Trotz ihres großen Einflusses auf die Branche wird N.W.A. von internen Konflikten zerrüttet. Große Erfolge und das Studioleben gehen nicht spurlos an Iovine vorbei.
Dr. Dre’s formation of hip hop supergroup N.W.A. brings forth the seminal hip-hop record Straight Outta Compton. Though Dre’s creative direction is integral to the group’s success, his relationship with the original N.W.A. contributors, especially Eazy-E, deteriorated due to artistic and financial conflicts.
Jimmy Iovine’s work on highly successful albums from Tom Petty, U2 and Stevie Nicks reveals his knack for production and collaboration. But his massive workload and tumultuous personal life lead him to reevaluate his future in the music industry.
N.W.A. a un impact culturel majeur, mais des tensions déchirent le groupe. Malgré le succès colossal de groupes emblématiques comme U2, la vie de studio pèse sur Iovine.
Gli N.W.A. hanno un forte impatto culturale, ma le tensioni dividono il gruppo. Malgrado i successi con icone come gli U2, la vita dello studio è stressante per Iovine.
N.W.A. heeft een grote culturele invloed, maar spanningen breken de groep op. Ondanks het grote succes met iconen als U2, eist het studioleven een hoge tol van Iovine.
Οι N.W.A. κάνουν μεγάλη αίσθηση, αλλά οι καυγάδες διαλύουν το γκρουπ. Παρά την τεράστια επιτυχία με ινδάλματα όπως οι U2, η ζωή στα στούντιο γονατίζει τον Άιοβιν.
Os N.W.A. têm um impacto cultural enorme, mas as tensões prejudicam o grupo. Apesar do grande sucesso de ícones como os U2, a vida no estúdio começa a afetar Iovine.