Posie is fed up, she wants to play but it is very quiet and Grandfather Flump is fast asleep in his chair. As usual the newspaper (on the back page there is an article about West Ham United) is over his head. She heads off to find the other Flumps. She finds Mother Flump in the kitchen busy writing a special recipe for a special cake in her recipe book. Mother Flump says it is a secret and tells Posie not to tell anyone. "Keep it under your hat" she tells Posie. Posie then goes to see Perkin who is busy writing secret messages in code in his book. She asks what he is doing and after he tells her, he says "Keep it under your hat." Posie is still not entirely sure what this all means but agrees to do as he wishes.
Grandfather Flump is having a play on his Flumpet. Perkin Flump says it is too loud, he is in a very bad mood. For him, the waters is too cold, the floor to hard, don't like this porridge, too lumpy and sticky he says. Mother Flump tells him to cheer up otherwise he will be under a grey cloud all day. She gives him a carrot and he goes outside still in a bad mood. Perkin then remembers that Grandfather Flump likes carrots. Grandfather Flump is now fast asleep having forty winks so Perkin sticks the carrot in the Flumpet and then goes away. Perkin appears in front of Posie and Pootle, he has a large cloud over his head.
Mother Flump is appalled as the house is total mess. She knows who is responsible, Pootle. Pootle has lost his things and is busy looking for bits and bobs. Mother Flump gives him a present to help him keep his things from getting lost. The new pocket is shown to the other Flumps. They are very jealous but know that Mother Flump will make them one to, if they ask her. Pootle goes off to fill the pocket with things. Pootle goes to see Father Flump. Father Flump gives him an extra strong magnet. Pootle is not sure what a magnet is but as he walks away, the watering can follows him. Father stops it from leaving. Pootle goes into the kitchen and Mother Flump asks him to lay the table. As he does this, the cutlery starts to behave very oddly.
Something new is at the Flumps. Posie and Perkin both fall over the skate, although they are not sure what it is. Pootle tries to catch the skate but it gets away from him. Mother Flump explains that Father Flump is making skates and that they are for their feet. The trio head off to see Father Flump. He is using the skates to move things but he allows them to use one of the skates to play with. They show it to Grandfather Flump who could do with a skate for his heavy Flumpet. He is very happy.
Posie, Perkin and Pootle Flump are having a ride on the Flumpcycle. Posie is getting very tired but Perkin says he can go on 'till teatime. Perkin says he could go on forever whilst Pootle says he could go to the Moon on the Flumpcycle. Perkin does not know how far that really is, neither does Posie. They decide to go and ask Father Flump. Unfortunately, he does not know exactly either. He explains that they would need a rocket to go to the Moon. Mother Flump shows them a picture of a rocket in her book. The young Flumps set about building their own Moon Rocket. It is huge and is made from cardboard tubes. Grandfather Flump asks where its name and number is. Flumpollo, Number 1 decides Perkin. Posie and Perkin go inside to get some crayons, but Pootle left outside, falls asleep and he begins to dream. He dreams of blasting off in a rocket from the Flumpbase. He encounters MoonFlumps having a picnic on the Moon. When he wakes up they have a real picnic outside.
A red and yellow balloon are in the Flump's garden. Pootle sees them, but then suddenly he does not see them. There they are again but then they are gone again. Pootles does not know what to think. Posie and Perkin come round the corner carrying the balloons. Pootle has a green balloon but cannot blow it up. Perkin offers to do it but Pootle does not want any help. He goes away to blow it up on his own. Grandfather Flump does not see Pootle and is busy playing his Flumpet. Pootle uses the Flumpet to try and blow his balloon up. At first it works but soon the balloon is too big and it bursts, startling Grandfather Flump. Father Flump arrives after hearing the bang. Grandfather Flump explains what happened. Father Flump offers Pootle another balloon and a pump for blowing it up.
It was an ordinary day at the Flumps home. Pootle was standing on his head, Posie did the same. Perkin arrives and shows them how to do exercises correctly. Each of the Flump family have a different method of exercising and so keeping fit. Father Flump gets out his weights to show them how he used to lift when he was younger. Grandfather Flump has a go but then wishes he hadn't.
Perkin, Posie and Pootle are bored and down in the dumps. They have been bored all day so Father Flump suggest they find something to do. It is nearly supper time but the Flump children are bored with supper time and sleep time. Father Flump suggest they go and find out what supper will be. They go into the kitchen and ask Mother Flump. She says that it is their favourite "vegetable soup," The children say they are bored with soup, they want something different.
Mother Flump is baking in the kitchen and asks Pootle for a hand. She is very pleased with the help he gives her. He then goes and helps Grandfather Flump with the polishing of his Flumpet. Grandfather Flump shows him some tricks with some cards. Pootle goes off to see if anyone else needs a hand or two. Father Flump is sanding down some wood. He is not really able to help as Father Flump is doing tricky work. Pootle then goes and helps Posie but gets all tangled up in Posie's wool.
It was a very noisy morning at the Flumps. Father Flump was busy cutting wood. Pootle was busy walking on squeaky creaky floor boards. Grandfather Flump is playing the Flumpet rather loudly. Posie and Perkin are playing snap with a pack of cards. Only Mother Flump is being quiet and she tells everyone that she has a headache. Father Flump suggests a rest in his comfy chair whilst he goes and makes her a cup of herb tea. The other Flumps all promise to be quiet in order to let Mother Flump rest. Just as Mother Flump settles down, Father Flump wakes her up by pouring water into the kettle. The creaky floorboards walked on by Pootle, awaken Mother Flump again. Pootle says he is sorry and the children leave the room.
Grandfather Flump got up rather late today. He is the last to finish breakfast. He suddenly remembers that it is his birthday today. There are no presents, no cards and no one has wished him a happy birthday yet. Everyone must have forgotten him. He decides to go and jog their memories. Mother Flump is in the kitchen and Grandfather Flump tries to find out if she is baking anything special. Mother Flump avoids the question and gives him the impression that she does not know what today is apart from being tomato soup day. He goes away and finds Perkin. Perkin is making a picture for Grandfather Flump. Posie sees him coming and quickly takes the picture away. Grandfather Flump tries to see if Perkin has remembered but goes away disappointed. He next finds Posie, Father Flump and Pootle but none of them give the game away. Has no one remembered his birthday?
The plants in the Flump's allotment are not growing very well. Father Flump and Grandfather Flump are very perplexed as to the reason why. They all decide to get their morning break (seed cake slices). Mother Flump reads them a poem about a great gardener called Uncle Weatherby. His garden was superb but he always wanted to grow plants that would not normally grow. Posie suggests that they talk to the plants in order to encourage them to grow. Perkin does the talking, whilst Pootle pretends to be a rain cloud whilst Posie pretends to be the sun.
Mother Flump is Spring cleaning the family home. Everywhere she looks, she finds things the children have lost. She decides to start a lost property box. Father Flump arrives in the room. He has a sore throat and seem to be losing his voice. Pootle suggests that he looks for it in the lost property box. Mother Flump has some medicine that will make him feel better. Grandfather Flump has lost his glasses, they are actually on the back of his head but he does not know they are there. Grandfather Flump gets everyone mixed up when he cannot see who they are. Posie can see the glasses and so can Perkin. Pootle finally tells Grandfather Flump where they are. The children decide to play hunt the thimble. Pootle hides it and Posie and Perkin search for it. Pootle has hidden the thimble on his hat and eventually Posie spots it.