While volunteering with kids in the community, Cody makes a connection with a possible buyer for his specialty cattle sale. With Booger still away at the Road to the Horse competition, Cody and Bubba recruit a friend to help with the work on the ranch. Cody rushes to finish up for the day, determined to make it home in time for his son’s first haircut, but in his haste, he ends up hurting himself. Bubba visits an organic ranch in Texas to learn more about the organic business. To test the product, he cooks up store brand and grass-fed steaks to compare the taste and make sure it is something he can get behind. Booger finally gets home after the competition and immediately receives an opportunity to train horses in Austin. After spending some time apart, the cowboys come together to talk about the future of their partnership. Things take a turn for the worse when the meeting between friends gets heated, leaving the fate of their business up in the air.