Home / Series / The Crow: Stairway to Heaven / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 15

Birds Of A Feather

In shocking turn of events Draven is set free by Judge Morrison but life on the outside is still bleak. Albrecht has been demoted to a beat cop and Draven feels terribly alone without Shelly until he meets another Spirit Crow. Citing that the jury ignored his instructions, Judge Morrison overturns Draven's conviction and sets him free in a dramatic reversal of fortune. But a cloud of suspicion still hangs over Draven, and, because of his association with Albrecht, over Albrecht as well. As if that weren't enough, Albrecht's girlfriend Cordelia, leaves him. Adding insult to injury, Albrecht is demoted to beat cop and Capshaw assumes his desk in the detective division. Treated as a pariah by the public at the Blackout, Draven goes outside where he sees a woman demolish two strong attackers in an alley fight. To his shock, Draven discovers that, she, too, is a Crow. He befriends the angry, confused woman and helps her learn the truth about her former life. She was the happily married, suc

Deutsch English français
  • Originally Aired February 21, 1999
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Content Rating United States of America TV-PG
  • Production Code 116
  • Network SYFY
  • Created April 17, 2011 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified April 17, 2011 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Bryce Zabel Writer
Bobbie Phillips Guest Star
Alisa Tortolano Guest Star
William MacDonald Guest Star
Greg Michaels Guest Star
Chris Gibson Guest Star
John Maclaren Guest Star
Jaimz Woolvett Guest Star
Carla White Guest Star
Jerry Wasserman Guest Star
Mackenzie Gray Guest Star
Kmantray Smith Guest Star
Reese McBeth Guest Star
Sue Mathew Guest Star
Alan Simmonds Director