A special one-off Old-Time Music Hall variety show from The Comedians. Featuring: Frank Carson (Chairman) Colin Crompton Bernard Manning George Roper Russ Abbott Jim Bowen Duggie Brown Mike Burton Jerry Harris Jimmy Marshall Pat Mooney Sammy Thomas Shep's Banjo Boys Pamela Devis Dancers Bel Canto Singers
The Comedians hold a Christmas party and hobnob with their celebrity guests in this decidedly festive special. Featuring George Roper, Bernard Manning, Frank Carson, Ken Goodwin, Duggie Brown, Tom O'Connor, Charlie Williams, Jos White, Bryn Phillips, Dave Butler, Colin Crompton, Mike Burton with guests Freddie Davies, Patricia Phoenix, Tom O'Connors Class 'and many more...'
A documentary about the life and work of the Northern Club Comedian, featuring interviews with Bernard manning, Charlie williams, Jackie Carlton, George Roper and Tom O'Connor.
This documentary (made by Comedians producer Johnny Hamp) showcases comedian Ken Goodwin, for whom 1971 was his most successful year, culminating in his appearance at the Royal Command Performance.