All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 USA Starts the Atomic Arms Race - Prelude 1

    • June 24, 2020

    When WW2 ends the former Allies find themselves at odds with each other over ideological and economic world domination. In an atmosphere of increasing escalation, the US pulls ahead in the nuclear arms race. While the Soviet Union try to catch up, they are far behind, and yet humanity soon faces potential destruction many times over.

  • S01E02 Kennedy, the Lying Politician - Prelude 2

    The Cold War grows gets more and more tense as both the USSR and the US try to get the upper hand through the volume of nuclear weapons and strategic launching sites – including Cuba.

  • S01E03 If Paris Was Nuked - Day 00

    The year before Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev places nuclear missiles on Cuba, the Soviets blow up the biggest atomic bomb ever detonated. If it blew up over Paris, millions would die.

  • S01E04 Shall we wipe Cuba off the Map? - Day 01

    On 16 October 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis begins. President Kennedy assembles his advisors in EXCOMM to find an adequate response to the threat posed by Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba.

  • S01E05 Top Secret U-2 Spy Planes - Day 02

    On October 17th, 1962, the U2 Dragon Lady spy plane yield more alarming pictures of Cuban missile sites and President Kennedy is urged to restrain his dogs of war.

  • S01E06 A Secret Soviet Nuclear Transport Operation - Day 03

    On October 18 1962, President Kennedy meets with USSR Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, one of the architects of placement of missiles on Cuba. While the two beat around the bush, Khrushchev and Gromyko's execution of the Soviet military and nuclear build up on Cuba continues.

  • S01E07 WTF?! Destroy Cuba or Don't! - Day 04

    President John F. Kennedy faces off with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including General Curtis LeMay (his arch-enemy), who demand more freedom for military action.

  • S01E08 President Kennedy Decides for War? - Day 05

    On Saturday October 20th, 1962, US President John F Kennedy moves to side more with the hawks advising a forceful response to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

  • S01E09 What if a Fool Has the Launch Codes? - Day 06

    On October 21 1962, politicians and military in both the US and in the USSR seem to have contradictory views on what to do next. Should the Soviet local commanders on Cuba get to play with the little nukes as they like, or rather wait for permission?

  • S01E10 The End of the World Will be Televised - Day 07

    On October 22, in the world's first televised announcement of an international military crisis, US President John F. Kennedy sets off panic and sudden fear of a third world war, with nuclear arms involved.

  • S01E11 0:03 / 14:33 The Start of World War III? - Day 08

    On October 23 , 1962 as the blockade on Cuba is being prepared, US President John F. Kennedy and USSR Chairman Nikita Khrushchev question their own actions realising that they might have gone a step too far.

  • S01E12 Killer Submarines Sneaking Through the Blockade - Day 09

    On October 24, 1962, the US-led blockade on Cuba goes into effect, but It's not the showdown that it looks like! At least not on the surface...

  • S01E13 Showdown in the United Nations - Day 10

    On October 25, 1962 while the US Navy are looking for something to do in the Caribbean, US Ambassador to the UN Adlai Stevenson is about to face off with USSR Ambassador to the UN, Valerian Zorin in a historic showdown at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

  • S01E14 The Invasion of Cuba - Day 11

    On 26 October 1962, US President John F Kennedy at first continues to plan an invasion of Cuba, but while the politicians make new plans, their previous military plans take on a life of their own

  • S01E15 Black Saturday, Nuclear War on Autopilot - Day 12

    On October 27, 1962 a deal to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis is ever so close, but then almost everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. The world is left teetering on the brink, and someone has to die.

  • S01E16 To Save the World Takes Only One Good Man - Day 13

    • July 19, 2020

    On Sunday, 28 October, 1962 the Cuban Missile Crisis comes to an end to end all things, and almost everything. Only one young man, Vasili Arkhipov will stand between humanity and nuclear armageddon.