Timmy schwärmt für den Comic-Helden Crimson Chin. Er wünscht sich, dass der starke Mann die Comicstrips verlässt und in die Wirklichkeit eintritt. Das war kein so guter Wunsch, denn Crimson Chin fällt sofort in eine Identitätskrise.
When Timmy wishes for the Crimson Chin, a comic book hero with a large chin, to come out of the page and appear in real life, the truth is broken to the Chin that he's imaginary. Well, as you could guess, this doesn't settle well with the hero...and he goes back in the book acting like a baby in hiding... terrified that he's not real. Timmy must act- he wishes to be in the panels as a side-kick to the Chin. Timmy becomes Cleft, the Boy Chin Wonder! He also becomes a victim to the villain... the Bronze Kneecap. Eventually, the Crimson Chin gains his confidence back... just in time to save Timmy (I mean Cleft). Of course, the world goes back to normal... or as normal as it was!
Timmy incontra Crimson Mentone (il suo supereroe preferito), ma quando Crimson viene a sapere di essere solo una finzione si deprime. Timmy è pertanto costretto a cercare di convincere Crimson a continuare la sua lotta contro il crimine, poiché il fumetto rischia di non essere più distribuito.
Timmy wenst dat zijn stripboekheld "The Crimson Chin" uit het stripboek komt.
Timmy conoce a su superhéroe favorito, Barbilla Roja, pero el descubrimiento de que es ficticio lleva al héroe a una profunda depresión. Timmy ahora debe revertir esta situación y, como resultado, gana el alter ego de superhéroe de Cleft, el Niño Maravilla.
Timmy aimerait que « Crimson Chin » soit la réalité.