Zack, Eleanor, and Deuce find a bottle floating in the Sea of Butts. A bottle that implores them to never, ever, ever, open it. So of course they do. Inside is a flatulence genie; a 1,000 year old fart. He can grant them each a wish. But, before they can make a wish, Deuce inhales the genie. (Can you blame him for wanting to smell it?) Now the genie lives inside Deuce and it's Deuce that can grant wishes! Everything‟s going great until Jonas wishes he could be best friends with Zack and Eleanor forever and ever. And so now they‟re all tethered together. Ugh. / Deuce blows on a trumpet, a forbidden instrument and rips the world a new one. Soon, Butt Monkeys come out of the Brown Forest. At first it's crazy awesome (I mean, butt monkeys). But soon, they take over the town and set up a butt monkey police state, keeping paw and order and the guys are gonna have to undo it.