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Season 1

  • S01E01 Moon Trip - Part 1

    • May 1, 1956
    • NBC

  • S01E02 Moon Trip - Part 2

    • May 1, 1956
    • NBC

  • S01E03 Moon Trip - Part 3

    • May 1, 1956
    • NBC

  • S01E04 Moon Trip

    • May 1, 1956
    • NBC

    Gumby discovers a spaceship in a toy store and decides to visit the moon. Upon reaching the moon, his space-ship is destroyed by a meteorite, leaving him stranded and confronted with strange objects that look like rocks, but which sometimes move and sprout eyes.

  • S01E05 Gumby on the Moon

    • May 1, 1956
    • NBC

    Looking through a telescope, Gumby’s parents discover that Gumby is in great need of help. Gumby’s father sets out to rescue him in a fire engine that has a long extension ladder. Using the fire extinguisher, he sprays the moon creatures and takes Gumby back to earth by retracting the extension ladder.

  • S01E06 Trapped on the Moon

    • May 1, 1956
    • NBC

    The rock-like moon creatures pursue Gumby to a crater. Here, the low temperature of the moon causes him to become stiff and unable to move. Gumby’s parents bring him back to Earth and revive him in a hospital.

  • S01E07 Mirror Land

    • June 9, 1956
    • NBC

    On his way to the store, Gumby passes through a part of the toyshop where there are several mirrors. He loses his coin and hunts for it within three of the mirrors. In one of the mirrors, Gumby meets his ‘mirror image’ who tells him that in order to find the coin, he must do everything backwards. Gumby finally succeeds in doing this and the hunt ends successfully.

  • S01E08 Lost and Found

    • June 9, 1956
    • NBC

    Gumby has a wild ride through buildings and streets while searching for his lost money. The car finally comes to a stop beside a pile of sand and there Gumby finds his coin.

  • S01E09 Little Lost Pony

    • June 19, 1956
    • NBC

    The episode in which Gumby first meets Pokey. With the promise of a reward of 100 free ice cream cones, Gumby heads off in search of the missing red pony Pokey. Gumby finds Pokey with his hoof caught in a railroad track. Rushing to the rescue, Gumby manages to free Pokey a moment before the train goes by.

  • S01E10 The Blockheads

    • June 19, 1956
    • NBC

    The Blockheads are bent on kidnapping Pokey, but to succeed in this, they must get rid of Gumby. Their scheme of freezing Gumby enables them to lasso Pokey, but Gumby unfreezes in time to give hot pursuit and rescue the Pony.

  • S01E11 The Fantastic Farmer

    • June 24, 1956
    • NBC

    Gumby goes to Farmer Glenn’s Ranch. His crops are not growing properly, so Gumby helps in every way he can and finally divides himself into a lot of Gumbys, which go over the fields with many different farm machines.

  • S01E12 Gopher Trouble

    • June 24, 1956
    • NBC

    In order to feed his large, hungry family, a chemist gopher injects roots of corn plants with a chemical that makes them grow into giant ears and roots. This causes great problems for Farmer Glenn. Gumby solves the problem by inventing a root machine that makes tasty roots out of weeds.

  • S01E13 The Black Knight

    • NBC

    Gumby visits a medieval kingdom. Here he finds that he must fight in a joust with the Black Knight in order to save the kingdom. Just when defeat seems certain for Gumby, a fire-breathing dragon assists him.

  • S01E14 Mysterious Fires

    • NBC

    The ingenious Gumby uses a modern invention to help a medieval kingdom, which is threatened with famine because its wheat fields are being destroyed by fires.

  • S01E15 Too Loo

    • NBC

    Too and Loo are two music notes who escape from a cracked record with a bully sour note in pursuit. Gumby hides the notes and manages to trap the bully sour note.

  • S01E16 Gumby Concerto

    • NBC

    Gumby tries to cheer up two lost musical notes that have forgotten what kind of instrument they came out of. He takes them to music land and cheers them up with various antics.

  • S01E17 Robot Rumpus

    • NBC

    Gumby is using robots to do his chores around the house while he and Pokey play, but the robots get out of control and Gumby has a frantic time trying to get things back in order.

  • S01E18 Yard Work Made Easy

    • NBC

    Pokey wants Gumby to play with him but Gumby has yard work to keep him from play. Pokey discovers a unique way of getting work done easily and quickly.

  • S01E19 Toy Crazy

    • NBC

    It is Gumby’s birthday and he is permitted to choose his own present from the toy store. He selects a train but while he is taking it home, it escapes out of the back of the van he is driving.

  • S01E20 Toy Joy

    • NBC

    Gumby tries out various toys in the toy store including a tricycle, musical instruments, a swimming pool, rocking horse and finally a tiny toy train, which he manages to shrink himself into by shrinking himself down to a very small size.

  • S01E21 Lion Around

    • NBC

    A lion escapes from the zoo, frightening Gumby and Pokey who have been playing in the park. The lion proves to be friendly and asks Gumby and Pokey to show him how to go about seeing the world. Meanwhile, the zookeeper sets a lion trap to recapture the lion but instead succeeds in capturing Gumby’s father.

  • S01E22 Lion Drive

    • NBC

    Richard the lion sets out to see the world in a fast sports car, taking Gumby and Pokey with him. A wild and frightening ride through the streets of the city gets even scarier when they become airborne. Richard wisely decides that life outside the zoo is too much for him.

  • S01E23 The Eggs and Trixie

    • NBC

    Gumby has a daydream adventure with a young dinosaur named Trixie. The pre-historic adventure provides an authentic view of these times.

  • S01E24 Egg Trouble

    • NBC

    Gumby has an exciting adventure in Dinosaurland. Volcanoes erupting, an earthquake and a dinosaur stampede all cause Gumby trouble before his adventure is over.

  • S01E25 Odd Balls

    • May 4, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby searches for the sound that will make two odd marbles hard and round again.

  • S01E26 Outcast Marbles

    • May 4, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby reads in a storybook about two marbles that have lost their shape and hardness and become soft and pliable. The two marbles suddenly pop out of the book and solicit Gumby’s help in regaining their shape.

  • S01E27 Gumby Business

    • May 4, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey have many mishaps while trying to play an accordion, look through a microscope and work a chewing gum machine.

  • S01E28 Toy Fun

    • May 11, 1957
    • NBC

    While playing with toy robots, magical construction sets and toy baking sets, Gumby falls into a toaster. He pops up well browned, but Pokey scrapes off the brown.

  • S01E29 The Mocking Monkey

    • May 11, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey think they are being chased by a lion whilst on a hunting trip in Africa. Instead, they discover they are hearing a monkey who can imitate any animal in the jungle.

  • S01E30 How Not to Trap Lions

    • May 11, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey go to Africa to capture a lion to keep Richard The Lion from becoming too lonely at the zoo. They prepare a large trap, but the only animals caught are Gumby and Pokey.

  • S01E31 The Magic Show

    • May 18, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby is trapped in Magic Land by Whitey and Red, the local police force. He finally manages to outwit them and make his way back home.

  • S01E32 The Magic Wand

    • May 18, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby takes a trip to Magic Land to return the magician’s wand. He is rewarded with a miniature wand that will perform just one magic trick.

  • S01E33 Pokey Express

    • May 18, 1957
    • NBC

    Learning that the Pony Express is unable to get riders, Gumby and Pokey volunteer to try to get the mail through. The local tribe do their best to stop them, but in the end the mail is delivered.

  • S01E34 Indian Trouble

    • May 25, 1957
    • NBC

    While traveling out west, Gumby and Pokey encounter a local tribe who shoot arrows tipped with suction cups. They try to hide but are surrounded. Gumby scares them away by multiplying himself into a whole regiment of Gumby’s.

  • S01E35 The Racing Game

    • May 25, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby, Pokey and the Blockheads compete in an exciting auto race. Many obstacles must be overcome before Gumby becomes the winner.

  • S01E36 Gumby Racer

    • May 25, 1957
    • NBC

    When the Blockheads sabotage the racer Gumby and Pokey are using, Gumby forms himself into a small but powerful racer and ends the race as the winner.

  • S01E37 Rain Spirits

    • June 1, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey are playing in a toy swimming pool when a Hopi Native American boy appears. He is lost, so Gumby helps him find his way to the rain spirits’ cave. Gumby and Pokey see the dramatic results of the visit to the spirits’ caves.

  • S01E38 The Kachinas

    • June 1, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey accompany a Hopi Native American boy to look for rain spirits, or Kachinas. The Kachinas send rain for the corn and the crops are saved.

  • S01E39 Toying Around

    • June 1, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey have fun in a toyshop. An inflated balloon carries Pokey high in the air and Gumby must find a method for rescuing his pal.

  • S01E40 Toy Capers

    • June 8, 1957
    • NBC

    Many toys come to life in Gumby’s toyshop and chase Gumby through an amusement park. Gumby and Pokey have scary rides on the monorail train, the ferris wheel and the cars.

  • S01E41 In The Dough

    • June 8, 1957
    • NBC

    An animated piece of dough induces Gumby to visit a huge automated bakery to learn the secret of good baking. They reach a big oven only to find that the dough waiting to be baked has taken on menacing shapes, which surround Gumby and Pokey.

  • S01E42 Baker’s Tour

    • June 8, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey encounter rolling pins, cookie decorators and animated bread dough before emerging from the oven as cookies on a cookie sheet.

  • S01E43 Tree Trouble

    • June 15, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey take a big excavation machine into the forest to dig for buried treasure. In their digging they uproot a tree in which an owl is asleep. The owl tells them a story to help them be more careful when they are in the woods.

  • S01E44 Eager Beavers

    • June 15, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby starts to go for a swim but finds his river suddenly dry. He and his forest friends hunt for the cause and find that a couple of beavers are the culprits.

  • S01E45 Train Trouble

    • June 15, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby wins a toy train in a contest, but has trouble collecting his prize because the train keeps trying to get away. The little train enlists the help of a big train to escape, but in the end the little train befriends Gumby and lets him take a ride.

  • S01E46 In a Fix

    • June 22, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby, Pokey and some clay birds get up to some clever hi-jinks with some very interesting toys.

  • S01E47 Moon Trip

    • May 1, 1956
    • NBC

    Gumby discovers a spaceship in a toy store and decides to visit the moon. Upon reaching the moon, his space-ship is destroyed by a meteorite, leaving him stranded and confronted with strange objects that look like rocks, but which sometimes move and sprout eyes.

  • S01E48 Gumby on the Moon

    • May 1, 1956
    • NBC

    Looking through a telescope, Gumby’s parents discover that Gumby is in great need of help. Gumby’s father sets out to rescue him in a fire engine that has a long extension ladder. Using the fire extinguisher, he sprays the moon creatures and takes Gumby back to earth by retracting the extension ladder.

  • S01E49 Trapped on the Moon

    • May 1, 1956
    • NBC

    The rock-like moon creatures pursue Gumby to a crater. Here, the low temperature of the moon causes him to become stiff and unable to move. Gumby’s parents bring him back to Earth and revive him in a hospital.

  • S01E50 Mirror Land

    • June 9, 1956
    • NBC

    On his way to the store, Gumby passes through a part of the toyshop where there are several mirrors. He loses his coin and hunts for it within three of the mirrors. In one of the mirrors, Gumby meets his ‘mirror image’ who tells him that in order to find the coin, he must do everything backwards. Gumby finally succeeds in doing this and the hunt ends successfully.

  • S01E51 Lost and Found

    • June 9, 1956
    • NBC

    Gumby has a wild ride through buildings and streets while searching for his lost money. The car finally comes to a stop beside a pile of sand and there Gumby finds his coin.

  • S01E52 Little Lost Pony

    • June 19, 1956
    • NBC

    The episode in which Gumby first meets Pokey. With the promise of a reward of 100 free ice cream cones, Gumby heads off in search of the missing red pony Pokey. Gumby finds Pokey with his hoof caught in a railroad track. Rushing to the rescue, Gumby manages to free Pokey a moment before the train goes by.

  • S01E53 The Blockheads

    • June 19, 1956
    • NBC

    The Blockheads are bent on kidnapping Pokey, but to succeed in this, they must get rid of Gumby. Their scheme of freezing Gumby enables them to lasso Pokey, but Gumby unfreezes in time to give hot pursuit and rescue the Pony.

  • S01E54 The Fantastic Farmer

    • June 24, 1956
    • NBC

    Gumby goes to Farmer Glenn’s Ranch. His crops are not growing properly, so Gumby helps in every way he can and finally divides himself into a lot of Gumbys, which go over the fields with many different farm machines.

  • S01E55 Gopher Trouble

    • June 24, 1956
    • NBC

    In order to feed his large, hungry family, a chemist gopher injects roots of corn plants with a chemical that makes them grow into giant ears and roots. This causes great problems for Farmer Glenn. Gumby solves the problem by inventing a root machine that makes tasty roots out of weeds.

  • S01E56 The Black Knight

    • NBC

    Gumby visits a medieval kingdom. Here he finds that he must fight in a joust with the Black Knight in order to save the kingdom. Just when defeat seems certain for Gumby, a fire-breathing dragon assists him.

  • S01E57 Mysterious Fires

    • NBC

    The ingenious Gumby uses a modern invention to help a medieval kingdom, which is threatened with famine because its wheat fields are being destroyed by fires.

  • S01E58 Too Loo

    • NBC

    Too and Loo are two music notes who escape from a cracked record with a bully sour note in pursuit. Gumby hides the notes and manages to trap the bully sour note.

  • S01E59 Gumby Concerto

    • NBC

    Gumby tries to cheer up two lost musical notes that have forgotten what kind of instrument they came out of. He takes them to music land and cheers them up with various antics.

  • S01E60 Robot Rumpus

    • NBC

    Gumby is using robots to do his chores around the house while he and Pokey play, but the robots get out of control and Gumby has a frantic time trying to get things back in order.

  • S01E61 Yard Work Made Easy

    • NBC

    Pokey wants Gumby to play with him but Gumby has yard work to keep him from play. Pokey discovers a unique way of getting work done easily and quickly.

  • S01E62 Toy Crazy

    • NBC

    It is Gumby’s birthday and he is permitted to choose his own present from the toy store. He selects a train but while he is taking it home, it escapes out of the back of the van he is driving.

  • S01E63 Toy Joy

    • NBC

    Gumby tries out various toys in the toy store including a tricycle, musical instruments, a swimming pool, rocking horse and finally a tiny toy train, which he manages to shrink himself into by shrinking himself down to a very small size.

  • S01E64 Lion Around

    • NBC

    A lion escapes from the zoo, frightening Gumby and Pokey who have been playing in the park. The lion proves to be friendly and asks Gumby and Pokey to show him how to go about seeing the world. Meanwhile, the zookeeper sets a lion trap to recapture the lion but instead succeeds in capturing Gumby’s father.

  • S01E65 Lion Drive

    • NBC

    Richard the lion sets out to see the world in a fast sports car, taking Gumby and Pokey with him. A wild and frightening ride through the streets of the city gets even scarier when they become airborne. Richard wisely decides that life outside the zoo is too much for him.

  • S01E66 The Eggs and Trixie

    • NBC

    Gumby has a daydream adventure with a young dinosaur named Trixie. The pre-historic adventure provides an authentic view of these times.

  • S01E67 Egg Trouble

    • NBC

    Gumby has an exciting adventure in Dinosaurland. Volcanoes erupting, an earthquake and a dinosaur stampede all cause Gumby trouble before his adventure is over.

  • S01E68 Odd Balls

    • May 4, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby searches for the sound that will make two odd marbles hard and round again.

  • S01E69 Outcast Marbles

    • May 4, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby reads in a storybook about two marbles that have lost their shape and hardness and become soft and pliable. The two marbles suddenly pop out of the book and solicit Gumby’s help in regaining their shape.

  • S01E70 Gumby Business

    • May 4, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey have many mishaps while trying to play an accordion, look through a microscope and work a chewing gum machine.

  • S01E71 Toy Fun

    • May 11, 1957
    • NBC

    While playing with toy robots, magical construction sets and toy baking sets, Gumby falls into a toaster. He pops up well browned, but Pokey scrapes off the brown.

  • S01E72 The Mocking Monkey

    • May 11, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey think they are being chased by a lion whilst on a hunting trip in Africa. Instead, they discover they are hearing a monkey who can imitate any animal in the jungle.

  • S01E73 How Not to Trap Lions

    • May 11, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey go to Africa to capture a lion to keep Richard The Lion from becoming too lonely at the zoo. They prepare a large trap, but the only animals caught are Gumby and Pokey.

  • S01E74 The Magic Show

    • May 18, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby is trapped in Magic Land by Whitey and Red, the local police force. He finally manages to outwit them and make his way back home.

  • S01E75 The Magic Wand

    • May 18, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby takes a trip to Magic Land to return the magician’s wand. He is rewarded with a miniature wand that will perform just one magic trick.

  • S01E76 Pokey Express

    • May 18, 1957
    • NBC

    Learning that the Pony Express is unable to get riders, Gumby and Pokey volunteer to try to get the mail through. The local tribe do their best to stop them, but in the end the mail is delivered.

  • S01E77 Indian Trouble

    • May 25, 1957
    • NBC

    While traveling out west, Gumby and Pokey encounter a local tribe who shoot arrows tipped with suction cups. They try to hide but are surrounded. Gumby scares them away by multiplying himself into a whole regiment of Gumby’s.

  • S01E78 The Racing Game

    • May 25, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby, Pokey and the Blockheads compete in an exciting auto race. Many obstacles must be overcome before Gumby becomes the winner.

  • S01E79 Gumby Racer

    • May 25, 1957
    • NBC

    When the Blockheads sabotage the racer Gumby and Pokey are using, Gumby forms himself into a small but powerful racer and ends the race as the winner.

  • S01E80 Rain Spirits

    • June 1, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey are playing in a toy swimming pool when a Hopi Native American boy appears. He is lost, so Gumby helps him find his way to the rain spirits’ cave. Gumby and Pokey see the dramatic results of the visit to the spirits’ caves.

  • S01E81 The Kachinas

    • June 1, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey accompany a Hopi Native American boy to look for rain spirits, or Kachinas. The Kachinas send rain for the corn and the crops are saved.

  • S01E82 Toying Around

    • June 1, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey have fun in a toyshop. An inflated balloon carries Pokey high in the air and Gumby must find a method for rescuing his pal.

  • S01E83 Toy Capers

    • June 8, 1957
    • NBC

    Many toys come to life in Gumby’s toyshop and chase Gumby through an amusement park. Gumby and Pokey have scary rides on the monorail train, the ferris wheel and the cars.

  • S01E84 In The Dough

    • June 8, 1957
    • NBC

    An animated piece of dough induces Gumby to visit a huge automated bakery to learn the secret of good baking. They reach a big oven only to find that the dough waiting to be baked has taken on menacing shapes, which surround Gumby and Pokey.

  • S01E85 Baker’s Tour

    • June 8, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey encounter rolling pins, cookie decorators and animated bread dough before emerging from the oven as cookies on a cookie sheet.

  • S01E86 Tree Trouble

    • June 15, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby and Pokey take a big excavation machine into the forest to dig for buried treasure. In their digging they uproot a tree in which an owl is asleep. The owl tells them a story to help them be more careful when they are in the woods.

  • S01E87 Eager Beavers

    • June 15, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby starts to go for a swim but finds his river suddenly dry. He and his forest friends hunt for the cause and find that a couple of beavers are the culprits.

  • S01E88 Train Trouble

    • June 15, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby wins a toy train in a contest, but has trouble collecting his prize because the train keeps trying to get away. The little train enlists the help of a big train to escape, but in the end the little train befriends Gumby and lets him take a ride.

  • S01E89 In a Fix

    • June 22, 1957
    • NBC

    Gumby, Pokey and some clay birds get up to some clever hi-jinks with some very interesting toys.