We payed the Creatures of Yes five hundred dollars to dip their hands in water. You won't believe their reactions! Have you ever touched water before? And if so, did you like it?
Just a quick little thankful thing.
Mary Broomfeloow taps into her vast knowledge (she learned everything she knows at the 1939 New York World's Fair) to explain to us how all this stuff works. She teaches us how to send an appropriate e-mail.
The Creatues of Yes Christmas Special.
Mary Broomfellow teaches us how to write a proper diary entry. She's also written a brilliant book that will "probably go right over the heads of the general public". The Creatures of Yes do what they do best.
It's the beginning of a new adventure, come on! The Creatures of Yes!
In this episode of The Creatures of Yes Tom irons his clothes while speculating what might happen next. He is a person tinged with melancholy but ultimately optimistic. Are there new friends on the horizon?
Today on the Creatures of Yes Tom wants to draw a pictures but he needs Wolfgang's help deciding what to draw a picture of.
The Creatures of Yes are having some trouble really communicating with one another. Then Gladys has a brief spell, everyone tries to be supportive.
Mary Broomfellow attempts to review Till We Have Faces a book by C.S. Lewis but she gets a little carried away. Midway through she has an epiphany and a new age of enlightenment is ushered in.
Not many people know that Mary Broomfellow and Moses starred in a commercial for Sprite a long time ago.
Mary Broomfellow is having one of those days. Her coping mechanism is to just wait it out. What do you do when confronted with this blue feeling?
Tom is excited about Christmas, but things don't quite turn out as planned. Roberta is concerned and does what she can to help.
Mary Broomfellow is hosting a dinner party. She has some big news. Things take a turn. Will everyone be alright? Watch this video to find out the answer.
Tad doesn't know what somethings are. First, it's simple things, but then more complex things like the Gay Liberation Movement, Nuclear Disarmament, and Climate Change. Tom doesn't know either!
Everyone fumbles to say the right thing. How will people react? Is this word too old fashioned? A Comedy of Manners is your pocket guide to good society.
Mary receives a troubling letter from the United States Government. It says that everything is fine with the earth, no need to be concerned. But she's pretty sure that isn't true! She has a holy vision of arctic ice melting, something is wrong! She must talk to an expert... but who? Brenda! A very wise plant. Who would know better than her? Her roots are deep in the ground. Brenda sets us on the right path! Climate change, global warming, it's happening! The Earth needs our help! What can you do to help the planet?
Enoch watches the Northern Lights in awe.
Tom wrote this song to try to encourage everyone in these tough times. He has a hard time articulating his feelings, but through songwriting, he finds a way.
Do you ever wonder what's going on? Do you need advice? Ask us anything. You can ask us something about us or about yourself and we'll do our best to answer. Please include your full name and where you're from, city and state. Questions and answers from the Creatures of Yes.
Moses and Enoch have a little misunderstanding. Is he calling Enoch a little squirt? Or is he saying, like, a squirt of toothpaste? It's hard to know at first. Find out in this video. A commercial for Crest Toothpaste 1965.
The Creatures of Yes answer questions sent in by YOU, the viewer! So many questions. Did we miss some? No doubt a question or two slipped through the cracks but we did our best (we answered as many as we could). Oh look here! We have a question for you: Is this organic? Is this sincere? Was this just a manufactured ploy for audience engagement? Do we actually care about anyone but ourselves? A realization! But even so, can we change? Brenda lurks in the background - Mary’s true, organic, guardian angel. An angel of light; radiant green from the center of the holy color spectrum. Finally, a star falls in synchronization with the first tear shed. Now, we are aware of a greater world beyond ourselves and our own interests.
It's time to say NO!
Tom is going on a trip. He's writing a letter to his pen pal. He's concerned that he's not doing enough to help out with the problem of how much garbage is in the world.
In the future computers will be able to hold as much information as a library! What are our responsibilities to use this information for good? Is knowledge still power without action? What is the best learning to doing ratio?
Tom didn't make it home in time for Christmas. Gladys calls in an attempt to cheer him up.
About twelve years ago I came across a film called Barefoot Gen, about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Shamefully, it was the first time I'd ever heard of these attacks. Just a few years ago I attended an anniversary event for Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the New York Society for Ethical Culture where I heard survivors speak. Since then I've wondered what I could do to help inform others about the threat of nuclear weapons. This video is my first feeble attempt. I can't take credit for the majority of this video, they are clips taken from a proper documentary called Bomb Will Make The Rainbow Break, which I encourage everyone to watch in full.
Denver takes some time off. He busies himself with various activities. What do you do in your free time?
What is inside this mystery box? No one knows! What do YOU think is inside the box?
Tad sings a song about having confidence and not letting other people's negativity effect you. He also explores a concept he's developed about where his confidence, creativity and bliss come from.
Do you have a desire to shoot a gun? Do you already own a gun? Ask God to help you destroy it. Use your thoughts and prayers on yourself. Use your action against a corrupt government.
Did you know that a hand full of recordings from the late 1920s were accidentally recorded in Stereo? Tom discovers that stereophonic sound existed THREE YEARS before scientists currently believe! He becomes obsessed with the song Aquarium from a 1929 recording of Carnival of the Animals by the Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Leopold Stokowski. He stays up all night listening to it over and over again. The next day Walter is concerned for Tom's health. Do you ever get obsessed with weird things like this?
This is the last update to the last Whole Earth Catalog. There won't be another! But where will we get things in the future if there are no more Whole Earth Catalogs? Where do YOU get things?
Due to budget cuts our show is in black & white now. We spent all of our money on a CR-78 Rhythm Machine. Why are Tom and Walter talking like that? Will you still watch the show if it's in black & white? Is everything ruined? Are we stuck like this? Tune in next week to find out!
Enoch doesn't quite understand how daylight savings time works but his buddy Tad explains it to him. Why is everyone still awake at 2:00 am? Don't forget to set your clocks forward tonight!
Tad is musing about how the world perceives him and other people. In a flashback Denver asks him why he looks the way he does and they end up becoming good friends. Our show is still presented in black & white due to budget cuts.
Tad is holding auditions for his friends to teach him how to do something. He gets to judge if he wants to learn about each subject or not. What would you like to learn about? Making a hat out of paper? Initiation rites of the Rosicrucian Order? A neat way to fold laundry?
Good Morning, Good Morning! with Mary & Charles. A morning talk show to help you start your day. Mary gives us her recipe for Apples in a Dish.
The Creatures of Yes sing the timeless songs of Charlotte's Web!
Denver's been having trouble sleeping lately. Luckily, Gladys has taken up the hobby of making personalized relaxation tapes.
Mary is unsatisfied with her current output. At first she's a bit jealous of Denver and Gladys' work on the Relaxation Tapes video, but then realizes she should be supportive of her co-workers.
Mary and Charles comment on the Thanksgiving Day Parade on their television talk show Good Morning Good Morning! Tad wonders if he's invited to Mary's Christmas party and finally apologizes for trapping her inside his mind (see Shadow of a Splintered Mind).
Mary Broomfellow is faced with the most difficult question of her young adult life. Can you drink Milk?
Alphonso and Tad are enjoying a beautiful sun set, but then there is a discrepancy.
Mary Broomfellow explains in great detail what red velvet is.
Walter is wondering what books Tad had read. Tad has other things in mind.
Alphonso finally admits to their chocoholism.
Mary and Walter are having a little chat about Alphonso's chocoholism.