Dr Adam Rutherford takes the viewer on a roller-coaster ride as he explores the consequences of one of the biggest scientific projects of all time - the decoding of the entire human genome in 2000. Adam discovers that every human carries the entire story of life on earth hidden in his or her DNA and sees how we are all linked directly to the origins of life and to the first creatures with backbones. He also investigates the implications of the fact that for much of its existence, the human race was an endangered species.
Adam descobre que todo ser humano carrega toda a história da vida na Terra em seu DNA e mostra como todos nós estamos vinculados diretamente à origem da vida e dos primeiros seres vertebrados. Ele também investiga as implicações do fato de que, durante a maior parte de sua história, a raça humana foi uma espécie ameaçada.
Die erste Episode der Dokureihe zeigt, wie bei jedem Menschen die gesamte Lebensgeschichte des Planeten Erde in der DNA eingespeist ist. Welche Auswirkung hat es auf unser heutiges Leben, dass die Menschheit so lange Zeit eine äußert gefährdete Spezies gewesen ist? Zudem wird in dieser Episode die Verbindung vom Menschen zu den ersten Wirbeltieren thematisiert. (Text: GEOTelevision)