Imogene and Danny play a couple of circus acrobats in on sketch. Imogene plays a wife who brings home an expensive wig. Danny illustrates how the Russians might do "Cinderella". Nancy Wilson sings. Four-year-old Victoria Page Meyerink appears in a sitdown with Danny at the end. News article Jan20/64. "Appleface" was comedian Danny Kaye and the object of his affection was four-year-old Victoria Meyerink who if she likes you will nickname you after her favorite fruits and vegetables. They met shortly before her first appearance on December 31, 1963 when she starred with Danny and dancer Gwen Verdon in a Christmas sketch on the show. The response was so favorable to the child's performance that Danny brought her back to share his final "sit-down spot" on two succeeding shows. She appears for her fourth time on this episode.