Saito's runes disappear before his, Louise's and Siesta's eyes. While on a trip to the castle, they are attacked by Sheffield, who is revealed to be the familiar of an unseen Void mage that she refers to as "Master Joseph". After arriving at the castle, Saito is given a paper by the princess that would make him a knight and effectively a noble. He, however, turns it down on the issue that he does not believe he can protect the princess or Lousie without the familiar's contract. When asked about the disappearing runes, he tells them about the elf, whom he recalls as Tiffania. Derflinger tells them where they may find her so Louise and Saito prepare to depart. That night while worrying about recent events, Louise awakens to find Saito awake outside on the balcony. She tells him that she is afraid of him leaving again, especially with the disappearance of the runes.
La guerra è finalmente terminata, ma le rune svaniscono dalla mano di Saito. Anche se piena di dubbi, lei e il ragazzo sono convocati a corte, ma durante il tragitto Louise viene attaccata da Sheffield, famiglio di un altro Mago del Vuoto.
先の戦争から生還を遂げた平賀才人は、トリステイン魔法学院でご主人様ルイズ・ド・ラ・ヴァリエールと平和な朝を迎える。奇跡の再会を果たし、この上なくいいムードの二人は夜の約束を交わすことになる・・・?! しかし、ルイズは才人の身に起こった大変なことを発見してしまう!! 激しく動揺するルイズと、がっくり落ち込む才人。そこに銃士隊隊長アニエスがアンリエッタ女王からの命で、王宮まで参上するよう伝えに来る。馬車で向かう道すがら、ルイズは困惑して、ついつい才人に冷たく当たってしまう。一方黒いフードを被った謎の人物が密かにその様子をうかがうのであった・・・。
¡Terminó la guerra! Osmond, Director de la Academia de Magia, reúne a todos sus alumnos para contarles que gracias al esfuerzo del reino de Gallian los rebeldes de Albion se rindieron, poniendo fin a una guerra de ocho meses. Sin embargo, los problemas no han terminado pues la marca de familiar de Saito ha desaparecido lo que significa que el contrato con su ama ha terminado, generando incertidumbre Louise.