All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Erich Von Däniken: My Story

    • Gaia

    Erich von Däniken reports on his method for extensive historical research, which led him to the realization that the God of ancient civilizations was most likely extraterrestrial life visiting our planet, and erecting megalithic structures such as the pyramids.

  • S01E02 Monuments for the Gods

    • Gaia

    Could the locations of ancient civilizations have been determined by an extraterrestrial power? Erich Von Däniken explores the deliberate placement of some of our oldest civilizations and the source of knowledge behind choosing these locales.

  • S01E03 The Mayan Calendar Explained

    • Gaia

    Were the ancient gods of the Mayan world extraterrestrial human beings?Erich Von Däniken examines the Mayan calendar to find the date of origin for their civilization, which is supported by the discoveries of an ancient tomb under the pyramid of Palenque.

  • S01E04 Cargo Cult: Misunderstood Technology

    • Gaia

    Were ancient cultures exposed to advanced extraterrestrial technology?Erich Von Däniken examines evidence from cultures around the world, which suggests that the gods, depicted in ancient temples and scriptures, were actually extraterrestrial visitors with advanced technology.

  • S01E05 Cave Paintings & Monuments of the Gods

    • Gaia

    Were ancient paintings and monuments influenced by an extraterrestrial civilization?Erich Von Däniken describes the similarities found in petroglyphs and megalithic monuments, which were produced by different ancient cultures across the planet, to show their otherworldly connections.

  • S01E06 Technology in the Bible

    • Gaia

    Do passages from the Old Testament tell of extraterrestrial civilizations guiding burgeoning human cultures?Erich Von Däniken explores accounts of Adam and Eve, Noah and the Flood, Moses and his sons, to find tales of flying machines and advanced technology, also told in Egyptian pyramids and ancient Indian texts.

  • S01E07 Mysteries of the Ark of the Covenant

    • Gaia

    Is there scientific proof of the dangers and miracles attributed to the Ark of the Covenant?Erich Von Däniken examines ancient texts describing the extraterrestrial inspiration for the Ark of the Covenant as advanced technology barely understood and feared by the people who interreacted with it directly.

  • S01E08 Technology of Ancient Egypt

    • Gaia

    Was the great pyramid built by an advanced culture which the ancient Egyptians revered as gods?Erich Von Däniken provides evidence that the that the astronomical alignment and building techniques used to construct the great pyramid could only have been accomplished by a technologically advanced civilization.

  • S01E09 Ezekiel and the Spacecraft

    • Gaia

    Did Ezekiel travel with extraterrestrial beings from the future?Erich Von Däniken explores the Prophecies of Ezikiel to demonstrate the prophet’s experiences with spacecraft and technology from the future. His experiences may describe machines that are just now being developed.

  • S01E10 Hybrid Creatures of the Ancient World

    • Gaia

    Did the ancient gods genetically manipulate the animals of Earth to create strange hybrid creatures which could survive hostile environments on other planets?Erich Von Däniken explores archeological remnants and ancient texts from the ancient world, to uncover evidence of ancient genetic tinkering which yielded strange creatures that could have never occurred through natural evolution.

  • S01E11 Signs for the Gods

    • Gaia

    Did ancient cultures carve giant signs into the ground to catch the attention of the gods flying high above them?Erich Von Däniken takes us on a journey from India to Peru, examining ancient sites where mysterious symbols and lines were deeply etched into stone. Scientific examination of these features reveals deeper mysteries yet to be understood.

  • S01E12 Enigmatic Structures of the Stone Age

    • Gaia

    What are some of the most enigmatic secrets hidden in ancient stone age structures, that are just being discovered, today?Erich Von Däniken examines many ancient stone temples found all over the world which defy modern explanations of how they were built, who built them, and why. Careful examination of their features reveals a connection to the planets in our solar system, some of which were only discovered in recent times.

  • S01E13 The Astronaut of Palenque

    • Gaia

    Did the ancient Mayans leave us proof that they had contact with an extraterrestrial civilization?Erich Von Däniken takes us deep under the Temple of Inscriptions, in Palenque, Mexico to uncover a three-meter long monolith which may depict an ancient extraterrestrial being piloting his space craft. As we examine features of this enigmatic figure, we see similar depictions found at other ancient stone temples around the world.

  • S01E14 Misunderstood Technologies

    • Gaia

    Who built ancient megalithic sites in South America, how and why?Erich von Däniken guides us on a journey though Sacsayhuaman, Machu Picchu and Pumapunku to explore some of the strangest features of these stone structures. Ancient tales tell of the gods creating such sites with technology still not understood in modern times.

  • S01E15 Sacred Lines of Earth

    • Gaia

    Why are so many ancient sacred sites perfectly aligned with each other, using principles from sacred geometry?Erich von Däniken shows us the alignments of many sacred sites, from Stonehenge to Machu Picchu, which were specifically placed in patterns distinguishable only to spacefaring civilizations. These temples may be like time capsules, preserving a message of the ancient gods for countless future generations.

  • S01E16 Visitors from Sirius

    • Gaia

    How could the Dogon tribe in central Africa, living in stone houses, know of the binary-star system of Sirius?Erich von Däniken uncovers evidence of mysterious visitors from Sirius, as told in stone and stories stretching from Mali to Zimbabwe. These tales may be reflected in the biblical accounts of Aaron and Moses as found in the historical sites of Petra, in Jordan.

  • S01E17 Living Mythologies

    • Gaia

    Do the sacred practices of indigenous cultures and ancient traditions preserve the history of a time when the extraterrestrial gods walked among us?By exploring the startlingly similar traditions found in many sacred cultures around the world, Erich von Däniken shows us that the influence of the ancient gods is alive and well. These living mythologies are found in ancient temples, holy texts and sacred ceremonies & dances.

  • S01E18 Enoch and the Great Pyramid

    • Gaia

    Why was the Book of Enoch left out of the Old Testament and what is Enoch’s connection with the Great Pyramid of Giza?Erich von Däniken compares different translations and interpretations of the Book of Enoch to discern what really happened when Enoch was taken on an amazing journey by strange beings.

  • S01E19 Aliens of the Bible

    • Gaia

    Could it be that the God and angels of the old testament are not the grand spirits that many people believe them to be, but rather extraterrestrial beings?Erich von Däniken examines various passages from the Old Testament to reveal that the sacred beings mentioned in the Bible were actually visitors from another world. Comparing with the Book of Enoch, the Mahabharata and Sumerian inscriptions, we gain a better understanding of these beings and their origin.

  • S01E20 Panspermia

    • Gaia

    What gave rise to the life on our planet, in the time before the ancient gods came to our world?Erich von Däniken explores the notions that the conditions are right, in our universe, for life to propagate itself throughout the cosmos. Thus, we have the theory of Panspermia. Could these being have altered the life they found flourishing on our world, and planted the seeds of civilization as we know it?

  • S01E21 Solomon's Celestial Chariot

    • Gaia

    What connection did King Solomon have to extraterrestrial beings?Erich von Däniken explores many depictions of King Solomon, riding upon a throne which could traverse the heavens at incredible speeds. These same depictions describe cities descending from the sky, similar to the giant flying vehicles, as described by the prophet Enoch.

  • S01E22 The Secret of Fatima

    • Gaia

    What do Fatima, Portugal, the city of Lourdes, France and Guadalupe in Mexico have in common?Erich von Däniken follows sightings of the mother goddess, at sacred places the world, siting the miracles that follow apparitions of the Virgin Mary. Was this the presence of an authentic divine force or visitations of an extraterrestrial benefactor for humanity?

  • S01E23 UFO Phenomenon and Crop Cirlces

    • Gaia

    We have explored many arcane accounts of extraterrestrial visitations, but are they still here?Erich von Däniken relays personal stories which reveal the unmistakable presence of alien beings in modern times. Despite the obvious attempts at disinformation, the recurrence of strange lights in the skies and crop circles, confirm that these visitors are making themselves known to all.

  • S01E24 Unexplained Mysteries of Antiquity

    • Gaia

    Is there archeological evidence proving the use of advanced knowledge in ancient civilizations?Erich von Däniken unveils three mysteries from the ancient world, demonstrating the practical application of advanced knowledge in technology, science and mathematics. We examine the Antikythera Mechanism, the Piri Reis Maps, and Sekhemkkhet’s pyramid in Sakkara, Egpyt.

  • S01E25 Ancient Gods of the South Seas

    • Gaia

    Did tribal cultures of the southern Pacific Ocean leave us clues of ancient extraterrestrial visitations?Erich von Däniken explores strange structures and statues scattered across the southern waters of the Pacific Ocean, on isolated islands stretching from Asia to South America. What do these strange carvings have in common with Göbekli Tepe?

  • S01E26 Legends and Treasures in South America

    • Gaia

    Is there evidence that extraterrestrials were a part of South American cultures in ancient times?Erich von Dainiken reveals many of the mysteries he has uncovered from South American civilizations. This includes, statues, carvings and jewelry which bear depictions of advanced technology, dinosaurs, pyramids and elephants.

  • S01E27 Chavin de Huantar: Temple of Mystery

    • Gaia

    What is the Chavin de Huantar and who built this ancient temple?Erich von Däniken takes us deep into the Peruvian mountains to explore the mysterious artifacts left by a population pre-dating the Incas by hundreds of years, known as the Chavin Culture.No one really knows who these people were, or how they disappeared. The evidence they left behind strongly suggests they regularly interacted with extraterrestrial civilizations.

  • S01E28 Erich von Däniken's Philosophy

    • Gaia

    Where do we come from and where are we going?Erich von Däniken shares his personal philosophy underlying his life-long pursuit to understand our origins. From the formation of the universe to the creation of life on our planet, these mysteries have plagues religions from the earliest of days.As technology continues to advance, we will find the answers to these questions and gain a new understanding of what we call god.

  • S01E29 Erich von Dänikens Fans Q&A

    • Gaia

    Have you been left with more questions than answers, after watching these episodes?The profound information as presented by Erich von Däniken has left us with many questions concerning our origins and the motivations of extraterrestrial beings who gave rise to human civilizations.To complete this series, he answers many questions ranging from the flat-Earth theory and channeling multidimensional beings to Sitchin’s work regarding the Annunaki and the genetic creation of humanity.