It’s four o’clock. Saiki wants to leave school right away so that he can catch a TV show. As he tries to leave school, though, he realizes that people are looking for him and now he needs to figure out how to get out of school without being noticed.
Today is PK Academy’s Sports Day and of course Hairo is fired up to win it! After a failed attempt at trying to get out of attending, Saiki must now try to once again perform perfectly mediocre in order not to call attention to his abilities.
After Nendou pulls out one of Saiki’s “hairclips,” Saiki suddenly collapses and falls unconscious. At that moment, around the world, strange events begin occurring.
After the tug of war event, Class 3 is still behind the other classes. In order to win first place, they’ll have to earn a lot of points in the remaining two events, the beanbag toss and interclass relay.
Saiki’s school is having an evacuation drill today. Students are expected to follow the instructions and evacuate the building; however, they seem more preoccupied with the mnemonic they learned instead.
Kusuo change un jour ses habitudes afin de rentrer du lycée à temps pour regarder des animes. Inquiets de son sort, ses amis le cherchent partout.
좋아하는 애니메이션의 마지막 회를 보기 위해 귀가를 서두르는 쿠스오. 하지만, 갖가지 이유로 쿠스오를 찾아 다니는 반 친구들 때문에 도저히 학교를 벗어날 수가 없다. 어쩔 수 없이 투명인간 능력을 쓰기로 한 쿠스오는 제한 시간 10분 내로 학교를 벗어나기로 하지만…
Сайки пытается свалить из школы в одиночестве; пытается участвовать наравне со всеми в школьных веселых стартах; даёт понять что не стоит снимать его антеннки; заканчивает спортивное мероприятие; участвует в эвакуации.
Kusuo muda sua rotina para voltar da escola a tempo de assistir anime. Enquanto isso, seus amigos procuram desesperadamente por ele.
Kusuo muda sua rotina para voltar da escola a tempo de assistir anime. Enquanto isso, seus amigos procuram desesperadamente por ele.
Kusuo cambia le sue abitudini per tornare da scuola in tempo per vedere gli anime. Intanto, gli amici preoccupati lo cercano ovunque.