Every butt fighter had an animal sidekick it seems. So Zack wants one too. And when he and Deuce accidentally defrost a Dinosaur he figures why not him? But, it turns out having slow, giant dino around stinks. And so they ditch him and instead detach his butt. Who is awesome! The guys go have a great time with him until they give him a bag of Cheekburger burgers. Soon, the Buttasaurus develops a taste for Cheekburger secret sauce and goes on a terrifying rampage. Whoops./ The Mabeltown Butt Menace Meter breaks and the whole town, especially Eleanor, freaks! But Zack says not to worry. From years of hanging with his butt, he's honed his In-stink. He knows what the butts are gonna do, any time, any place. Soon, that power goes to his head as all of the townsfolk believe he's some sort of seer. But when it blows up in his face, suddenly no one believes him anymore. Y'know, right when the Great White Butt is about to invade.