

  • S02E10 Poltergeist activity at Haunted Hotel

    • May 1, 2011
    • YouTube

    Poltergeist activity caught on tape? Our first night in the haunted hotel and something strange happened. I was woken up to a sound. And then for a second I thought I heard voices. I feel like there are ghosts in this hotel.

  • S02E11 Ghost voice recording - EVP - Caught on tape

    • May 2, 2011
    • YouTube

    EVP recording of ghost voices. This is the same footage that I shot in my last video, Entry #10 of the Oregon Coast road trip. But in that last video I thought I may have heard some voices. So I took out parts of the video that I heard things and added what I thought I heard. See if you hear the same thing as me.

  • S02E12 A new day full of excitement!

    • May 4, 2011
    • YouTube

    So it's a new day on our road trip we've got a lot of stuff planned, including visiting a haunted lighthouse and a surprise! So hang on kiddies! Fun times ahead!

  • S02E13 We visit a book store on the Oregon coast.

    • May 5, 2011
    • YouTube

    Mom and I visit a book store to check out some awesome books, including Twilight, and tons of paranormal books. Just the first stop on our day of adventures!

  • S02E14 Driving down the coast and arriving at Newport, OR

    • May 6, 2011
    • YouTube

    So after we left the book store in Lincoln city, which wasn't haunted by the way, he headed south toward Newport. First you have to pass through Depoe Bay Oregon, which is the smallest functional fishing bay in the US... I think. LOL. But eventually we made it down to Newport, which you can see from the video, required me to do parallel parking, which I don't want to do. Newport is actually a pretty old fishing town and has some good haunted stories in it. We're going to visit a couple places in newport that aren't haunted and then go up o the light house which is supposed to have a ghost or two. No kidding! Stay tuned! I wanted to say a couple things about my videos. I've always intended this a vlog, first it was a vlog to document the ghosts in my house and now it's grown to cover other things as well. I know I'm just some teen girl talking to the camera but I really appreciate when so many people leave me positive comments about my little ghost videos, the ghost caught on tape videos, and even the stuff that doesn't have anything to do with the paranormal. It really makes me feel connected to all of you.

  • S02E15 Creepy Furry scares me!

    • May 7, 2011
    • YouTube

    y mom and I walk around the old waterfront at Newport, OR. First we stand on a pier and she tries to tell me about some place that we stayed when I was a kid but I don't remember it because I'm distracted from not falling off the old, creepy pier and falling to my death in the icy water. Once we safely make it off the haunted pier (ok not haunted) we walk down further. This actually still is a fishing town and the whole place smells like fish... yuck. Just looking around it seems like it could be haunted. There's some good books about what a crazy fishing town Newport used to be. Anyway, then we check out the wax works, just the outside of it. We're not going to spend money to go in that place. SUCK! And then a terrifying thing happens to me and it's not even a ghost. It's a giant big furry creature and I hate those. Mom wants me to go up to it but there's no way in hell I'm going anywhere near that thing. So then I get teased about it!

  • S02E16 Getting Lunch and being teased.

    • May 9, 2011
    • YouTube

    Well I narrowly escaped the Furry in my last video and my mom and I walked further down the boardwalk to see the boats and have lunch, at an awesome lunch spot Local Ocean.​ Anyway, mom talks a little bit about my childhood that I still don't remember and we have lunch. Next video... haunted lighthouse!

  • S02E17 We've arrived at the haunted lighthouse!

    • May 12, 2011
    • YouTube

    So after we grabbed lunch we headed down the street to see the haunted lighthouse. Let our lighthouse journey begin!

  • S02E18 Checking out the haunted lighthouse!

    • May 13, 2011
    • YouTube

    It was a bit of climb to the top of the hill but we made it to the haunted lighthouse. Once inside we felt very weird filming with all the tourists around so we kind of waited until they moved. Anyway, you can see some of the inside of the lighthouse and where the ghosts might be.

  • S02E19 Ghost story of a haunted lighthouse

    • May 14, 2011
    • YouTube

    So once inside we look around a bit more and find the stairway leading up to the light. It's sadly blocked though and we can't go up to the very top. But we do find where the haunting is said to take place. After that we go to thee basement and hear the story about the lighthouse being haunted. Pretty creepy. I don't think I'd want to be here after dark and alone.

  • S02E20 Mom gets upset at Haunted Lighthouse

    • May 15, 2011
    • YouTube

    So after we heard the ghost story we continued our exploration of the lighthouse. We found an area where we were alone and I stopped to see if I could feel anything different and I think I could. It felt like there was a presence in the room. It was creepy but it didn't feel like it wanted to hurt me. And then something weird happened, mom disappeared...

  • S02E21 About my dad

    • May 16, 2011
    • YouTube

    So after we left the lighthouse we went back to the haunted hotel and I just wanted to do a quick video about my dad and what I know... which isn't much. Thanks to everyone about their concern.

  • S02E22 Legend of the Black Eyed Kids

    • May 22, 2011
    • YouTube

    So my mom and I are chilling in the hotel room before night time and I had to bring up the black eyed kids or BEKs paranormal legend going around. There are some really creepy stories about BEKs out there.

  • S02E23 Ghost lights candle.

    • May 26, 2011
    • YouTube

    - So this is the footage I shot from our last night at the hotel. It's pretty amazing and creepy. We woke up to the sound of water running again. This time I sent my mom in there to turn it off because I was worried I might see a ghost, or "Anna" as she told me that was her name. Once we turned off the water we decided to try and talk to whatever was there and we heard some very interesting things! And then something amazing happened. Real ghost activity occurred. Something paranormal lit the candle in the room. It was scary and crazy at the same time.

  • S02E24 REAL Ghost EVP recorded!

    • May 27, 2011
    • YouTube

    Ghost EVP - Here is a breakdown of what I think I heard in the last video. I didn't even realize any of this in the moment but when I got the footage home and looked at and listened to it I was amazed to hear some ghost voices. She calls herself Anna and she seems to want to tell me something, obviously. She lit the candle and all but I still don't know if this is what she actually saying or just something I'm imagining. It's hard to know when it comes to paranormal activity and ghost footage caught on tape... sometimes.

  • S02E25 Visiting a Surprise haunted location?

    • May 28, 2011
    • YouTube

    At the end of our trip my mom decides to take me to this place. Now I can't tell you all about it but it has a sad history, a very sad history. In this video we see part of the location and get to learn what it was exactly but we don't learning everything. You will have to watch the next video for that. is it haunted? Are there ghosts? Did something bad happen here?

  • S02E26 A Mortuary with a Disturbing Past

    • May 29, 2011
    • YouTube

    A Mortuary with a disturbing past. Continued from the previous video, we head down stairs to the embalming room and learn just what makes this place SOOOO creepy. Dead bodies! Dead bodies everywhere! Well, not now but back in the day. The guy who ran the place could get rid of the bodies properly and just stacked them up in the corner and let them rot. Ewwwww! So sick. What kind of person does that?

  • S02E27 Wrapping up the road trip!

    • May 30, 2011
    • YouTube

    So here's the last of our road trip. I hope you had fun watching all the interesting places we visited and stayed at the Oregon Coast. The lighthouse to me was super cool but not the part about my dad. That was just weird. And the haunted hotel freaked me out but for some reason it didn't seem as scary as the ghosts at my house. Maybe I'm getting used to it. And then of course there's the mortuary which is crazy but my mom totally thought you guys would like to see that so blame her!... or tell her she's awesome! See ya back at home in my next video!

Season 3

  • S03E01 Back home with the ghosts?

    • June 4, 2011
    • YouTube

    Hey guys! I'm back! And it's sunny! Wahoo!!!!! Sun! Ok, enough about that. Did you miss me? Thanks to Mellowb1rd for taking over my channel. That was awfully sweet of him. Everyone should now hurry and send him flowers and more John Deere caps! But anyway, so I've been home for a little while now and things have been mostly quiet. The occasional door slam but nothing too scary. Lots of people have said that the smudging might only work for a little while so we'll see.

  • S03E02 Who are the ghosts?

    • June 7, 2011
    • YouTube

    So yep, now that i'm back and settled in I've been thinking about the ghosts that lived at my house. There are lots of questions like why are there here and why did they have bags on their heads? Or were they bags at all? Was it part of some weird ritual or were they going to be killed? It certainly raises a lot of questions about the paranormal activity in my house. And since it doesn't seem like they're here anymore and I won't be catching the ghosts on tape any time soon it's time for me to do some investigating.

  • S03E03 I think the ghosts are back.

    • June 8, 2011
    • YouTube

    I think it's happening like so many people have predicted. I've started to feel random cold spots and then now I'm almost certain I'm hearing voices again. The voices of the ghosts. I don't know if this means the paranormal activity will be stronger than last time or not. Some people said that it will. Anyway, I'm pretty freaked out because I don't want to go down that road again. What should I do about the ghosts? Maybe do another smudging ceremony? I'll keep listening for the ghosts.

  • S03E04 I'm being followed

    • June 9, 2011
    • YouTube

    I was just in the bookstore and I got a really weird feeling that someone was watching me. I don't know if it's just some random person or maybe someone who recognizes me but yeah it kind of freaked me out. I love the flip cam because I can just carry it anywhere I go and use it when I need it. Like today!

  • S03E05 Paranormal activity caught on tape

    • June 10, 2011
    • YouTube

    Paranormal activity caught on tape. So I wanted to do a video about another local person who is an expert with the paranormal but the ghosts wanted to be heard instead I guess. They seem to be getting more and more active lately. I don't know if the paranormal activity is going to increase until it gets as bad as last time. I hope not.

  • S03E06 Best Ghost Video EVER!

    • June 12, 2011
    • YouTube

    Best ghost video - I was doing some reading when I felt something strange happen. So I decided to ask for a sign if they were there. Well he definitely gave me a sign. This is interesting paranormal activity and they're definitely getting stronger. You can see a clear ghostly figure in this video standing in the kitchen staring back at me. What should I do about this paranormal activity?

  • S03E07 Smudging again.

    • June 13, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I decided to just give the smudging a try again on my own. I was hoping that I could just do this really quickly and keep the ghosts at bay instead of trying to wait for creepy lady and wait for things to get worse with the ghosts. But it didn't go as planned.

  • S03E08 Telling mom the ghosts are back

    • June 14, 2011
    • YouTube

    So after mom came home and caught me attempting to do the smudging ceremony (burning sage) to get rid of the ghosts I was forced to tell her why I was doing it. See, I hadn't told her that they were back yet. So this is us trying to figure out how to deal with the ghosts.

  • S03E09 Calling an Occult Expert

    • June 16, 2011
    • YouTube

    An expert on the occult and paranormal. So I got the number of one of the many experts out there who know a lot about the paranormal and the occult. I wanted to make sure and capture it on camera when I called so I did! His name is Bailey Poe and he claims to know what he's doing but he had kind of an odd approach to wanting to help me. I'm not expert on the paranormal so it will be good to meet with someone about ghost and demons and such but I don't know if this is the best guy. Thoughts?

  • S03E10 DANGER of the Ouija Board

    • June 17, 2011
    • YouTube

    I thought this video was going to be about something completely different but instead I find my mom using the OUIJA BOARD! After all the talk and all the people saying I shouldn't use it there it was, right in front of my mom. I think she thinks that it's just simple to talk to the ghosts but I don't think it works that way. Some people have said this will invite in more paranormal activity now. I hope not

  • S03E11 Mom explains why she used the ouija board

    • June 17, 2011
    • YouTube

    OK I sat down with my mom so she could explain why it is she was using the Ouija board! Here are her thoughts.

  • S03E12 Being followed again

    • June 18, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I was out and about again and I swear I'm being followed. The feeling is not going away. And it's not all the time, just certain times so I'm pretty sure I'm not being paranoid. Maybe I am though. And then on top of that I come home to see my mom in a weird trance just standing there. This is all too familiar to the first time I was being haunted and we know where that led. Being haunted sucks sometimes.

  • S03E13 My mom won't be OK forever

    • June 21, 2011
    • YouTube

    I just wanted to give you an update on how my mom is doing. She is feeling better. Thanks everyone for your concern. This did get me thinking though, I'm kind of alone in this world. What happens if my mom isn't around any more? I think I should seriously consider contacting my dad.

  • S03E14 I'm going to see my Dad

    • June 24, 2011
    • YouTube

    OK so I found this address in my mom's stuff and I think it might be where my Dad lives. I tried calling and the number wasn't good so I figured I'll just go out there and see what it's like. I don't know that I'll talk to him or anything just maybe see if he lives there and if he has a family or anything. It's kind of crazy that I'm doing this but I'm excited!

  • S03E15 That was the worst day ever

    • June 24, 2011
    • YouTube

    I don't have anything to say. I just want to forget it happened.

  • S03E16 Follow up to last video

    • June 26, 2011
    • YouTube

    Thanks everyone for your support and concern. I know you want to see the footage I just don't know if I'm ready for that yet. It was just such an awful experience I'm not really ready to revisit it. Plus the stuff I already mentioned on my facebook page about some of the trouble I might be in for trespassing and stuff. I don't know. But I did want to stop by and say hi and thanks to everyone!

  • S03E17 I have decided....

    • June 27, 2011
    • YouTube

    I have decided to show you the footage. I will post it as I go through it. Maybe all of you can help me figure out some answers about what happened.

  • S03E18 Worst Day ever part 1

    • June 28, 2011
    • YouTube

    So this is me approaching the house that I thought was connected to my Dad. Here's the first video. I think there will be seven in all to cover what basically amounts to the worst day ever in my life. I don't know what this has to do with the ghosts but there's definitely a connection as you will see by watching all seven. Not only is there a super scary guy who came out of nowhere but there's also many other creepy things that happened that make me believe there is a definite connection with the haunting that has been going on in my house. But again, how does this have anything to do with my Dad? And why did my mom have this address? So weird. I'm just glad I made it out alive.

  • S03E19 Worst Day Ever part 2

    • June 28, 2011
    • YouTube

    After I got out of the car to look around I noticed a few things. Obviously the house is very over grown and it doesn't look like anyone is living there so again, what does this have to do with my ghosts and the paranormal activity in my house? I looked around for some more clues and thought about entering.

  • S03E20 Worst Day Ever part 3

    • June 29, 2011
    • YouTube

    I got inside the creepy house. The house that might have something to do with my ghosts. So inside there was all sorts of stuff. It smelled bad, musty really. I don't know when the last time someone was living there but it hasn't been that recently. Or at least it didn't like it's been that recently. There's no real sign of the ghosts or anything all that bad happening yet. Again, I wonder what this has to do with the paranormal activity at my house and if this might be something even bigger than me.

  • S03E21 Worst Day Ever part 4

    • June 30, 2011
    • YouTube

    So after looking through the house to see if there is any sort of connection to me, my mom, the ghosts that haunting me or even my dad (who I don't know) I saw nothing. But, the bad thing was there's still one part of the house I hadn't gone in yet and that was the basement. So I finally talk myself into and decide to go downstairs into the super creepy basement. Like seriously, a basement that a serial killer would have. I still don't know how I managed to talk myself into going down there. Guess I'm just trying to figure out what's going on with my paranormal activity. It just made things worse.

  • S03E22 Worst Day Ever part 5

    • July 1, 2011
    • YouTube

    On my way out of the creepy house, trying to leave because I found a photo of my ghosts in their basements and I don't know why, I was stopped. I was stopped by a scary man who decided to attack me. It was unlike anything I'd ever been through....

  • S03E23 Worst Day Ever part 6

    • July 2, 2011
    • YouTube

    After I got out of the car, the man was between me and the car when he started to chase me so I took off in the opposite direction, obviously. I made it inside the house and locked the door and decided to try and hide. I was terrified that he was going to kill me. And then I saw something that sent more shivers down my spine than anything I'd ever seen before. He put a mask on just like the ghosts in my picture! It was all I could do not to freak out. I had to stay silent or I knew he'd find me.

  • S03E24 Worst Day Ever part 7

    • July 3, 2011
    • YouTube

    This is the last video from the worst day ever and it definitely ended in a way I never expected. Now I can be sure that this house and this man had something to do with the people in the photo. I'm leaning more and more that I was supposed to go here or that there's something much bigger at work than just paranormal activity. Could this be something like a cult? A serial murderer? A demon? What was on his face? I'm lucky I got out of there alive.

  • S03E25 Follow up to the worst day ever

    • July 2, 2011
    • YouTube

    I just wanted to do a quick little video about my 7 videos that happened at the empty house a couple weeks ago. I still don't really know what to make of all of it. What was happening to that guy and who was he? Why was the picture there? Obviously I'm being led down some path but I don't know how to figure it out.

  • S03E26 We're going back to the house

    • July 9, 2011
    • YouTube

    Just a quick update video to let you guys know what is going on. And yeah, two big things: Mom knows about the videos and she knows I left the locket at the house. We're going back... no sure when, but we're going back.

  • S03E27 About to go to the scary house

    • July 13, 2011
    • YouTube

    So my mom and I headed out to go back to the house. First things first, we needed to meet with her friend who used to be the cop. Obviously, from the last visit to the house there were all sorts of good reasons to not go back alone, like possible demon activity, ghosts and paranormal activity. The problem? Her friend wasn't showing up. We decided to go back alone.

  • S03E28 At the scary PARANORMAL house

    • July 14, 2011
    • YouTube

    After waiting in the car mom and I decide to go back to the house to get the locket, which is special to her and she didn't want lost. Mom was definitely creeped out by the house when we got there but we went in to check things out....

  • S03E29 Unanswered questions

    • July 17, 2011
    • YouTube

    So after some time thinking about the past videos and what has happened with my haunting this summer I still have lots of unanswered questions. Things like who that guy was? Why did he attack me? Why does the photo of the ghost keep popping up? Why is my mom now acting weird? There's a lot more to this than just paranormal activity I think.

  • S03E30 Quick Update on things

    • July 19, 2011
    • YouTube

    Just a quick update video about my videos me, my haunting, the weirdness of my mom, and meeting with local experts.

  • S03E31 What is wrong with Mom?

    • July 20, 2011
    • YouTube

    I don't know how to start this one. I was going through some of my footage and I found this video of my mom. It was blank before and after and I'm not really sure what's going on. I don't know if she was talking to someone or not but I don't hear anyone talking back so it's confusing. And she still refuses to talk about our ghosts now and what we should do about the paranormal activity or what happened to her at the house. But at the creepy house she mentioned she heard voices. She certainly seems like she hears voices here to. Maybe I should ask her if she wants to see a doctor.

  • S03E32 A ghost Expert? ????

    • July 22, 2011
    • YouTube

    I went to the park to meet with the local occult and paranormal expert I was able to find with my research. So the meeting was a little odd. First, I heard his name was Bailey but he wanted me to call him something different. Master something. And we didn't even talk that much about ghosts and stuff which was kind of weird but he's the expert. I did give him the photo of the ghosts that I think are haunting me. We'll see how he feels about the paranormal activity.

  • S03E33 Creepy Lady and Mom

    • July 23, 2011
    • YouTube

    Here's two videos in one. I wanted to give you an update on creepy lady since I actually have an update to give. And that's that I've seen creepy lady again! I'm not sure what this means but it might not be good. And then I wanted to do a video talking to mom about the ghosts and stuff just to show you guys how weird she's been acting. Which she clearly has been. It's totally throwing me off. It's like she's not even herself. Add to that all this paranormal activity and it's all becoming a bit overwhelming.

  • S03E34 "Don't trust her"

    • July 25, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I heard it again, the "don't trust her" except this time I heard it in real life and not just in the footage. My biggest question is who is "her"?

  • S03E35 Scary ghost noise

    • July 27, 2011
    • YouTube

    So this happened last night. I was laying in bed and I thought I heard a noise nearby. Something strange. So I grabbed my camera and flashlight (I always keep them next to my bed at night, for obvious reasons) and I started recording. I just didn't totally expect this to happen. Yeah I thought I heard ghost noises and I thought I might even see one. I didn't think I'd see this...

  • S03E36 The morning after

    • July 28, 2011
    • YouTube

    This is a follow up to video #28 when my mom was in my room in the middle of the night. I recorded this in the morning when the sun came up. I know what a lot of you believe but someone being possessed is really hard for me to believe, especially it being my mom. That's just crazy talk.

  • S03E37 In case I vanish

    • July 28, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I mentioned this on facebook a couple days ago and I just thought I'd do a video about it...

  • S03E38 A Spiritual Medium is Coming

    • July 29, 2011
    • YouTube

    As you know I've mentioned the medium before to come help with my ghosts. It's kind of ironic that the ghosts have been quiet lately, just when the medium finally decides to show up. But hopeful he will have some answers about the spirits and see if he can give me some information on the paranormal activity in my house. Also, my mom is feeling better and almost kind of seems back to her normal self. I don't want to ask her about the ghosts but it's obvious she wasn't possessed. That's just silly.

  • S03E39 A worrisome call

    • July 29, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I was in the store and I got a call from LeMaster, The local occult and paranormal expert. He sounded kind of freaked out.

  • S03E40 The Visit from the Medium part 1

    • July 30, 2011
    • YouTube

    The spiritual medium and exorcist arrived at my house today. He didn't want to come at first but I convinced him. The thing is he kind of thinks my videos are fake and isn't too pleased about it but he's a nice guy and thinks I'm nice so he agreed to come and see if he could help with my paranormal activity. Only, he wanted to say something first. This is that video.

  • S03E41 The visit from the Medium - Part 2

    • July 30, 2011
    • YouTube

    After he got his intro out of the way he went on to kind of explain the paranormal world to us.

  • S03E42 A Visit from the Medium Part 3

    • July 30, 2011
    • YouTube

    So the Medium began to channel his powers and see if there was in fact a ghost in the house. It didn't take him long to pick up on the things that we already knew but then he stumbled upon some other type of Paranormal Activity.

  • S03E43 Paranormal medium hurt by GHOST!

    • July 31, 2011
    • YouTube

    The medium was in the bathroom for a long time. We were super quiet and we didn't even really know what to do. He wasn't responding to anything we said so we decided to go in and see if he was OK. He definitely wasn't OK. After we got him calmed down and focused is had some disturbing things to say about the ghosts and my mom. Not good.

  • S03E44 Update on the Paranormal Expert

    • August 5, 2011
    • YouTube

    Well I was finally able to get ahold of LeMaster. If you remember, he was the weird paranormal expert I met in the park like a week ago. Anyway, I'm headed out to go meet with him and see if he has anymore information about my haunting.

  • S03E45 A CULT? What?!

    • August 5, 2011
    • YouTube

  • S03E46 Leaving the Occult expert

    • August 6, 2011
    • YouTube

    Well the Occult expert had some info about a cult and thinks my ghosts are involved but even worse, he thinks my family is involved. Which is just crazy. I live in a haunted house, I'm not part of a cult. What a nut job.

  • S03E47 Asking mom about the CULT

    • August 8, 2011
    • YouTube

    So after I got home from the park the first thing I wanted to do was tell my mom about what Lemaster said about my haunting and ghosts and stuff but especially about the cult, which totally freaked me out. I asked mom about it... she wasn't pleased with the question.

  • S03E48 Last resort... The Ouija Board

    • August 10, 2011
    • YouTube

    I feel like I've run into a bunch of dead ends and the more I think about it the more I feel like my mom had a point. I could use the ouija board to talk to the ghosts in my house and see what they have to say. Not the demon of course, just the ghosts since the medium thinks they are protecting me.

  • S03E49 Where are we?

    • August 11, 2011
    • YouTube

    Our drive led us to this random trail. I wasn't too nervous because it seemed to be a marked, public trail and Creepy lady definitely didn't seem like she wanted to hurt me, she seemed like she was out to help me. But I did get a little nervous when she told me where we were going.

  • S03E50 Asking Creepy Lady questions

    • August 12, 2011
    • YouTube

    As we were walking to the sacrifice site I decided to asking creepy lady some questions since this is the only time I've really had enough time with her to do so. The answers were interesting but the demon watching us... not so cool.

  • S03E51 The Sacrifice Site

    • August 13, 2011
    • YouTube

    I went with Creepy Lady, Victoria, to the sacrifice site. Apparently it's an old sacrifice site and not used anymore. She began to give me all sorts of information about what I must do. She wants me to sacrifice myself to lure the demon away from my mom so she can then banish the demon. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know how I go from being haunted to this, part of a cult? And Lemaster said something about doing it before I turn 18. This is all just totally freaky and scary. I don't know.

  • S03E52 Thinking about things

    • August 14, 2011
    • YouTube

    My thoughts on my current LAME situation.

  • S03E53 Asking the Medium for help again

    • August 16, 2011
    • YouTube

    I have to admit, I'm kind of scared to give my mom the test Victoria told me to give her. I worry about what will happen. So in the meantime I decided to call the Medium back, Alistar. It didn't go as I planned and I don't think he's going to be helping with my ghosts any time soon. I guess I only have Victoria to turn to now.

  • S03E54 Demon test.

    • August 19, 2011
    • YouTube

    Now that it seems like all the other "experts" have gone I really feel like I have no choice but to listen to Victoria. And the first thing she said to prove to me that what she said about the demon was real is that I could give my mom a simple test to see if she was actually possessed by the demon like she claimed. I didn't know if I wanted to give the test or not but I have decided I will. So here it goes...

  • S03E55 Possessed by demon TEST

    • August 19, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I decided to give mom the test Victoria about to tell if mom is possessed. It didn't go well.

  • S03E56 Took mom to the doctor.

    • August 20, 2011
    • YouTube

    I took my mom to the doctor and they said everything was fine with her but I know that something isn't right... I guess they don't have tests for possession.

  • S03E57 Poltergeist activity!

    • August 21, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I just wanted to do a quick video about Uncle Tommy and fill you guys in more, and fill him in a little bit more about what's been going on. And then the ghosts made an appearance.

  • S03E58 Mom is possessed by the demon

    • August 23, 2011
    • YouTube

    Uncle Tommy tries to break mom out of her trance. Everyone has been saying she is possessed. I've given her the test and she couldn't finish it. Uncle Tommy can't get through to her. I can't get through to her. I think it's clear what I have to do... even though I don't want to. It's the only way I can get the haunting, the poltergeist activity, the demon to leave me alone. I just hope it doesn't take over me.

  • S03E59 Going to sacrifice myself to the Demon

    • August 24, 2011
    • YouTube

    Not for real. I'm going to go through the ritual ceremony that Victoria wanted me to go through. The one Lemaster told me about. The one that brings the demon out and offers me to him. Then of course Victoria will hopefully banish him back to where ever, I guess. This is obviously the same ceremony that the cult does. The cult that I have a feeling my mom was once part of. But I think Victoria is going to do it a little bit different so she can banish the demon. If everything goes to plan I guess mom will be free of the demon and my ghosts can rest peacefully because they no longer have to help me.

  • S03E60 About to do the sacrifice. -The Haunting of Sunshine Girl

    • August 25, 2011
    • YouTube

    Posting this from my phone. Wish me luck.

  • S03E61 DEMON sacrifice Filmed!

    • August 26, 2011
    • YouTube

    I sacrificed myself to the demon that was terrorizing my family and possessing my mom. Will this stop our haunting? The paranormal activity in my house has been constant for months so I decided to try and get to the bottom of it. Little did I know that it was going to lead me down a mystery filled with demons, the occult, creepy things and me having to sacrifice myself after my mom decided to use the ouija board and get herself possessed.

  • S03E62 Recovering

    • August 28, 2011
    • YouTube

    I realize I didn't mention Victoria in the video. Sorry. She wasn't there when I stood up. I don't know what happened to her. I'll do a video about her and the creepy guy next. I just wanted to post this video and let all of you know that I was OK and we're all doing OK. The Demon sacrifice was crazy and I can't believe all that happened. I still have a lot to take in. Thanks for sticking by my side.

  • S03E63 Uncle Tommy tells Mom's secrets

    • August 29, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I haven't had time to sit down and really talk about what happened yet with you guys at the Demon sacrifice but Mom and Uncle Tommy and I were sitting around and we started talking about it so I decided to film it. I was surprised to learn that Mom used to be way into the Paranormal and she thought that she was abducted by Aliens. Which is super kind of weird and stuff. But even weirder, mom disappeared when she was a teenager and came back home with me when I was one. Was this when she got involved in the cult? So many questions....

  • S03E64 YouTube and P.O. box info!

    • September 1, 2011
    • YouTube

  • S03E65 Shout outs! Because I can!

    • September 1, 2011
    • YouTube

    I just wanted to do a video with some shout outs to some awesomesauce people out there and Justin Beiber for having great hair as a man child.

  • S03E66 Thoughts on the sacrifice.

    • September 2, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I finally took the time to look at the sacrifice scene footage again and I wanted to talk about it a little bit. First off, I don't know what happened to Victoria. It looked like the Demon slashed her throat and she was hurt really bad but she was gone when I was around. And yes, there was the ghost in the background. And yes, the Demon looked like my mom. I think that was the human form he decided to take on because he had been possessing her. And finally, creepy guy. What was he doing there? Where did he come from? He was the same guy at the house who attacked me. He must have known what I was doing there and followed me. Is he still following me? So many questions...

  • S03E67 OK I've decided to change

    • September 3, 2011
    • YouTube

    I know, I know, change comes from within but this is a little different. I decided to change my hair color. I used to change it all the time but I've kind of been preoccupied with ghosts and demons and cults and such. But yay for red hair!

  • S03E68 Is mom still possessed?

    • September 4, 2011
    • YouTube

    A lot of people have made comments telling me not to trust Mom. Telling me that she might still be possessed and that she's just waiting to get me. So I decided to give her the test again. I'll admit, I was a little nervous about it but things went good. I am 100% she's not possessed anymore.

  • S03E69 Last video of this playlist.

    • September 5, 2011
    • YouTube

    Just wanted to do a quick video letting you know that I'm done with videos for Summer 2011... what a crazy summer.

Season 4

  • S04E01 What happens now?

    • September 6, 2011
    • YouTube

    Well this is it, the start of my new playlist. A playlist for a fall, or Autumn, and all the awesome things that come with it, including me! But as I start this playlist I have a question for you... what should I do now? Should I really stay away from the Paranormal? Should I go ghost hunting? Should I go on a trip? What are your thoughts? Also, go visit Mellowb1rd's channel! BLAH!

  • S04E02 Should I try to contact Dad?

    • September 8, 2011
    • YouTube

    Ok I can't stop thinking about my dad and the fact that he has to have something to do with all this. The cult, the ghosts, all of it. What do you think?

  • S04E03 Weird thing happened today

    • September 9, 2011
    • YouTube

    So a random guy just randomly showed up... I guess that's what random guys do.

  • S04E04 Random guy has info on the Paranormal

    • September 10, 2011
    • YouTube

    Mom and I discussed it and we decided to see what this random guy had to say about things. Especially about the Luiseach. He managed to work his way into the house to impart his knowledge on us... or at least that's how I would think he'd put it.

  • S04E05 The Legend of The Luiseach

    • September 10, 2011
    • YouTube

    Ok it's true, Nolan is a little full of himself, but he did end up bringing some important info to the house. Here's a link to the article he brought so you can read it yourself.​ It's pretty interesting. He thinks I may be a little different than most people, that I might actually belong in the paranormal world as someone who fights of evil paranormal. I'm not a fighter so I can't really believe that but I maybe I do have a special ability. Afterall, the creepy guy in the woods did say that the demon couldn't take me.

  • S04E06 Ten Random Facts about Nolan

    • September 12, 2011
    • YouTube

    After talking to Nolan a little bit we decided that needed to get to know him better so we did a random facts video about him! He's weird...

  • S04E07 Thoughts on Nolan?

    • September 14, 2011
    • YouTube

    I just wanted to know what you guys thought of Nolan now that you've had a few days to think about it. Do you really think he's a paranormal expert?

  • S04E08 Something in the mail

    • September 15, 2011
    • YouTube

    I received a mysterious letter in the mail today and I just had to share it with you guys. Do you think this is the same person who sent me the letter and the photo of the ghosts? Who is still watching me? Another mystery. Will the paranormal activity continue?

  • S04E09 Nolan and the Note

    • September 16, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I got ahold of Nolan and had him come over to look at the note. Obviously, my first assumption is that he could have sent it considering his pension for the paranormal and all and the fact that he wants me to be a Luiseach and be some sort of paranormal warrior against evil ghosts and spirits, or maybe just evil in general. But when I showed it to him he didn't seem to have sent it. So I guess it's possible that someone else sent it, or the person who originally sent me the photo of the ghosts sent it to me. What do you think?

  • S04E10 Special Paranormal Powers

    • September 19, 2011
    • YouTube

    Thinking about the Luiseach thing I decided to talk to my mom some more about it and see what she thought, especially since Nolan just constantly wants to tell me I am a Luiseach and that means I have special powers when it comes to the paranormal. That also got be thinking, what kind of special powers would be cool to have?

  • S04E11 It's not me

    • September 20, 2011
    • YouTube

    I've been thinking about it and I don't think I'm Luiseach or have any sort of special powers.

  • S04E12 Stalker Weirdo?

    • September 22, 2011
    • YouTube

    My mom and I were out shopping today and something weird happened? Some guy just randomly started staring at me. At first I thought maybe it was just some weird guy but he wouldn't stop, and he was at more than one store. Then I thought maybe he was someone who watches my videos on youtube but was afraid to approach me. Finally I had enough and went up to him to try and talk to him... that's when he freaked out!

  • S04E13 A mysterious photo

    • September 23, 2011
    • YouTube

    I got another envelope put in my mailbox but this time it was another photo. It didn't give me a lot of info so I called Nolan and had him come over and see if he could help. He couldn't. So then, I got a bright idea.

  • S04E14 On the way to the Warehouse

    • September 24, 2011
    • YouTube

    Nolan has a theory that there's a huge paranormal war going on between good and evil, right in front of us and most people never see it, but it's there. He thinks there are good and evil paranormal entities of all sorts and they are at war for control of the world. And he thinks I fit into this war, that I am a Luiseach and I am on the side of good. And this note was from someone wanting to talk to me.

  • S04E15 At the warehouse

    • September 25, 2011
    • YouTube

    We arrived at the warehouse from the note. It was the right sone alright. At first I wasn't so sure. There was no one around and it was all just silliness and then something happened. Nolan started talking about the war between good and evil, about something much bigger than what we can see. He thought someone might actually be watching us right then. And then his guess would seem to have come true. Interesting.

  • S04E16 Visit a haunted house?

    • September 27, 2011
    • YouTube

    Visit a haunted house? So Nolan thinks, practically insists, that we go to his grandma's house that he believes is haunted. The reason he wants to do is to prove that I am the Luiseach he's constantly talking about. He thinks if we go to the haunted house the paranormal spirits will react strongly and he will have his proof that I am one. I don't know. What do you think?

  • S04E17 Guess who's back?

    • September 28, 2011
    • YouTube

    Mom and I go to visit Uncle Tommy and thought we'd film at least the beginning so you could see he's moved back to the states! Yay!

  • S04E18 I want to go to the haunted house

    • September 30, 2011
    • YouTube

    So after thinking it over I've decided that I want to go to Nolan's Grandma's haunted house and see if we can catch some ghosts. I do like the idea of a Luiseach and the possibility that I might be one. That would be pretty cool I think. So now all I have to do is convince mom that we should go!

  • S04E19 Can we go to the haunted house?

    • October 1, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I've decided that I really want to go to Nolan's grandma's house that he claims is haunted and see if we can catch some paranormal activity. I don't know if we will see anything or not but I think Nolan has a point. If I do have special powers when it comes the paranormal this might be a good way to find out. But I have to convince my mom first.

  • S04E20 The Haunted House Visit Part 1

    • October 2, 2011
    • YouTube

    Visiting the haunted house part 1. Nolan claims his Grandma's house is haunted. He also thinks that I am the Luiseach and since I am, it means I have specials powers with the paranormal. The biggest known power being that I can draw out the paranormal. So in an effort to prove that he's right Nolan has convinced us to go this haunted house, which has seen a little paranormal activity. He figures that if I'm there and there's a BIG difference in ghostly activity, like way more than usual, it will prove that I am the Luiseach. We shall see...

  • S04E21 The Haunted House Visit Part 2

    • October 3, 2011
    • YouTube

    After spending some time in the house Nolan agreed to tell us the story behind the history of this house. What he thinks is the reason behind the haunting. A gruesome story about a man who killed several innocent people, drug them into his house and used them to feed his gimp. starving wife. You wil have to listen to hear all the details. If this house isn't haunted, I don't know what would be. Talk about victims...

  • S04E22 The Haunted House Visit Part 3

    • October 4, 2011
    • YouTube

    After hearing Nolan's gross story I wasn't in the mood to hear much more from him so I left to the kitchen where my mom attempted to make me feel better and assure me there's no ghosts coming after me. But Nolan wasn't done yet. He came back into the kitchen and suddenly had the idea that since I could be the Luiseach it might not be harmless ghosts but the mass murderer who lived in this house that decides to come out tonight. I'm not happy about that.

  • S04E23 The Haunted House Visit Part 4

    • October 5, 2011
    • YouTube

    So here's our thought. people use Bloody Mary to call out ghosts and paranormal activity right? Kind of like the ouija board but the board is off limits. So we decided to do bloody mary to see if we might be able to call on the spirits in the house and see if anything paranormal would happen. Boy did it ever!

  • S04E24 The Haunted House Visit Part 5

    • October 6, 2011
    • YouTube

    Ghost footage - This is part 5 of our visit to the haunted house. It's by the most paranormal activity we've had since being at the house. After waiting around a bit and being bored I decided to explore the house. Nolan and Mom weren't up for it so I went alone. Not only did I see the ghost of Frederick again but I think Nolan was attacked by him.

  • S04E25 The Haunted House Visit Part 6

    • October 7, 2011
    • YouTube

    Nolan was upset but doing OK considering he was just choked by a ghost, or so it seemed. But obviously that was super creepy and mom wasn't having any of it. She wanted out as soon as possible. So her and Nolan argued a little bit but she got her way and we were going to leave the house with the hauntings but then the ghost appeared again.

  • S04E26 The Haunted House Visit Part 7

    • October 8, 2011
    • YouTube

    The haunted house visit part 7 is the craziest part of the whole night. I can't tell you too much because you just need to watch the video. I can tell you there was much more paranormal activity before the night was over and the ghost was definitely not done with us yet.

  • S04E27 Back from the Haunted House

    • October 11, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I just wanted to do a quick video about my reaction to the haunted house and the fact that Victoria is back which is awesome. What are your thoughts on the whole haunted house visit?

  • S04E28 I heard the ghost!

    • October 12, 2011
    • YouTube

    I just wanted to do a quick video about how I heard the ghost Anna talk to me the other day. I hadn't heard much from her in awhile but so hearing her again was kind of weird but it was really clear that she told me to be careful so that's kind of more disturbing. I think she's looking out for me but be careful of what?

  • S04E29 Crazy Paranormal Activity

    • October 14, 2011
    • YouTube

    Nolan came over to talk about the Haunting at his grandma's house but even more so, gloat that he was right about me being the Luiseach. Like I said before, he feels that because the paranormal activity was so strong that night because I was there. But when I ask him what we should do about he doesn't know. Just says that we should contact a paranormal expert. Yeah, that went well last time.

  • S04E30 What's wrong with Nolan?

    • October 19, 2011
    • YouTube

    Nolan left me a strange voicemail. I can't really tell you what's in it because you'd be better off just listening to it. But it's kind of disturbing. I don't know what the deal is but something is going on with him, clearly. He started acting a little more strange than normal ever since we left his grandma's house that night. What do you think about it?

  • S04E31 Halloween Special! Yay!

    • October 20, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I have a special announcement! I'm doing something super cool for a Halloween on Saturday, October 29th 2011 at Noon PST. Make sure you're there to see what happens! Woop woop!

  • S04E32 EMF Ghost Evidence Videos EVP Equipment

    • October 22, 2011
    • YouTube

    Ghost filmed: I was sitting at home, watching TV when I heard Anna, one of the ghosts in my house. She clearly has something to tell me about why she's here. She went away fro a little while and the paranormal activity calmed down but now she's back again. I haven't seen her ghost dad around at all anymore but Anna is definitely still here. We'll see what happens with the paranormal activity soon. Hey We found ghost EVP Equipment Here:

  • S04E33 Demon Possession test for Nolan

    • October 25, 2011
    • YouTube

    Demon Possession test for Nolan: Nolan came over to explain what the deal was behind his voicemail to me the other day and after listening to his explanation, which was weird to say the least, Mom had the idea to give him the possession test since we've been down that road before, hearing voices and all. And then he told us he hasn't been truthful with us.

  • S04E34 Nolan's Confusing Past

    • October 26, 2011
    • YouTube

    After Nolan tried to tell us about the voices in his head he had something to tell us about his past. Apparently he used to hear voices a lot and be able to see things that hadn't happened yet? I wasn't quiet sure but I think he had special paranormal abilities but his parents thought he was just sick and they took him into the hospital and he got really sick. and then I'm not sure. Watch the video and let me know what you think.

  • S04E35 Nolan is coming back over.

    • October 28, 2011
    • YouTube

    I just wanted to do a quick update on Nolan and the fact that he's bring over the Paranormal expert this weekend. He hasn't told me much about the paranormal expert but I just hope he's not like the last one, LeMaster, that guy was a joke.

  • S04E36 Paranormal Videos - Documentary

    • October 30, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I was waiting for Nolan to bring over the paranormal expert and witness when he burst through the door, freaking out. Saying he knew what the voices in his head were trying to tell him and that they meant the paranormal expert was out to hurt me. I don't know where this came from or why he acted this way because he was the one who contacted the paranormal expert. And then, he showed up...

  • S04E37 GHOST of Missing Person - Nolan Possessed By Demon?

    • October 31, 2011
    • YouTube

    Continued from the last video, Nolan was very upset or possessed?. We tried to calm him down and he did a little bit but the demon in him was very strong. Mom took the Paranormal expert, LeMaster, upstairs to show him my room while I stayed downstairs with Nolan. I wasn't expecting him to do what he did though and now I don't know what to do. I can't deny this any longer, there's something far more scary and freaky going on with me than just ghosts. I think this paranormal war is real. I'm scared.

  • S04E38 I'm so confused.

    • November 3, 2011
    • YouTube

    I'm so confused. Here are my thoughts on what happened the other night. Thank you for your support. I can't get a hold of Nolan. I don't know what to do.

  • S04E39 Returning to Haunted Warehouse

    • November 5, 2011
    • YouTube

    I decided to go back to the warehouse to see if anything was there and there was some people working on it but nothing creepy or unusual.

  • S04E40 Uncle Tommy The Protector?

    • November 6, 2011
    • YouTube

    Uncle Tommy is annoyed with the fact that we're still having to deal with the Paranormal so he decided he would come over and let us know his thoughts. Mom had a good point though, we don't seek it out really, it kind of just comes to us and I don't really think there's a lot Uncle Tommy can do about it.

  • S04E41 Ghostly Experience - Black Eyed Kids?

    • November 7, 2011
    • YouTube

    So this happened. It was really weird. At first I had a really weird feeling that something strange was going to happen and then it did. But I wasn't expecting this. So in this real paranormal video series Nolan just knocks on the door but he seems to be out of it, and he wanders into the house and then disappears. At least that's all I can describe it as, disappearing. But the crazy thing is, he appeared at the door again. I don't know what to think.

  • S04E42 Residual Haunting

    • November 8, 2011
    • YouTube

    I was just thinking about what happened last night with Nolan and I came across the idea of a residual haunting. What do you think?

  • S04E43 A letter with helpful information?

    • November 9, 2011
    • YouTube

    I got this letter in the mail. It's from a Mr. Tom Waters and he's telling me he can help me with the BEK situation. I'm not entirely sure what he means by all of that but he says he can help. He wants me to come visit him in Portland, Oregon which really isn't all that far from where I live. I don't know, what do you think?

  • S04E44 Back to Nolan's Grandma's House

    • November 10, 2011
    • YouTube

    Mom and I went back to Grandma's house to try and see if she might know where Nolan is. We were more than a little surprised by the response.

  • S04E45 INSANE Paranormal Activity

    • November 11, 2011
    • YouTube

    INSANE Paranormal Activity - This might be even crazier than what happened with Nolan and LeMaster. I'm pretty sure Nolan has a message for me and is trying to tell me but just isn't sure how to do it. At the beginning of the video I got another letter from Tom Waters asking me to come see him and talk with him about Black Eyed Kids and Nolan. He seems to think there's a connection with that paranormal phenomenon and everything else that's been going on. Given that Nolan's ghost (just a guess) has black eyes I feel like he might be right, that there is a connection with this paranormal activity and the ones urban legend of the Black Eyed Kids. So after the letter we went to bed and then something really crazy happened with Nolan.

  • S04E46 Paranormal Reality TV Show - Update

    • November 13, 2011
    • YouTube

    Please help sponser my paranormal reality show

  • S04E47 Getting it tested.

    • November 14, 2011
    • YouTube

    I took the brownish goo to a local college to get it tested to see what it is. Uncle Tommy is OK and I still can't get a hold of Nolan. It will be interesting to see what that brown/black goo is made out of. Where's Victoria... sigh.

  • S04E48 Ghost Documentary - Astral Projection

    • November 16, 2011
    • YouTube

    Uncle Tommy and I were hanging out and he had some stuff to tell me so Im sharing it in this ghost documentary. He's been doing some thinking and paranormal investigation on what is going on with Nolan and what he thought it might be. He told me about Astral projection and thought maybe Nolan is doing that. I thought maybe Nolan needs help and this is the only way he can tell us. Explore our paranormal investigation in this haunting clip!

  • S04E49 Communicating with Ghost Seance

    • November 17, 2011
    • YouTube

    Communicating with the ghost: We decided to see if we could talk (sayonce) with Anna through "knocking". It was something I read in a comment here on YouTube and I thought it would be a good idea. It didn't exactly lead to what I thought would happen but it was still a good idea. But now what the heck does it mean? Are there really 34 ghosts in my house? Are they just standing around waiting? I don't know.

  • S04E50 I'm doing the right thing to get more answers.

    • November 18, 2011
    • YouTube

    I was just thinking about all of this and what I should be doing and based on what has happend lately I feel better than ever that I'm doing the right thing and trying to make this movie and go see Tom Waters and learn about BEKs and what that has to do with Nolan.

  • S04E51 A Ghost Under The Stairs

    • November 22, 2011
    • YouTube

    I thought I heard a noise like usual from Anna so I went to go investigate and it wasn't Anna. I turned around to see Nolan's arm coming out from under the stairs. I finally got enough courage to run down the stairs and see if he was under the stairway...

  • S04E52 The Warehouse at 3:00 AM

    • November 25, 2011
    • YouTube

    Mom, Uncle Tommy and I went to the warehouse at 3:00 AM like the note said. As ghost hunters we don't really know with many haunted places what we expected to find there. We talked for awhile about whether it was a bad idea or not to go there and I finally convinced them that if we go together we will be able to keep each other safe. I wasn't expecting to find what we did at this haunted warehouse...

  • S04E53 Searching for Nolan in the Warehouse

    • November 26, 2011
    • YouTube

    Once inside the warehouse we began looking around for Nolan. Victoria was encouraging me to focus as if I could sense where he was but it wasn't working. I think she's trying to get me to develop my powers or something but I feel like I was totally failing at it. Then, without warning, a guy shows up and attacks us.

  • S04E54 Finding Nolan

    • November 27, 2011
    • YouTube

    This is the last video at the warehouse. Victoria was constantly telling me I needed to focus in order to find Nolan and we did. But soon Uncle Tommy disappeared. Victoria told me all sorts of stuff about me, my dad, and even stuff about Nolan and his near death experience. I don't know what to make of all of it.

  • S04E55 Evil Ghost Groundlings - Haunted Places

    • November 28, 2011
    • YouTube

    I just wanted to go over everything that happened at the warehouse. I've stopped trying to figure out what Victoria has planned for me or what she means by what she says (for the most part) so I just go with it. I don't know how she could have sent the photo to me weeks earlier and known that Nolan would end up there. Maybe she didn't send the photo but instead knew that I would go there and went to help me.

  • S04E56 Ghost Ectoplasm Forensics - Results!

    • November 30, 2011
    • YouTube

    So I got the results back from the college. If you remember I said I sent some of the stuff Uncle Tommy and Nolan spit up that one super creepy night into a local college to have them analyze the ghost forensics. Well the results are interesting. First off, no it didn't come back as ectoplasm. They laughed when I said it might be that. No they said it's mostly decomposed plant material. What do you think of that?

  • S04E57 Grave Encounter with Little Girl Ghost Caught on Tape AMAZING footage!

    • December 2, 2011
    • YouTube

    AMAZING grave encounters ghost footage caught of Anna, the ghost girl at my house. I couldn't believe she held still for so long. Her scream was crazy and scared me. I almost peed my pants! After that she was gone, vanished.

  • S04E58 Scary Cult Films Found - Shocking Satanic Worship Exposed!

    • December 2, 2011
    • YouTube

    My dogs dig around in the yard a lot. I hate it. They always have to be washed and they make the house a mess. And living in the Pacific NW it rains a lot which means they're in the mud a lot. But today I saw something different on Oscar, my small white dog. It was like mud but instantly struck me as the same stuff that Nolan and Uncle Tommy spit up. So I decided to go see where he got it on him. After some looking around the yard that's when I found the mysterious item, an old roll of 8mm film. Are the people on this film satan worshipers?

  • S04E59 CA Analysing The 8mm Cult Film Found in My Back Yard - Terrfiying!

    • December 3, 2011
    • YouTube

    Mom, Uncle Tommy and I look at the canister after I tell them where they find it. I don't really know what to do with it but whatever is on there I hope it's something good. Uncle Tommy then has a really good idea about getting it either developed or transfered to a DVD so we can watch it and see what's on there. So that's what we're going to do.

  • S04E60 Occult Film.

    • December 7, 2011
    • YouTube

    This is what was on the 8 mm occult film found buried in my back yard. I'm not happy about it. I don't know if I'll be doing anymore videos. Right now I might just be emotional about it but I feel like this has all gotten to be too much. I want to move.

  • S04E61 I've been on YouTube for ONE YEAR!

    • December 10, 2011
    • YouTube

    Happy one year to me! I just wanted to check in with you guys and tell you thanks for all the support over my first year! I'm sorry it has ended this way and I don't know exactly where the channel where take me next but I will keep doing videos about SOMETHING and I will be making the movie, yay! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

  • S04E62 Ghost Activity EVP of Girl Screaming and Crying

    • January 2, 2012
    • YouTube

    I told you guys that I heard ghost girl Anna crying. This video footage is amazing and sad at the same time. I left the camera rolling when I left the house and after going back through it this EVP is what I found. Anna is crying and screaming out to her Dad. I feel so bad for her.

Season 5

  • S05E01 I've had some time to think...

    • January 25, 2012

    I've had some time to think about the film, the one I found in my backyard, and I even watched it one more time. It's definitely Victoria in the film but like the rest of you I just have more questions than answers since finding it. What do you think?

  • S05E02 The Paranormal World of Sunshine

    • January 28, 2012

    I wanted to go over what we know so far and I was thinking what would be the best way to do that? And then it hit me. A chart! I mean, what's not cooler than a chart right? And my chart happens to be totally awesome. So on it I explain the paranormal world that I live in, the things that I know about so far. Notice I didn't touch on ghosts. Well they're the obvious one. I'm trying to cover some of the things that aren't so obvious. Hope you like it.

  • S05E03 Psychokinesis Ghosts Caught on Camera - Haunting Evidence

    • February 4, 2012

    So this happened. Victoria came back, she wants to know if I trust her. Do I? No. Of course not. Should I? What do you think? This is very interesting to do with maybe psychokinesis? See more ghosts caught on camera...

  • S05E04 Discussing Victoria's return.

    • February 9, 2012

    I'm not sure how we should feel about it. What do you think?

  • S05E05 Real Paranormal Activity - Ghost Girl Caught on Video Tape - EVP

    • February 11, 2012

    I had just gone to bed when I heard my mom screaming, calling out to me. You guys know how that goes because she's done it before. I was freaked out to go down stairs because I thought a ghost might jump out at me or something but I had to go. It was my mom after all right? Or was it? All I can say is I'm glad I keep my flip cam with me at all times. Stay tuned for real paranormal activity and more ghosts caught on tape, Spirits in the after live as we catch EVP and video evidence.

  • S05E06 Teen Vlog Series

    • February 13, 2012

    Mom and I sit down to talk about what happened with Victoria. in this paranormal reality talk show featuring Haunting of Sunshine Girl. Its all about spirits haunting our house and our ghost hunting series of mysteries.

  • S05E07 Discussing Occult Poltergeist and My Dad

    • February 15, 2012

    I try again to get some paranormal investigation answers out of my dad. Considering the whole cult thing and stuff it's hard for me to believe that he doesn't have something to do with at least some of the paranormal investigative events that have been happening at my house. Mom still doesn't think so.

  • S05E08 Haunting of Sunhine Updates

    • February 17, 2012

    Hey guys, it's been quiet at the house, which I can't complain about, so I thought I'd do a general update. Real paranormal videos posted over a course of one year and we love all of our fans. Enjoy this ghost reality show to determine if "You Believe" in ghosts!

  • S05E09 Strange Demonic Sounds 2012 - Erie Evil Screaming Noises

    • February 18, 2012

    I woke up to a strange demonic sound in my room, Erie evil screaming noises kind of like that one other time something like that happened. i was freaked out went to turn on the lights and they didn't work. Of course they didn't. So I grabbed my flashlight and saw something creepy. What happened next I didn't expect.

  • S05E10 Real Ghost Stories - Victoria's Haunted Poltergeist Activity Revealed

    • February 23, 2012

    I've been asking victoria to come over and discuss her real ghost story and she finally did. I need to know what she's not telling me, why she was in that old film with Anna, why she would do that to Anna. The truth is something I was not ready for in this ghost story. She dropped a bomb shell about Anna and her relationship to Anna and what she needs me to do in this paranormal mystery. I just keep getting deeper and deeper into these real ghost stories.

  • S05E11 CA Paranormal Witness to Ghostly Activity in House Nolan's Return

    • February 24, 2012

    SO paranormal witness Nolan is back to discuss his ghostly activity. He was finally able to come over so he gives me an update on why he's been gone and missing all the paranormal investigations and other fun stuff.

  • S05E12 Ghost Sounds Caught on Tape - Paranormal Activity - Spirit Sound EVP

    • February 25, 2012

    I was sitting, reading and I started to hear some noise upstairs and I ended up getting ghost sounds caught on tape. It seemed to get a little bit louder as I approached the upstairs, instead of going away. This ghost activity seems to be a little different than some of the older stuff. I asked if it was Anna but I don't think it was her. A different ghost maybe?

  • S05E13 Teen Ghost Hunters - Supernatural Activity Full Episodes - New Mentor?

    • February 26, 2012

    So victoria showed up with someone who claims to be my mentor, to help teach me about my paranormal skills. I'm not trying to be rude, I mean if Victoria says he's my mentor then he must be but he wasn't what I expected at all. First off he was super young but seemed ok as a teen ghost hunter. How can someone young be a mentor? Don't you have to acquire knowledge over time? And then on top of that he acted really fun in spirit, weird and nervous. I don't know. I don't like him already for a mentor but we will see. See the full supernatural episode!

  • S05E14 Real Ghost Caught on Tape - Poltergeist Activity - Spirits Haunting House

    • March 2, 2012

    Mom and I were sitting on the couch when all the sudden I heard a noise upstairs. I grabbed the camera and turned it on to catch a real ghost on tape and we went to go investigate. Then I was overcome by a weird feeling, like I knew what was going to happen. You'll just have to watch the video to see what I mean. What do you think?

  • S05E15 Ghost Spirit Calls from the Afterlife - Paranormal Poltergeist Calling

    • March 3, 2012

    So I got a weird ghostly phone call the other day from a paranormal stranger claiming to know my dad. I thought the stuff with dad had gone away. I haven't really been looking for him anymore these days. Could this be poltergeist activities? Ghost calls or just someone trying to bother?

  • S05E16 Ghost - Poltergeist Paranormal Activity Caught on Tape EVP

    • March 7, 2012

    Paranormal Activity caught on tape - I thought a heard a noise and then all the sudden the ghost started scratching at my door. Which obviously freaked me out but then after that things got really crazy. I don't think this is Anna and I think whatever ghost this is, they want me to notice them. What do you think? Real Ghost Videos?

  • S05E17 Ghost - Reviewing the last paranormal activity clip.

    • March 9, 2012

    So lots of you were commenting about the EVP in the last video and I went back and listened to it. It gives me chills just hearing it. What do you think? Do you think it's Anna's dad like you guys think it might be? Ghosts are so creepy.

  • S05E18 Ghost Stories Nolan's Dreams.

    • March 9, 2012

    Nolan came over this morning with something to tell me. He said that we was having a dream and there was a guy in it and he just knew that it was my dad. Seems to be a series or true paranormal mysteries. Paranormal ghost girl dreams and a dream that included My dad was with a demon on a leash and they said they were coming to get me or something like that. Nolan was very bothered by it and felt like it was almost real. I'm not sure what to think about it.

  • S05E19 DON'T WATCH! Scary ghost attack.

    • March 10, 2012

    DON'T WATCH! Scary ghost attack. You might not want to watch this. It will give you nightmares. This is by far some of the scariest ghost activity I've had to live through at this house. I don't know what's going on. That was a new ghost who showed herself to me and it was super freaky. I don't want to tell you everything that happens with the paranormal activity in this video because it's pretty much unexplainable. I will tell you though that you probably shouldn't watch it., it's too scary.

  • S05E20 Real Paranormal Activity

    • March 12, 2012

    So right after all that happened the other night, the first thing I did the next morning was call Uncle Tommy and see if he knew anything about what was going on. He said he was out of town. I think you guys are right, definitely a ghost or demon trying to trick me. And what do you think is the deal with the new ghost? Is that the one the Mentor sent over? Stranger turns indeed! Spirits from the afterlife? An attempted demonic possession? This is one for the teen vlog for sure! Keep watching for more ghost stories..

  • S05E21 Ghost - Paranormal Calling - Scary Phone Calls - Haunting Evidence

    • March 17, 2012

    I got yet another mysterious phone call this week but this time I picked it up. He said he knows my dad and I'm trusting the wrong people. Hmmm.... what do you think? Paranormal Truth? Or Haunting Evidence?

  • S05E22 Ghost - Lessons from my mentor

    • March 24, 2012

    My Mentor showed up again and again he told me I should stop making videos and focus on my training. I don't want to stop making videos so I don't think that's going to happen. Apparently he thinks I can transport myself across the room. I don't buy it.

  • S05E23 Strange Poltergeist Activity

    • March 30, 2012

    I thought a heard a weird noise downstairs. Or maybe I just sensed something was up but sure enough, something weird started happening right after that. First a glass broke downstairs but when I called out to my mom she was acting really weird too. So I went down stairs to go check it out and you're not going to believe what happened next. Is this a real paranormal video?

  • S05E24 Ghost - Update from last ghost video.

    • April 1, 2012

    Hey everyone, sorry it took me an extra day to get this video posted. I filmed it last night and didn't feel like going upstairs to post it. I'm sure you can understand. Anyway, I'm OK. Everyone came over to hang out and try to keep me safe. I just hope it doesn't get worse.

  • S05E25 Ghost - Weird thing happens when I try to practice transporting

    • April 13, 2012

    So this was weird. I was going to try and practice transporting like my mentor said I should. I was totally even buying it but he is my mentor and he does say I can have paranormal powers so i figured I would at least trying. Mom, Nolan and Tommy totally reacted weird. I still don't really even know what happened. Do you think I have paranormal powers?

  • S05E26 Demon possessed man bleeds from face!

    • April 14, 2012

    It didn't take that long for things to get bad again. I was home with Mom, Nolan, and Uncle Tommy and then suddenly I felt strange, like something bad was about to happen and it did. Suddenly Uncle Tommy got sick and had to run to the sink and spit up a bunch of stuff. The compost? Anyway, after that the ghost turned out the lights again and started moving furniture around. It didn't take long for things just to get worse and worse. Then the ghost suddenly pulls Nolan across the floor and toward her, it was so freaky. And you're not going to believe what happened next. Was Uncle Tommy bleeding? Was he possessed? Was that really even him? I don't know. My camera is dead. I will try to do an update when I can.

  • S05E27 Ghost - Update to last video

    • April 18, 2012

    My camera is still dead. I'm doing this on my computer as you can see. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know what happened AFTER the camera died the other night.

  • S05E28 Ghost - Victoria is ready for me to help Anna.

    • April 22, 2012

    Victoria stopped by and is ready for me to help Anna but it sounds like she wants to do another ritual and this one involves burning the house down! Which is obviously crazy. I didn't even know how to react when she said that. And then she told me I would have to walk Anna through to the afterlife which kind of sounds creepier than burning the house down. Something tells me Mom's totally not going to go for the house burning. LOL. Victoria said she'll be back so we'll see what happens.

  • S05E29 Evil spirit overtakes Nolan

    • April 27, 2012

    Evil spirit overtakes Nolan: Or at least that's what I'm guessing happened. The next bit of info is that it's confirmed, I'm moving. Well, mom and I are. I don't know exactly when yet but I'm pretty sure it's coming soon. I don't know what that means for all of this paranormal stuff. Do you think the ghosts will stop visiting me? Lastly, OH MY GOSH! What is up with Nolan? In the middle of doing this video he totally lost it? Was that him? Was that an evil spirit? What about that ghost behind him, the freaky one who has been visiting me more lately? Do you think she was controlling him or he was part of the mentor's plan? So many questions. One thing I know for sure now though, the paranormal activity has definitely not died down.

  • S05E30 Ghost - Sunshine captures ghost and gets a visit from Victoria

    • May 4, 2012

    This video is a collection of several videos I filmed over the week. First, I hear some ghost noises and before long I capture a ghost on tape. The creepy thing is it was right behind me and I didn't even know it. The next thing that happened is I asked Mom to tell us where we're moving to but she wouldn't do that. Then Victoria just showed up but this time something was up. She was acting like she didn't even know me. When I called out her name then she came in to talk to me. She basically told me everything that I've been going through has been a lie, what she told me was a lie. That I'm not a Luiseach. It kind of made me sad. But then I started thinking....

  • S05E31 Ghost - Nolan returns to say goodbye

    • May 11, 2012

    So Nolan came back. I hadn't seen him for like 2 weeks and he was back, wanting to explain himself. Unfortunately he couldn't. In fact, I don't even know if he was teling the truth. He did say some interesting things though. Basically most of what he's told us over the last year has been a lie. He's not who he says he is. He was sent here by the Markon's to get me I guess but at some point he changed his mind. I guess he wanted the paranormal power. I don't know if he'll ever be in another one of the videos again, that's for sure!

  • S05E32 Ghost - Goodbye Anna - Leaving the ghost behind

    • May 18, 2012

    Mom, Uncle Tommy and I were sitting on the couch talking about and we thought we should try and talk to Anna one more time. I really just wanted to tell her goodbye and that I was sorry that it didn't work with me helping her. I don't even know if the ghost is still around but I thought I would try and say something to her.

  • S05E33 Ghost - Sunshine's last video at this haunted house

    • May 25, 2012

    I can't believe we're moving.... but we are! And we're not moving that close. So what does that mean for everything? I haven't talked to Nolan, he doesn't know where we'll be. I don't think the paranormal activity will follow me there but will there be new paranormal activity? You will just have to stayed tuned to see what happens next. Heck, we'll all have to stay tuned because I have no idea what adventures I'll have next or who they'll be with. The one thing I do know is they'll be awesome. Stay tuned!

Season 6

  • S06E01 Ghost - Caught on camera? On the road with Haunted Sunshine Girl

    • June 3, 2012

    So my mom and I are off on another road trip. We've moved out of the haunted house (Bye Anna!) and we're ready for a life without ghosts for awhile! Although in my heart I know that I'll always have ghosts in my life, some not so nice, some nice like Anna. But I think I'm OK going on a trip with no ghosts for a little while in this "Cabin in the Woods"! It should be fun!

  • S06E02 Ghost - Paranormal Activity in Creepy Cabin in woods?

    • June 3, 2012

    Once we arrived we started looking around of course. The cabin has a lot of charm with things everywhere! What do you think of the cabin? I was doubting there would be ghosts and then we get a door slam? Paranormal activity or just the wind?

  • S06E03 Ghost - Sighting in creepy cabin

    • June 6, 2012

    Ghost sighting in creepy cabin: My mom and I haven't been here that long I think I already captured a ghost on camera. I didn't even notice it at the time but that can't just be a reflection of a painting or picture can it? That's creepy. What do you think?

  • S06E04 Ghost - Unknown visitor in creepy cabin in the woods!

    • June 8, 2012

    So my mom and I were hanging out for awhile on our little trip and we were playing a game when she decided to film me when I was laughing to make fun of me I guess. I refused to let that happen, LOL. After that though is when the weird thing happened. I totally wanted to tell you about a muffin recipe I used when all the sudden the doorbell rang at the house. The weird thing no one was there. What's up with that?

  • S06E05 Ghost - Following ghost sounds in the creepy cabin

    • June 11, 2012

    This is a continuation of the previous video. I was baking my muffins and then I suddenly heard a sound upstairs. Mom refused to go investigate with me because she just wants to ignore the paranormal activity going on in the creepy cabin. So it was up to me to go up there. What happened next really surprised me. There's definitely something paranormal in this cabin... or mom's pranking me. Watch the video and you decide.

  • S06E06 Ghost - Hearing sounds in the creepy cabin

    • June 15, 2012

    Mom got tired on me really quickly. So she wanted to bed like a big baby, or a tired person. Whatever. So I stayed up for a bit reading and that didn't lead to the best thing. I heard a sound outside, something not human... I don't think. So I went outside to look.

  • S06E07 Creepy Ghost Footage captured

    • June 16, 2012

    So I went outside, looking for what made the noise I heard. It probably wasn't very smart because what if it wasn't something Paranormal and instead some creeper in the woods or something? I don't know. Anyway, it wasn't some creeper. As soon as I got out there I started sense that there was something paranormal, ghostly out there. I didn't see it at the time but I captured some footage. Can you see it?

  • S06E08 Ghost - Creepy Ghost Footage captured continued.

    • June 21, 2012

    This is the continuation of my previous video of me looking for what made the noise outside. Even though I think I captured a spirit in the last video I didn't realize it at the time. Anyway, mom wanted to know what I was doing outside obviously. Then I went to bed but couldn't shake the feeling that there was something out there. Now I know why...

  • S06E09 Ghost - First Morning in the Creepy Cabin

    • June 22, 2012

    It's the morning at the cabin. Mom and I talk about why I went outside last night and what I thought I heard. She didn't really like me going outside like that but I couldn't help but think that I heard something that wasn't normal. Like I was supposed to be out there.

  • S06E10 Ghost - Creepy secrets of the guestbook

    • June 23, 2012

    So this was interesting. I was looking through the guestbook at the cabin and I came across an oddly specific note on one of the pages. Whoever wrote it said that they think the cabin is haunted by a little boy who want's his dog rex back. Weird huh? What do you think of this?

  • S06E11 Ghost - Looking for the ghost in the creepy cabin.

    • June 27, 2012

    I decided to look around the cabin a little bit more about see what kind of evidence I could find about the ghost boy and Rex? First thing I noticed was the dollhouse was suddenly organized, but by who? Or what for that matter. Then, the next thing I noticed was the weird cabinet door leading to the attic was open. Which was totally weird. Do you think the ghost is trying to tell me something? I don't know.

  • S06E12 Ghost - A break to ask you a question

    • June 29, 2012

    So my mom and I were wondering....

  • S06E13 Ghost - Ghost writes on mirror

    • July 6, 2012

    So I was taking a shower and when I got out there was writing on the mirror. Mom says she didn't do it, that the ghost did it. It says Rex, the name of the ghosts missing dog right? I don't know what to think. A ghost that writes on the mirror? First he wrote on the flour and now the mirror or is Mom playing a trick on me? She did pick this house. Do you think she's just doing this for YouTube views?

  • S06E14 Ghost - Ghost footage captured on video!

    • July 7, 2012

    I left the camera running over night to see if I could capture some ghost footage on film and to my surprise I did. The ghost wasn't there long but it was definitely there! And you can totally see that it's a ghost boy! What do you think?

  • S06E15 Ghost - Gone in a flash! Ghost captured on video!

    • July 12, 2012

    Mom and I were talking about the footage we caught last night when we left the camera up. You can clearly see the ghost boy in it which is creepy. And then I was shooting this and there he is again! In the reflection of the TV!

  • S06E16 Ghost - We go looking for the ghost and find something interesting

    • July 13, 2012

    Mom and I go looking for the ghost and find something rather interesting. It took me a while to get it out of the ground but I finally got it. What do you think will be in there? Do you think it belonged to the ghost?

  • S06E17 Ghost - Opening the mysterious box

    • July 14, 2012

    OK, we brought the box (or tin) inside the house and were pondering about what to do? Should we open it? We decided to open it and see what was inside. I was really hoping that it wasn't a dead dog or dog skeleton. Luckily it wasn't. The crazy thing? The ghost then knocked the box off the table, scaring the crap out of us!

  • S06E18 Ghost - How to deal with the ghost

    • July 18, 2012

    Mom and I decide how best to deal with the ghost.

  • S06E19 Ghost - Getting away from the ghost a bit

    • July 19, 2012

    We get out of the house for the afternoon and see if the dog will be gone when we get back. Mom and I talk about the trip so far and even give a few shout outs. Woop!

  • S06E20 Ghost - Returning to the ghost...

    • July 20, 2012

    So after being out a bit we came back to the cabin in the wood to see what happened with the ghost's dog and it seemed to be gone. But is that the end of the story?

  • S06E21 Ghost - It's not over....

    • July 21, 2012

    After being back for awhile and thinking that the ghost has taken his dog I make a shocking discovery. A discovery I don't think will help me sleep well at all tonight.

  • S06E22 Ghost - Why do ghosts like the dark so much? Seriously.

    • July 26, 2012

    Why are we sitting in the dark? Oh, yeah because the power went out. What is it with ghosts and the dark? Why do they hate electricity so much? Check out what happened when we tried to give Rex the dog back to the little boy ghost...

  • S06E23 Ghost - The GHOST TOUCHED ME! AHHHHHH!!!

    • July 27, 2012

    With the power out and the little boy ghost apparently really wanting his dog back, I put my big girl pants on and get brave...sort of.

  • S06E24 Ghost - The morning after our ghostly encounter!

    • July 28, 2012

    After the adventures from the night before with the ghost turning the power out and grabbing my hand, I try to talk to the little ghost...

  • S06E25 Ghost - Saying goodbye to our ghost and The Cabin in the Woods

    • July 29, 2012

    Well this adventure has been fun but it is time to say goodbye to our cozy little Cabin in the Woods and go home to our new house. Thanks for joining us on this adventure!

Season 7

Season 8

  • S08E01 Breaking the rules

    • September 7, 2012

    I'm filming this at home and I'm not supposed to but I just had to tell you about the dream I had.

  • S08E02 I can't get the haunted dream out of my mind.

    • September 11, 2012

    I can't get the haunted dream out of my mind. Or what is it even a dream. Do you think Anna found me and is trying to tell me something? Even though she's a ghost I don't think she's gone. Or maybe I'm just thinking about her lately and that's why she popped up into my dream. Although i haven't been thinking about her at all. Or at least I don't think I have. What do you think?

  • S08E03 Freaking out. Just saw Creepy Lady!

    • September 13, 2012

    Ok, i'm freaking out. I swear I just saw creepy lady. If you don't know who creepy lady is, Victoria, I'll put a link at the end of the video. Point is she shouldn't be here. I didn't even know she was still alive let alone outside of my house. And I swear it's not my imagination! I saw her! And then of course I get busted for filming in the house.

  • S08E04 Ghost slams door

    • September 14, 2012

    I feel like this is deja vu. This is how it started before. The ghost slamming the door. Now, here at the new place here it is again. I was home a lone last night and I heard the door slam twice. It couldn't be the wind. So I grabbed my camera and started filming. The ghost wasn't done. There was another door slam and I headed up the stairs to see what I could find. THis house is just as creepy as the last. Or at least I'm starting to feel that way. Do you think this is Anna trying to tell me something or something else?

  • S08E05 Convincing mom there are GHOSTS!!!

    • September 18, 2012

    I'm trying to sell Mom on the idea of filming at the house again. She doesn't love the idea but I think it's essential. Even if life can be a little more peaceful without filming I feel like I'm letting you guys down by not filming here and especially since there seems to be a little bit of a pickup in the ghost activity. So this video is me trying to convince mom that I should be allowed to film in the house and try and catch the ghost on camera.

  • S08E06 SCARY! Ghost Voices!

    • September 21, 2012

    SCARY! Ghost Voices! Last night I couldn't sleep. I felt like something bad was going to happen so I got up and went down stairs. As you know, the paranormal activity seems to be returning at my house. It's been small stuff fo far but this is just different. After talking to mom for a second I started to hear something scary. I couldn't tell what it was at first and then it started to sound like a voice. Like talking. A ghost voice coming from the ceiling vent. What am I supposed to make of that and was it saying? Do you have any ideas? Do you think this is happening because it's getting closer to Halloween?

  • S08E07 Is it me who's haunted?

    • September 22, 2012

    Mom has a theory. A theory a lot like many of you. During the night she was thinking that maybe it's not the house that's haunted but actually me who's haunted? What do you think about this?

  • S08E08 Ghost talks and moves object

    • September 28, 2012

    Ghost talks and moves object: Mom and I were sitting on the couch watching TV and we started hearing the ghost voice again from the vent. It's unbelievably creepy to hear that voice coming from the vent. And it's definitely a voice, not just some weird sound. Do you think it's the ghost? Or something else? A demon? I don't know. And what's it saying. Some people have said it sounds like a different language. Do you have any thoughts on that?

  • S08E09 Horrible dream about ghost girl Anna

    • October 4, 2012

    I had a terrible dream last night about the little girl ghost, Anna that lived at my old house. I haven't even thought much about her lately...

  • S08E10 Creepy Lady is back

    • October 11, 2012

    I heard the odd chanting ghost again last night. So I went to investigate. And the one thing I thought would never happen again...Victoria showed up. Through a locked door. I think she told me it's time to get rid of the ghost. But how? And why is Victoria back?

  • S08E11 Calling Victoria (but not on a phone)

    • October 13, 2012

    Obviously I needed to talk to Victoria... Here is what happened.

  • S08E12 Nolan's Haunted (?) Apartment

    • October 16, 2012

    I went to visit Nolan in his new apartment and a strange thing happened...

  • S08E13 I don't attract ghosts ... do I?

    • October 18, 2012

    I stopped by Nolan's to prove I am not a ghost-magnet. Here is what happened.

  • S08E14 DON'T WATCH!!!! Terrifying Ghost Attack!

    • October 21, 2012

    The "chanting" ghost hasn't been very active other than the occasional sounds I have played for you all....until last night. I think Victoria is right, it IS time for this ghost to go!

  • S08E15 An update after our Buffy "Hush" adventure ...

    • October 22, 2012

    I know that last video really freaked a lot of you out... it did us too! After I reviewed the footage all I could think of was that old Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode Hush. Anyway, mom is fine and IF she was possessed, she sure isn't now- she totally is making me do chores.

  • S08E16 The Latin Ghost

    • October 26, 2012

    I had some success in my research... here is what I discovered.

  • S08E17 Strange Haunted House Event

    • October 27, 2012

    A very strange thing happened while I was at a haunted house last night...

Season 9

Season 10

  • S10E01 It's time to FOCUS!

    • March 5, 2013

  • S10E02 DON'T WATCH! - Real ghost haunting!

    • March 8, 2013

    I have been dealing with this ghost haunting for a long time now. I hear noises, doors slam, I see ghosts, all sorts of things. It's really scary to live in a haunted house like this and I don't think people really know what paranormal activity is like.

  • S10E03 Paranormal Activity in my house

    • March 9, 2013

    Mom woke me up out of bed to tell me that she heard something downstairs. Of course with all the ghost stuff in our house and the possibility that it wasn't a ghost, mom didn't want to go check it out on her own. So we headed down stairs to see if the paranormal activity was picking up again. It didn't take long for us to find Anna and then my mom freaked. Watch the video.

  • S10E04 Ghost intervention

    • March 10, 2013

    Mom and Uncle Tommy decide to have a talk with me about the ghosts and Anna and all that jazz. It surprised me to hear them say that they thought Anna was bad. I feel like all she's ever done is helped me... well, other than scare me. What are your thoughts? Comment below!

  • S10E05 Strange things happen at night

    • March 14, 2013

    Uncle Tommy just wandered into my room in the middle of the night and started talking, mumbling really about how Anna wants him gone and how he should leave and all that stuff. Then he just got up and left. What do you think of that?

  • S10E06 Uncle Tommy is gone

    • March 15, 2013

    Uncle Tommy is gone. In the last video he got up and left in a hurry in the middle of the night and now he's gone. What do you guys think is going on?

  • S10E07 Paranormal Activity

    • March 16, 2013

    More paranormal activity at my house. Mom and I were just siting in the living room one night and then this stuff started to happen. It was too freaky. The ghost activity is definitely picking up.

  • S10E08 Scary ghost encounter

    • March 22, 2013

    Scary ghost encounter - Well the day I feared has arrived and I don't know what to do. Not only has the the ghost activity gotten stronger at my house again but this happened. I don't want to put it in the description, just check it out. It's horrifying. I don't know what to do. I hate this guy...

  • S10E09 Anna's Dad is back

    • March 23, 2013

    So mom and I talk about what happened last night. Anna's Dad is back. This isn't good.

  • S10E10 NEWS: Paranormal Activity house

    • March 29, 2013

  • S10E11 Mom and I discuss missing Uncle Tommy

    • April 3, 2013

    Mom and I talk a little bit about Uncle Tommy. And where he could possibly be. My Etsy link is below in case you were wondering.

  • S10E12 Visiting REAL Life Paranormal Activity House - Part 1

    • April 7, 2013

    So I go to Visit Jamie at the real life paranormal activity house. They are the couple that had the issue with the ghost and the ghost baby cries. Anyway, we talk about me coming back to visit.

  • S10E13 Visiting REAL Life Paranormal Activity House - Part 2

    • April 9, 2013

    I'm back at the house now to hang out for awhile and see if I can figure out what's going on with this poor couple. It's a shame what they had to deal with and I was happy to go and try to help them What I do discover though will shock you.

  • S10E14 Visiting REAL Life Paranormal Activity House - Part 3

    • April 10, 2013

    It didn't take long for the paranormal activity to start. In this video a door opens and slams without any explanation but what's even harder is the fact that Jamie and Patrick seem to be having a very hard time and I don't know how to help them. I mean I barely know anything about the paranormal and that come naturally to me. I really don't know anything about marriage counseling.

  • S10E15 Visiting REAL Life Paranormal Activity House - Part 4

    • April 12, 2013

    Jamie and Patrick have a serious breakdown.

  • S10E16 Visiting REAL Life Paranormal Activity House - Part 5

    • April 13, 2013

    I think Jamie and Patrick have some secrets about the paranormal activity in this house. Jamie reveals one of them but I think there's more.

  • S10E17 Visiting REAL Life Paranormal Activity House - Part 6

    • April 16, 2013

    Ok now this is creepy. The baby starts crying again, but they have no baby, and then I swear to god we see the witch lady that they're so afraid of. It's only for a second but we see it and it creeps me out!

  • S10E18 Visiting REAL Life Paranormal Activity House - Part 7

    • April 18, 2013

    Ahhh! Scary! The witch ghost is getting even stronger and she's coming closer to us. I think she's coming to get us. I don't like this at all. I won't be able to sleep tonight.

  • S10E19 Visiting REAL Life Paranormal Activity House - Part 8

    • April 19, 2013

    Ok now things have really gone crazy! Patrick is acting super weird, Jamie has gone missing and then you will not believe what Patrick says to me at the end of this video!

  • S10E20 Visiting REAL Life Paranormal Activity House - Part 9

    • April 20, 2013

    My last video from this house. It was all building to this and I didn't know. I didn't have any of my friends or my mum with me and that's when they decided to attack me. I guess I should have know that. Watch and see what happens!

  • S10E21 What happened at the Real Paranormal Activity House?

    • April 28, 2013

    So I take a minute to talk about it. What do you guys think that was all about? They were obviously there to trick me but what was there plan? I mean they couldn't really do anything to me? What do you think?

  • S10E22 Nolan wants something

    • May 1, 2013

    Nolan just popped over to say hi. Well, not really. He actually wanted something else. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he's back but I'm not sure I want him spending the night. We'll see what happens. He's afraid of his ghost.

  • S10E23 DON'T WATCH! Evil ghost presence captured on video!

    • May 4, 2013

    DON'T WATCH! Evil ghost presence captured on video! This is crazy what happened and I just know this ghost is evil, I can just tell. And it's coming after me. Season 10, episode #23

  • S10E24 Nolan reacts the morning after the last video

    • May 5, 2013

    Nolan has some interesting thoughts about the paranormal world and what happened last night.

  • S10E25 A mysterious ghost recording

    • May 8, 2013

    So I got this video from a guy named Marc who accidentally recorded what he thinks is a ghost. What do you think is going on?

  • S10E26 VIOLENT INTRUDER in real life

    • May 11, 2013

    Woken up in the middle of the night with a strange feeling I went downstairs to find out if something was going on. Boy was it ever. First something crazy happened and I looked down at my hand and there was blood there but then things got really crazy you'll just have to watch to see.

  • S10E27 Follow up to violent intruder video (last night's video)

    • May 12, 2013

    So I felt like I should do a follow up of last nights video.

  • S10E28 What next?

    • May 15, 2013

    So Nolan and I are going to Mark's house to check out the audio recording he got and see what is going on at his house. What will we find? Hopefully not a Markon or Groundling.

  • S10E29 Ghost Audio Recording

    • June 2, 2013

    So we've arrived at Marc's house to check out the ghost recording he sent me and immediately Nolan is being a goof. I wonder what will happen next? He's a hint... ghosts :-)

  • S10E30 EVP Captured!

    • June 4, 2013

    Well it didn't take long for the ghost to show up. Marc was recording when Nolan got in the booth and was goofing off. So then this happened. A very clear EVP. Should I go in the booth? Marc said the recording is way more clear then when I wasn't here. For some reason that doesn't surprise me.

  • S10E31 Recording ghost sounds?

    • June 5, 2013

    OK, the ghost was totally messing with my camera guy's audio equipment on this video. I think the ghost was trying to communicate with us that way. It's only about 30 seconds before the audio cuts back in. Keep watching!

  • S10E32 Real life EVP in sound booth

    • June 8, 2013

    I go back into the recording booth to see if I can get some answers and boy do I ever. Now that I'm here this ghost really knows how to communicate. What should I ask her next? \\

  • S10E33 Real ghost sounds in the ceiling!

    • June 9, 2013

    First Marc disappeared and then we started hearing weird sounds. What is going on?

  • S10E34 Paranormal Evidence

    • June 11, 2013

    So Marc has come back but he doesn't like the ghost evidence that we've uncovered and wants us to leave. The only problem? He disappears again. What is going on?

  • S10E35 CRAZY! Ghost footage

    • June 12, 2013

    WOW! What is going on here? More sounds, Marc is still gone, I'm locked in the sound booth with creepy Samantah ghost and then there's a sighting of myself as a ghost? Unnerving for sure!

  • S10E36 The ghost of a dead man appears

    • June 15, 2013

    This is the last video we made at Marc's house and you won't believe what happened.

  • S10E37 Mom freaking out about Dad calling

    • June 16, 2013

    No sooner do I get back from dropping Nolan off after our adventure at Marc's then Mom wants to leave again. This definitely has to do with Dad.

  • S10E38 Trying to get info from Mom

    • July 23, 2013

    I'm trying to get mom to spill her guts about the phone call but it's not working very well. If you don't remember she said Dad called and whisked away to the cabin in fear that he was coming. And now she doesn't want to talk about it. Sketch.

  • S10E39 Pondering the ghost similarities

    • July 26, 2013

    Pondering the ghost similarities. So this video is about the two different ghosts that I've seen recently that look similar. What do you think?

  • S10E40 Ghost caught in mirror

    • July 27, 2013

    The ghost appears in the mirror and then when I turn to look and see him you won't believe what happened.

  • S10E41 Pondering the underworld

    • July 30, 2013

    So what is going on with the ghosts? Who is this new ghost? Is he even a ghost? My thoughts.

  • S10E42 Nolan's apartment has a ghost?

    • August 2, 2013

    So I guess Nolan doesn't want me over for a reason in his spiffy, pre-furnished, old lady apartment. He thinks I'll bring a ghost with me.

  • S10E43 Nolan has a few things he'd like to say

    • August 3, 2013

    Nolan decided to make his own video with his own thoughts.. Who would have guessed.

  • S10E44 Alright Mom, Spill it!

    • August 4, 2013

    Nolan and I try again to explain the story behind my dad. It doesn't go as well as we hoped.

  • S10E45 Ghost at Nolan's

    • August 9, 2013

    Nolan comes over in a panic, saying there's a man... ghost, in his house. At first I kind of don't believe him but boy was I ever wrong.

  • S10E46 Who's house is the ghost in?

    • August 10, 2013

    This is weird, on the same night Nolan and I both woke up in our own houses thinking something was going on... but only one of us saw the ghost and it was creepy.

  • S10E47 Victoria saves the day

    • August 11, 2013

    Victoria comes by to fill us in on what's going on... but really she just makes things sound scarier!

  • S10E48 We ask mom more after talking to Victoria

    • August 14, 2013

    I recorded this video with mom and Victoria's last visit. I was trying to get more info from mom after he talked about Dad taking me.

  • S10E49 Victoria is back again

    • August 16, 2013

    Victoria comes back to tell us more about what is going on with my dad.

  • S10E50 I move an object just by thinking

    • August 16, 2013

    I move an object, just by thinking, or at least I think that's what happened. What do you think?

  • S10E51 Ghost enters the house VIOLENTLY!

    • August 17, 2013

    So we were hanging about and this weirdness happened. First the knock... then, well just watch.

  • S10E52 Victoria tells us who is after me

    • August 18, 2013

    Victoria comes back and she really feels us in on what's going on. Now I'm getting even more scared.


    • August 21, 2013

    The hunter is making his move, getting closer and closer. I'm not sure what to do.


    • August 23, 2013

    Things are getting serious and I'm at a lost, first we lose Victoria and then this happens! ACK!

  • S10E55 Nolan is missing, I am going to his place

    • August 24, 2013

    Nolan is missing and I'm worried about him. I'm not sure what's the best option here. We decide to go to his place.

  • S10E56 I am attacked

    • August 24, 2013

    I don't have anything else to say about this. I am sorry. After a lot of thought I decided to keep making videos.

  • S10E57 I will keep going...

    • August 30, 2013

    Ok, so after a lot of thought, and even though Uncle Tommy, my Mom, and others encouraged me to stop I decided to keep going. I've been through worse right? I just needed a little bit of time. Thanks for your support! Now... I've got to find Nolan again.

  • S10E58 Victoria needs me to train...

    • August 31, 2013

    Victoria stopped by and talked to me. There's no time to waste. We're headed to a house to go train.

  • S10E59 Victoria takes me to the house for Training

    • September 6, 2013

    We arrive at the house and right away it looks familiar to me. What's going on? And then Victoria tells me that they worked with Nolan here before. Is that why he brought us here?

  • S10E60 Ghost spotted in Training house

    • September 7, 2013

    So Victoria isn't being much help so I'm going to take a look around and see what happens. Something definitely happens...

  • S10E61 Ghost heard in training house

    • September 8, 2013

    Victoria explains more, tells me why I'm here and what I need to do... which is interesting, I'm not sure I know how to do it. Dealing with this ghost should be interesting.

  • S10E62 Ghost attacks us in training house

    • September 10, 2013

    Holy Crap! The ghost comes right after me and I kind of freak out! I was not expecting it to be so aggressive! Victoria is not pleased with my reaction!

  • S10E63 Ghost attacks Woman

    • September 13, 2013

    This just keeps getting crazier! Now the ghost just goes straight after Victoria! This ghost is obviously strong and I'm not sure how to deal with it.

  • S10E64 Girl scares off ghost!

    • September 14, 2013

    So how does it wrap up at the training house? Well, I did what Victoria told me to do and I tried to stand up to the ghost. Look what happened. I guess she was right...

  • S10E65 Nolan finally called last night and now I'm here...

    • September 17, 2013

    So check out this voicemail from Nolan that he left me LATE last night. I didn't hear it until I woke up but it sounds pretty cryptic... Like Nolan gets sometimes.

  • S10E66 Looking for Nolan and I found Victoria

    • September 20, 2013

    Checking out the park it didn't take long before I realized something was up, Victoria showed up. But will I find Nolan?

  • S10E67 Nolan appears and he's acting weird again!

    • September 21, 2013

    After I left Victoria I kept looking for Nolan, I mean he did say meet in the usual spot right? So he must have some idea of where that is even if I don't. After awhile I find him. And we don't have a usual spot in the park, no matter what he says I swear.

  • S10E68 Victoria says some weird things

    • September 24, 2013

    So after Nolan runs off, I talk to Victoria about what he said... wait until you hear what she says.

  • S10E69 So Nolan brings back the info on Dad

    • September 27, 2013

    Nolan comes back and he's got the info on how I can find my dad. But it's not what I was expecting. And I'm not sure if I should trust him. What do you think?

  • S10E70 Victoria gives me one last piece of advice

    • October 1, 2013

    So it's come down to this, Victoria tells me not to trust Nolan, Nolan tells me not to trust Victoria yet they're both telling me to do the same thing. Should I not trust both of them?

  • S10E71 Reacting to the Ghost sounds and what are those numbers?

    • October 4, 2013

    OK, so now that I've a moment to consider what Nolan was telling me at the park I had to make a video about it. What do you guys think?

  • S10E72 Is that a Demon at my door?

    • October 5, 2013

    HOLY CRAP! Look what happened when Nolan showed up at my house today. What's going on with this? Was that even Nolan? What do you think?

  • S10E73 Ghost man in my house!

    • October 11, 2013

    So I'm looking up the numbers Nolan gave me as GPS coordinates then I hear something. The Hunter is after me. Can you hear the EVP?

  • S10E74 Following the GPS coordinates?

    • October 12, 2013

    So yeah, you know those numbers that Nolan gave me. If they are GPS coordinates then they take me about 3 hours away from where I live. Now I need to convince mom and Uncle Tommy that it's a good idea we go!

  • S10E75 Nolan wants to go NOW!

    • October 20, 2013

    So Nolan came over and he wants to go follow the GPS coordinates right NOW so I guess we're going! Stay tuned!

  • S10E76 Off we go!

    • October 20, 2013

    So we're headed out of the house, despite what my mom and Uncle Tommy said but look what happened as we left! Do you think I'll find my dad?

  • S10E77 Nolan is NOT a good road tripper!

    • October 21, 2013

    We're on our way and Nolan is not taking the drive well. What do you think we'll find out there?

  • S10E78 What's in this abandoned building?

    • October 21, 2013

    The mystery continues as we get closer to the GPS coordinates. We figured out we have to travel down this path to get closer to the exact number.

  • S10E79 We find something creepy!

    • October 22, 2013

    WOW! Check out this building! What do you think? We figured out it's an abandoned power plant. But even creepier than that is what we found....

  • S10E80 Who is this man watching us?

    • October 22, 2013

    So Uncle Tommy thought he saw someone watching us from the top of the waterfall, right after we found the note that said "I can see you" so that was kind of freaky. We decide to climb up and see if we can find him and boy do we ever...

  • S10E81 What the heck are we doing???

    • October 23, 2013

    Ok I'm starting to think this was a really bad idea! I can't believe we're even doing this! We find a note on a jeep just waiting for us. In the moment I don't think we took the time to consider it we just figured it would be OK....

  • S10E82 Going deeper and deeper into the woods

    • October 24, 2013

    Things are getting worse and worse. These men obviously have a plan for us and I'm scared to find out what it will be...

  • S10E83 They stole our jeep!

    • October 24, 2013

    What do we do now? I don't even know what to say. I'm worried about how this will end. I feel like it's a set up.

  • S10E84 The end is near. My Dad reveals himself

    • October 25, 2013

    So my dad has revealed himself sort of. I can't believe he's dead. Or maybe I'm not shocked. Honestly I'm just upset about how this adventure ends. This is the worst possible ending I could have imagined. Side note, since my dad is dead he can apparently inhabit people's bodies. Next video is the last of this adventure.


    • October 25, 2013

    Nooooooooooo! I didn't mean for it to end this way!

  • S10E86 Nolan back from the dead? A letter from Nolan

    • October 26, 2013

    No, I don't think he's back from the dead. But somehow he got me this letter. It's comforting. Here's what it said: "Dear Paige, Thank you for the time we spent together. I want you to know that even thought I won't be around anymore I always knew that might be a risk. But rest assured, your light has helped me move to a better place. I may not be here in physical form but I will always be watching over you. I'm glad I was able to help save you from your father. He will never bother you again. Be safe, be strong. With love, Nolan P.S. I was wrong about the paranormal realm, there's plenty of good over here and you've definitely got their attention. Good work champ :-)"

Season 11

  • S11E01 So What's Going On?

    • December 13, 2013

    You guys have questions and I have answers.

  • S11E02 Well it figures... Talk about a ghost, see a ghost

    • December 20, 2013

    Well it figures... Talk about a ghost, see a ghost

  • S11E03 The Shadowy Figure Spotted

    • December 21, 2013

    Now the question will be... catching this new.. "thing" on camera. Any tips? I feel like I'm dealing with something different here. One person even said a shadow person. Hmm.

  • S11E04 Something wakes me up in the middle of the night

    • December 28, 2013

    So now I'm getting woken up in the middle of the night again. Great. What's next?

  • S11E05 Girl Spots Ghost & Video Captures it's Voice

    • January 15, 2014

    Be prepared for this one. I didn't hear it when we filmed the video but I heard it after. What do you think it's saying? Girl Spots Ghost and Video Captures it's Voice

  • S11E06 Taking another look at the last clip and some thoughts

    • January 30, 2014

    So looking back through it what do you think? And what do you think I should do next?

  • S11E07 Ghost Caught on Camera in Kitchen

    • February 4, 2014

    OMG. Can you see it? You might have to watch it twice. And what was that noise? Someone talking? I couldn't make it out.

  • S11E08 I'm doing this. OUIJA BOARD! Time to get serious!

    • February 19, 2014

    So I haven't tried this in awhile but watch the video to hear why I'm going to try the Ouija Board again.


    • February 22, 2014

    So this is interesting. What do you think it means? The Ouija Board spells out something I didn't expect. Maybe it's in a different language? Help me out if you've figured it out!

  • S11E10 I am Ceffly Dwr Incarnate?

    • March 4, 2014

    That's it? That's what the entity in my house was trying to tell me? Hmm... well here are some of my opinions.

  • S11E11 What is happening to her face?!

    • March 7, 2014

    What is happening to her face?! Does this have something to do with the Ouija board? Watch the video to find out.

  • S11E12 Reaction to the face melt video

    • March 21, 2014

    So, here are my thoughts on what happened and what I think I should do next.

  • S11E13 Myles brings me to a haunted house!

    • April 11, 2014

    Yep! Myles is back and this time he has a house that is haunted and the owners want some help. Check out what happens when we go inside!

  • S11E14 Things get creepy fast in the haunted house

    • April 12, 2014

    Things get creepy fast in the haunted house. Really, it didn't take long and I'm starting to wonder, is this the house or something else...

  • S11E15 Ghost Activity! You won't believe who shows up!!!

    • April 13, 2014

    Ghost Activity and you won't believe who shows up!!! Seriously, watch all the way through the end!

  • S11E16 Victoria is back! And she has something to say

    • April 15, 2014

    Victoria is back! And she has something to say. I can't believe she's back. And then Myles....

  • S11E17 His face is melting! So Scary!

    • April 22, 2014

    Watch and see what happens to poor Myles! Or is it Myles? How do you think our adventure ends at this house? Why do you think the shapeshifter followed me?

  • S11E18 Is Myles REAL?

    • April 23, 2014

    First things first. I need to check if he's real. Which it looks like he is. Now... to get some answers... or not.

  • S11E19 Mom is Gone and the Ghost is back...

    • June 20, 2014

    So when I was filming this video I was just excited to tell you about the fact that my mom is gone this weekend and I had big plans to nerd out and be all by myself. I didn't notice what was going on behind me until I sat down to post it. Great. This should make for a long weekend.

  • S11E20 Weekend alone is getting interesting...

    • June 20, 2014

    Ok. So apparently as soon as Mom leaves things with the ghosts pick up. I almost don't want to say it but do you think this is Anna? It's been so long since I've seen her.

  • S11E21 Did you hear that? EVP caught on camera. Very clear!

    • June 21, 2014

    Yep, the title says it all. And I'm really starting to think it's Anna. What do you think?

  • S11E22 Calling mom to get her to come home!

    • June 21, 2014

    We'll see how it goes.

  • S11E23 Saturday Night Movie Night is interrupted!

    • June 21, 2014

    But by who... or what?

  • S11E24 My thoughts on what happened this weekend

    • June 22, 2014

    Tell me yours. Is this a sign? Is Anna still around? Should I send mom away more often and see if the activity picks up?

  • S11E25 The Ghost is BEHIND me

    • July 18, 2014

    Watch this video and explain to me how that happened! Do you think it was Anna or someone else?

  • S11E26 The Ghost is Angry!

    • July 25, 2014

    The ghost is getting angry. I don't think it's Anna because she doesn't act like that. And did I hear something in there?

  • S11E27 GHOST SEEN!

    • August 1, 2014

    Watch this video! The Ghost can be seen about 30 seconds in. And then it disappears!

  • S11E28 GHOST Slams door!

    • August 8, 2014

    Check this out! The ghost seems so angry but it won't show itself to me! And what happened to the face melter? The shape shifter guy? Do you think this is the same one?


    • August 15, 2014

    This usually doesn't happen in the middle of filming another video but it did this time. The ghost slams the door behind me and then talks? This one is definitely not Anna. I got so distracted I forgot to do the random video Monday video I was filming too!

  • S11E30 The Ghost is close!

    • August 22, 2014

    It's getting stronger and closer. Maybe it's time to try some of my powers again. Send it on? What do you think? It's clearly mad! Or is that clear?

  • S11E31 Angry Ghost

    • September 5, 2014

    So the ghost comes and goes. I'm not sure what to make of this one. What are your thoughts?

  • S11E32 Ghost heard on tape as I talk to it.

    • September 12, 2014

    I try talking to this new ghost because a lot of you have commented that things aren't progressing quickly enough. Listen to what happens! But he didn't slam any doors this time. Maybe he's willing to talk?

  • S11E33 I Visit a Haunted Farmhouse

    • September 5, 2014

    Yep. I visit a haunted farmhouse and let me tell you, it's definitely haunted!


    • September 26, 2014

    So video two at this place. Mom and I check out the upstairs and it doesn't take long for a ghost to appear. But not just any ghost. Anna! I think she's trying to tell me something!

  • S11E35 GHOST heard walking AND spotted in CREEPY basement!

    • October 3, 2014

    Video three from this house. Mom and I go down to the basement just like Anna told us to. Even though I didn't want to. Anyway, it's super creepy what happens next!


    • October 10, 2014

    Video four from this house. I think we're making progress with their ghost with Anna's help. She seems to be wanting to tell us something but is also liking the house. Super creepy!

  • S11E37 Ghost is in the room. Listen!

    • October 17, 2014

    It's not hard to hear trust me! At it all makes sense who this ghost is once you hear what mom found out!

  • S11E38 What's in the basement? A ghost!

    • October 24, 2014

  • S11E39 Back to the ghosts!

    • November 28, 2014

  • S11E40 The Ghost is Messing with Me

    • November 29, 2014

    It feels like the ghost is messing with me! Do you think it's the shape shifter?

  • S11E41 Shape shifting ghost!

    • November 30, 2014

    This is the shape shifter ghost for sure. It seems to me mimicking me. What do you think?


    • September 5, 2014

    I didn't see him when I was filming! Yikes!

  • S11E43 Ghost appears at the top of the stairs

    • December 13, 2014

    What do you guys think of this crazy ghost video? Let me know in the comments!

  • S11E44 The ghost is talking to me!

    • December 20, 2014

    Weird, right? What do you think this ghost wants?

  • S11E45 The ghost is back! My mom saw it too

    • December 24, 2014

    Creepy, right? At least my mom was there to see the ghost this time. They definitely look alike! What do you think this ghost wants from us?

  • S11E46 Ghost gives a warning

    • December 27, 2014

    So we heard something, went to go check it out and then the ghost spoke to us--"Everything is going to change." What does that mean?!

  • S11E47 Something is at my door

    • December 31, 2014

    Check this out. I woke up in the middle of the night to my door handle rattling. Like something was trying to get in… I called out and I heard a voice. She is coming? Who’s she?

  • S11E48 Voice coming from my closet?

    • January 3, 2015

    It was quiet at first, but then the voice got louder. "She is coming." Who is she? I'm so creeped out.

  • S11E49 Uncle Tommy is back!

    • January 7, 2015

    Filling Uncle Tommy in on the creepy stuff that's been happening around here.

  • S11E50 Uncle Tommy heard something upstairs

    • January 10, 2015

    I couldn't hear anything, but Uncle Tommy said he heard a girl's voice. Who do you think it was?

  • S11E51 Something at the bottom of the stairs

    • January 14, 2015

    I went to go check out a weird noise, and then I caught a glimpse of the ghost. Don't blink. You'll miss it.

  • S11E52 Ghost waiting outside of my room

    • January 17, 2015

    I accidentally left the camera running, but look what I caught on tape. This ghost is creepy, right?

  • S11E53 The ghost was right behind me

    • January 21, 2015

    We heard that creepy noise again, and then the ghost showed up…right behind me. So scary.

  • S11E54 Saw the ghost in the middle of the night

    • January 24, 2015

    The creepy noise woke me up. This time it was the middle of the night. The power was out…until we saw the ghost. What do you think she wants?

  • S11E55 Victoria has a message for me

    • January 28, 2015

    Victoria is back and this time she has a warning. What do you think I should do?

  • S11E56 Uncle Tommy saw the ghost too!

    • January 31, 2015

    I wasn't home, but good thing Uncle Tommy was there to get the ghost on camera! Did you see it? What do you think about Victoria's message?

  • S11E57 Ghost crawling up the stairs! Scary!

    • February 4, 2015

    The creepy ghost was coming right at me! I'm still freaked out. What am I going to do about this ghost?

  • S11E58 Victoria is locked in my room, screaming!

    • February 7, 2015

    Victoria came to warn me about the ghost...but something even more creepy happened instead.

  • S11E59 What's going on? Recap with Uncle Tommy

    • February 11, 2015

    Uncle Tommy and I break down the creepy stuff that has been happening around here. What are we going to do about this ghost?

Season 12

Season 13

Season 14

Season 15

  • S15E01 A new adventure begins!

    • November 11, 2016

  • S15E02 GHOST Girl spotted! Anna!

    • November 12, 2016

    Oh my gosh, Uncle Tommy came over to talk about season 15 and you will not believe what happened! The ghost girl, Anna, showed up when I called her. And then things got even weirder!

  • S15E03 Victoria doesn't want me to film!

    • November 13, 2016

    So here's what happened after the last video. Crazy! I can't believe Victoria doesn't want me to film...

  • S15E04 Ghost Girl appears!

    • November 22, 2016

    Things are getting creepier as Anna appears as an apparition at the top of the stairs. I can't believe she's back! And Victoria too. Why is she asking me to stop my vlog of my haunted house? This is all a mystery!

  • S15E05 Ghost girl apparition re-appears!

    • November 25, 2016

    Mom grabbed the camera and started filming when Victoria didn't want us to and guess who showed up? Not only is Nolan back but Anna is back to and seems stronger than ever!

  • S15E06 Creepy Lady gets Really CREEPY!

    • December 2, 2016

    What do you guys thinks is going on with these ghosts? First Anna, Nolan and now Creepy Lady (Victoria) is acting very creepy again! So scary! Should I really stop filming?

  • S15E07 Finally some answers from Victoria?!

    • December 4, 2016

    Victoria said I can do one more video to explain to you guys why I can't do videos anymore! It's kind of crazy I know but it sounds serious. Do you guys think I should stop?

  • S15E08 Poltergeist Ghost attacks us at night!

    • December 11, 2016

    This poltergeist like ghost apparition definitely was attacking us. How did it do that with all those doors? What do you think of this vlog entry for this webseries?

  • S15E09 Ghost footage recorded!

    • December 16, 2016

    So I had to do a follow up video even though Victoria didn't want me to and I caught Anna again on video but I also caught Nolan being very weird. What do you guys think?

  • S15E10 Is this the last of Victoria and Nolan?

    • December 18, 2016

    What is the deal? If they're going to do this I have to stay far, far away from them!

  • S15E11 Killer Clown spotted in house!

    • December 28, 2016

    A Killer Clown is spotted in my house! - Season 15 ep. 11 - My Paranormal teen girl webseries (web series) investigation vlog and what's going on at my haunted house. Was this an apparition? Why is a clown coming all of the sudden? Maybe it wasn't a clown but a creepy demon disguised to look like a clown?

  • S15E12 Killer clown strangles ghost girl!

    • December 30, 2016

    Creepy clown attacks teen girl in vlog! What a creeper! investigation webseries (web series) continues. Is this apparition a demon or just a supernatural ghost?

  • S15E13 Crazy clown attacks on New Years!

    • January 1, 2017

    This is it! The night that the demon is supposed to kill me! and you won't believe what happens on this new years countdown!

  • S15E14 I'm back! After New Year's video of clown attack.

    • January 3, 2017

    Hey guys, here are some thoughts rattling around in my head after having gone through that crazy video on New Year's eve. I survived but Victoria and Nolan are gone! Tell me what you think!

  • S15E15 Killer Clown Ghost Attacks!

    • January 22, 2017

    Check out what I caught on camera this time. I know I'm not supposed to but I feel like I have to film this killer clown ghost thing whatever it is. Hopefully Nolan and Victoria will come back soon!

  • S15E16 CRAZY Scary Clown caught on camera!

    • January 27, 2017

    CRAZY Scary Clown caught on camera and will not stop! Maybe it was a bad idea for me to call him out but he invades my home and attacks me! This is crazy what I caught on camera! This clown is definitely a paranormal entity and is haunting me or my house.

  • S15E17 Killer Clown Caught on Camera in high suspense video!

    • January 29, 2017

  • S15E18 Scary Creepy Clown attacks me!

    • February 1, 2017

    Scary Creepy Clown attacks me! Webseries vlog investigation about my ongoing paranormal activity is getting crazy. I really don't know what to do guys. I don't like running from him but he's attacked me twice already. it's so creepy!

  • S15E19 Killer Clown on my porch! Then he Attacks US!

    • February 4, 2017

    Exorcising the Demon killer Clown until he Attacks US!

  • S15E20 iller Clown caught on Ring security device camera!

    • February 8, 2017

    Killer Clown caught on Ring security device camera! Season 15 Ep 19 Web series investigation scary! The Ring doorbell lets you see who's outside? And then after we go down there he's gone and it's just a note? What is going on?

Season 16

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 The Investigation into The Haunting of Sunshine Girl

    • May 16, 2012

    So a "team" of Paranormal Investigators came to my house to try and prove whether my ghost situation was real or not. It was an interesting night to say the least. For one, they were kind of goofy and overly serious. Second, they weren't all that professional and seemed to fight a lot for a paranormal team. It didn't take Anna long to show up, and I think her ghost dad was there a little bit as well. It was freaky. I could tell Anna, the ghost girl, didn't like the paranormal professionals messing with her. She freaked them out good. I was pretty creeped out myself. It was scary. But it was also funny to see their reactions.

  • SPECIAL 0x2 The Hunt for Black Eyed Kids!

    • December 20, 2012

    The star of the hit series, The Haunting of Sunshine Girl, Sunshine embarks on a new adventure with her best pal, Nolan and a new sidekick Andrew. They head to Portland, Oregon in search of her favorite urban legend, Black Eyed Kids. Here they meet several witnesses who have seen BEK. This is a whole new adventure for the group and far from her normal ghostly adventures. Little does she know the BEK world is far more dangerous and evil than any of them could imagine. Will she make it out alive?

  • SPECIAL 0x3 Real Life Paranormal Activity

    • February 7, 2013

    Real Life Paranormal Activity. I received these videos about this couple. When I got the video it claimed this was a real life Paranormal Activity. I had my doubts but I looked them over and it's pretty scary. I have no way of telling if it's real or not but considering what I've gone through I can tell you it's definitely scary.