Zack and Deuce go on a TV talk show where they learn that they were switched at birth with none other than spoiled rich kid, Jonas and his butt, Jack. Ugh. But Zack wants to get to know his “real” butt and so the guys swap places, each hanging with their new bestie. But Zack's new butt, Jack, starts to get weirder and weirder, Single White Butt-style. Soon, Zack learns it's all just a con and the butt belongs to neither of them. /The one and only Bummy Rippa is coming to Mabeltown to shoot a movie! Of course, it figures that the movie is about, ugh, the Dark Nugget, Jonas's faux super hero persona. It's basically the best/worst day ever. Zack and Eleanor compete to be an extra, but wouldn't ya know it, Jonas's Dad simply buys him the role. The kids sneak on to the set, only to have it attacked by the Great White Butt who's displeased at the way he's written in the script. But Bummy doesn't realize it's an attack and so the kids have to save the day!