(Ein genialer Magier ?! Uryoku Chouno + Zweites Treffen (im Fernsehen)! Uryoku Chouno + Wie schäbig! Dark Reunion! + Strand Sommergeschichte + Eines neues Semester beginnt! Die Melancholie von Nendou)
Wegen seiner übersinnlichen Wahrnehmung kann Kusuo die Show des berühmten Illusionisten Uryoku Chono nicht genießen. Also fordert ihn Chono heraus, selber zu zaubern.
While Saiki is walking through the park, he comes across a magician performing a magic show. Unfortunately for the magician, it’s hard to surprise a psychic who can literally see through his illusions...
Saiki likes to watch TV because he can avoid reading the minds of the people on the TV, and thus is able to experience surprise and excitement like ordinary people. He experiences one such surprise when he sees Uryoku Chouno appear on TV.
Kaidou is summoned by a mysterious individual who belongs to a group trying to destroy Dark Reunion. He says that they need Kaidou’s help and tries to enlist Kaidou into the group.
Saiki’s day at home is interrupted when Nendou finds his house and asks him to go with him to the beach. Due to his mom’s “persuasion,” he ends up going, but then...
On the first day of the new school term, Saiki and Kaidou notice that Nendou is acting strange. Wanting to know what’s up with him, they decide to follow him after school.
Les dons extrasensoriels de Kusuo l'empêchent de profiter du spectacle de l'illusionniste Uryoku Chono. Agacé, ce dernier le met au défi de montrer ses propres tours.
길을 걷던 쿠스오는 우연히 거리에서 마술을 선보이던 쵸우노 우료쿠와 만난다. 직장을 잃은 후 유명 마술사를 꿈꾸지만 형편없는 실력 때문에 번번이 좌절하는 그에게 쿠스오는 초능력을 보여주며 비현실적인 꿈을 접도록 유도한다.
Сайки встречает иллюзиониста в парке; спасает Урёху Тёно; разбирается в природе "Тёмного союза"; отдыхает с друзьями на пляже; узнаёт несколько тайн Нэндо.
A percepção extrassensorial de Kusuo o impede de curtir a apresentação do ilusionista Uryoku Chono, que decide desafiá-lo a demonstrar sua magia.
A percepção extrassensorial de Kusuo o impede de curtir a apresentação do ilusionista Uryoku Chono, que decide desafiá-lo a demonstrar sua magia.
La capacità di percezione extrasensoriale impedisce a Kusuo di godersi lo spettacolo dell'illusionista Uryoku Chono. Infastidito, Chono lo sfida a mostrare le sue doti.