Home / Series / The Daily Show with Jon Stewart / Aired Order / Season 12 / Episode 111
Home / Series / The Daily Show with Jon Stewart / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 1781

John Nagl

Tonight, one of the military's staff who helped write the Counterinsurgency Field Manual, Lt. Col. John Nagl. Jon first reports on President Bush, who goes over a list of America's past wars to gain support for the Iraq War in a segment called "War Wars". Bush has also apparently changed his mind and is now comparing Iraq to Vietnam, saying that America's mistake was not starting the Vietnam War, but ending it. Senior Political Correspondent Aasif Mandvi reviews Bush's speech from Crawford TX talking about the potential benefits of prolonging the Vietnam War. For instance, Bush would have prolonged his college career to avoid being sent over to Vietnam and would have become a smarter man. Another added benefit, the splendor that would be the Vietnam Memorial, which could be seen from space as it stretches from D.C. to Times Square with the names of the victims. Finally, Senior Baghdad Correspondent Rob Riggle files his final report from Iraq in a segment called "Operation Thundering Cameltoe". Riggle reviews some of the highlights of his visit by writing a letter to his mom. Riggle's favorite part of the trip, shooting different kinds of machine guns into the sand.

  • Originally Aired August 23, 2007
  • Runtime 25 minutes
  • Content Rating United States of America TV-14
  • Production Code 12111
  • Network Comedy Central
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Created March 5, 2019 by
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  • Modified March 5, 2019 by
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