Miss Ball and Danny run amuck as two actors in a road company who had to play six parts. They also play a married couple with maid trouble n a sit-down bit, and later hop about during a balloon dance. _ NOTE: It may take a while for Lucille Ball to catch her breath. Her performance on Tuesday night's "Danny Kaye Show" (9 p. m., CBS-TV), taped a week ago in Hollywood, required the stamina of an Olympic track star and the dogged determination of a combat-ready Marine. In the interest of her art, Miss Ball was punched, pummeled, hurled through the air and sat upon during a long day of rehearsals and the final taping. In return, she elbowed Kaye in the ribs, stepped on his toes and strangled him. The last time such a performance was staged for television, Gorgeous George bested Killer Kowalski, two falls out of three.