One day, in the town of Gyotoku, in the province of Shimousa, an innkeeper named Kobungo Inuta rescues two men while fishing on the Tone river. The men turn out to be Shino and Genpachi, who had been adrift since falling into the river from Horyu Tower. Kobungo's brother-in-law Fusahachi, however, recognizes the two as fugitives, and alerts the authorities. During the heat of an intense battle, Fusahachi mistakenly kills his wife, Nui, and in his moment of shock, he is struck down by Kobungo. But all that remain are the carcasses of two dogs...
Un día, en el pueblo de Gyotoku, en la provincia de Shimousa, un posadero llamado Kobungo Inuta rescata a dos hombres mientras pescaban en el río Tone. Los hombres resultan ser Shino y Genpachi, que habían estado a la deriva desde que cayeron al río desde la Torre Horyu.