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Season 1

  • S01E01 The Transformation

    • January 9, 2008
    • M-Net

    The Greenes return from holiday having inexplicably turned black overnight. Their domestic worker, Patience, has equally mysteriously turned white. Their next-door neighbours, the Mlambos, see black people in the Greene's house and investigate. Joyce Mlambo is initially concerned that the house is being robbed but then gets excited at the prospect of new friends. The Greenes are bewildered as they try to fathom what to do about their predicament and what to tell people. Patience remembers the old Zulotho man warning them not to park their caravan on the burial grounds because it would offend the ancestors. They quickly realise that ignoring the old man's warning had something to do with their transformation. The Mlambos pop over unexpectedly and Tom tells them that the Greenes have gone overseas and that they are exiles and “good friends of the Greenes” who've come to look after the Greenes' house and businesses while they're away.

  • S01E02 Return of the Exiles

    • January 16, 2008
    • M-Net

    Together the Mbulis (formerly the Greenes) try to decipher how they're going to continue with their lives and make ends meet. Tombo is frantic about an imminent business meeting with two Afrikaans farmers who were his clients when he was white and who want him to design an Afrikaans history theme-park. Tombo, presuming that the farmers are racist, uses the maid Patience (who is now white) to front his design business and liaise with the Afrikaners who are unexpectedly proficient in Zulu. A comedy of errors ensues with Amandla arriving in the middle of the meeting where Patience is pretending to be her.

  • S01E03 There's a Zulu in my Bed

    • January 23, 2008
    • M-Net

    Tombo has an idea to start a business that teaches catering skills to rural people and sets up a meeting with the IDCC. Meanwhile it's Tombo and Amandla's wedding anniversary and they face the prospect of being intimate for the first time since turning black.

  • S01E04 The Goat

    • January 30, 2008
    • M-Net

    Amandla Mbuli (formerly Isabel Greene) invites the Mlambos over for dinner so the Mbuli family can learn more about black culture. Amandla hopes this will appease the Zulotho ancestors who they offended when they parked their caravan on their burial grounds. Meanwhile, Patience is smitten with the hunky new ‘garden boy', but won't talk to him unless she's disguised from head to toe, because he doesn't know she's white.

  • S01E05 The Sleepover

    • February 6, 2008
    • M-Net

    Beyoncé (formerly Tamzin Greene) invites her bitchy, snobby, white, former best friends, Melanie and Debbie, for a sleepover. They are not really keen on coming over but being snobs, they are persuaded when Beyoncé mentions that some top models are coming round to collect wigs from her mom's salon. Beyoncé also promises to give them news about Tamzin Greene who, she tells them, is now living in England. Next door, the Mlambos have a romantic dinner of expired seafood - with dire consequences.

  • S01E06 The Chicken

    • February 13, 2008
    • M-Net

    After Percy Mlambo tells TK (formerly Kyle Greene) about the custom of lobola, TK (secretly in love with the Mlambo's daughter Khensiwe) decides to accumulate livestock to offer them for Khensiwe one day. He ignorantly starts with a chicken and naïvely buys a pregnancy test to determine its fertility. Meanwhile Beyoncé (formerly Tamzin Greene) wants to audition as a presenter for a youth TV series on black culture, more for the limelight than for any other reason. She begs Mr Mlambo to help brief her on black culture and history, with hilarious consequences.

  • S01E07 The Pageant

    • February 20, 2008
    • M-Net

    Grandpa Greene, Tom Greene's ageing, prejudiced and near-blind father is coming to visit from the UK. The Mbulis (formerly the Greenes) have to concoct a bizarre plan to keep the racist old man in the dark as to their new skin colour. Meanwhile Beyoncé Mbuli (formerly Tamzin Greene) and Khensiwe Mlambo are competing in the school beauty pageant and both go to extraordinary lengths to outdo each other.

  • S01E08 Crime Watch

    • February 27, 2008
    • M-Net

    Beyoncé has a new, rich, white boyfriend, much to Tombo's delight. Meanwhile, the Mlambos are robbed and Percy accuses Tombo (formerly Tom Greene) of “borrowing” too much of his stuff. Tombo is irritated and points out to Percy that they are in the middle of a crime wave. They start a neighbourhood watch and he and Percy end up as patrol partners who have an unfortunate run-in with police.

  • S01E09 Black Christmas

    • March 5, 2008
    • M-Net

    Patience's uncle in KwaZulu-Natal dies and she is expected to pay for the funeral because she's the “rich one from Jo'burg”. She can't go down for the burial though because she fears there will be more funerals if her relatives see that she is now white. Meanwhile, Grandpa Greene disappears suddenly, and due to a series of misunderstandings the Mlambos suspect the Mbulis (formerly the Greenes) of murdering him. It's the festive season and to make matters worse, three black dwarves, dressed as shopping centre elves are on a crime spree in Benoni, robbing neighbourhood gardens of Christmas trees and decorations.

  • S01E10 High Society

    • March 12, 2008
    • M-Net

    The Mbuli's social climbing neighbour, Joyce Mlambo, decides to have a stokvel, mainly to show off their new house and pool to her township friends. Wanting to cement their friendship, Joyce invites Amandla (formerly Isabel Greene) but Amandla is nervous about being in a big crowd of black people so to cope she has a few drinks. Joyce also invites Beyoncé to be a lifeguard as she's the only black person she knows who can swim and she's worried about her guests drowning. This goes to Beyoncé's head.

  • S01E11 The Black Out

    • March 12, 2008
    • M-Net

    Amandla (formerly Isabel Greene) and Beyonce (formerly Tamzin Greene) are watching their favourite soapie. The TV aerial blows over and Patience is sent onto the roof to hold it so they can watch the end of the show. Because she's breaking in some new shoes for the madam she slips, falls and is knocked unconscious.

  • S01E12 The Big Snip

    • March 19, 2008
    • M-Net

    Tombo pops over to the Mlambos to borrow a hedge trimmer and some pool acid. Percy has to get out of the shower to answer the door. Tombo inadvertently spills the acid on himself and on Percy's towel. They quickly disrobe and Percy sees that Tombo isn't circumcised. Percy mischievously suggests to TK that his father should get circumcised if he wants to be considered a man and truly black.

  • S01E13 To Be or Not to Be

    • March 26, 2008
    • M-Net

    The new gardener tells Patience about a well-paying job opportunity at an Indian restaurant and insists that she's a good candidate because she has catering experience, she's “white” and she can speak Zulu. For the first time Patience sees a chance to exploit her newly-acquired skin colour. The Mbulis also take Patience and head off to the mountains. They plan to find the old Zulotho man, tell him they've learnt their lesson and ask him to turn them white again. But then things take a turn that no-one could have foreseen...

Season 2

  • S02E01 Black Again

    • January 21, 2009
    • M-Net

    The episode starts where Season 1 left off with the Mbulis all having turned Coloured, and with Amandla toting a 6-month old Chinese baby. Patience is Indian. This all turns out to be a dream complete with Bollywood sequence, from which Patience awakes in the first few minutes. From then on, she is still white and the Mbulis are again black. In reality, Amandla is nearly nine months pregnant. The family has to deal with the stress of the imminent arrival of Amandla’s parents, as she insists on having the baby at home and needs her mother’s help. Amandla also has to make sure that Patience constantly wears a pregnancy “suit” in case the unborn child turns out to be white, so they can say that Patience gave birth to it. Naturally the neighbours, especially Joyce, are curious and use the arrival of new furniture at the Mbulis as an excuse to visit and snoop. Meanwhile, Beyonce has taken a gap year and is keeping the salon going for her mother, TK is being tutored by Khensiwe to get him through matric, and Patience has to be taught how to speak and act ‘white’ so she can break the news of the family’s colour change to Amandla’s mother, “Ouma”. Things do not go according to plan, as Amandla’s mother arrives, and finds out that there is more to her daughter’s situation than meets the eye. She goes hysterical and chaos ensues, with Patience saving the day.

  • S02E02 Silence of the Ouma

    • January 28, 2009
    • M-Net

    After being spotted as a lady who dresses and talks well at the local Woolworths, Joyce is recruited as a BEE director onto the board of some new “blue chip” company. She decides that a lady of her standing needs a full time maid – a white maid. Percy is only happy to comply when she mentions her salary. Beyonce is running the salon ‘til Amandla is back on her feet. She is being paid by Amandla as she wants to save to buy a car. Meanwhile Patience is looking after Ouma because Ouma won’t let any of the black members of the family near her. Joyce arrives and, believing Ouma is Patience’s mother, offers her a job as a maid. Ouma accepts as a means of escape from the Mbulis, whom she still does not believe are her real family. Amandla confronts her mother to accept that she is her daughter, and that she needs her mother when the baby is born. After a few revelations, Ouma starts to believe Amandla may be telling the truth. Meanwhile, next door, Joyce and Percy try to impress Percy’s potential new employer (he is going after a plum position at a local university) with their new white maid, Ouma. Ouma has cooked some traditional Afrikaans food. This does not go down well, which leads to racial tensions flaring. In the meantime Amandla goes into labour, and Patience bursts in informing the Mlambos and Ouma that the baby is coming and then has to fake having her waters break to seem as if it may be her who is giving birth.

  • S02E03 You can be my baby, it don’t matter if you’re black or white

    • February 4, 2009
    • M-Net

    The episode starts at the Mbulis with Amandla in labour in the main bedroom. At the Mlambos, Joyce, still determined to hire a white maid, hires a maid called Meisie from Boksburg. This backfires when it is Joyce who tidies up and even cooks breakfast for the maid because she doesn’t want Meisie to think they live like pigs. Meantime Patience realises that Ouma is willing to clean and cook if she feels it is not been done correctly. Patience decides to use this fact to her advantage. Percy comes home to a spotless house and an exhausted Joyce. She claims the house is tidy because of their new white maid. Percy is impressed. Outside Meisie and Patience exchange stories over the fence whilst having coffee, and how they are each ‘working’ their madams. Joyce and Percy re-appear downstairs at the Mbulis, corner Patience, and try to get the truth from her. She escapes them, runs upstairs, where Amandla has just given birth. Will the baby be black or white?

  • S02E04 The Diva Wears Prada

    • February 11, 2009
    • M-Net

    Ouma announces to the family that Oupa will be arriving today. Joyce appears and enquires about a name for the baby. Joyce has to exit quickly when Patience informs Amandla that Joyce told her about four months maternity leave. Meanwhile Joyce watches Meryl Streep in “Devil Wears Prada” to get an idea of how a high-powered businesswoman should act. Meisie, her white maid is up to her tricks still, arriving two hours late for work. Amandla worries about the shock of revealing their situation to Oupa as he is now wheelchair bound because of a stroke. Ouma says she’ll be the one to tell him herself. Khensiwe exposes Meisie for the sham she really is, and Joyce fires the maid. An orderly drops off Oupa. Ouma reveals to him his family is now black. Tombo and Joyce arrive at her board meeting. Tombo does his best to make Joyce look foolish, but his plan backfires. The six white men applaud Joyce. Once in the car Joyce realises she’s left her bag in the boardroom. Tombo offers to fetch it. He overhears the men talking about Joyce being perfect to take the fall for the company when they disappear with the investor’s money. Tombo is stunned. Does he tell Joyce?

  • S02E05 O Koek!

    • February 18, 2009
    • M-Net

    We start with the Mbulis. Ouma is surprised (and disappointed) that Oupa seems to be handling the shocking news. Each member relates a memory about him to prove they are his family. We see through this that Oupa is not a nice person. When the family leave Oupa alone, he gets up from his wheelchair and raids Amandla’s purse for cash. Patience witnesses this.

  • S02E06 Unaffirmative Handbag

    • February 25, 2009
    • M-Net

    The Mbulis are reeling after the shock of Amandla firing Patience. Tombo realises that in the eyes of Home Affairs it now it looks like they (Mbulis) have kidnapped Sipho, by getting rid of Patience.

  • S02E07 Good Head Hunting

    • March 4, 2009
    • M-Net

    After being released from prison, Amandla (Muti thief) and Joyce (BEE scandal) arrive back in their neighbourhood to discover their walls are spray painted with hate messages. TK is being picked on at school because his mom is a “white-baby-snatching-jailbird-mother”.

  • S02E08 The Importance of Being Trolley

    • March 11, 2009
    • M-Net

    This episode starts with a short recap of the final scene of Episode 7 where Joyce inadvertently serves Oupa’s head at her stokvel.

  • S02E09 Who's The Medem

    • March 18, 2009
    • M-Net

  • S02E10 Black and Brownies

    • March 25, 2009
    • M-Net

  • S02E11 Black to the Future

    • April 1, 2009
    • M-Net

  • S02E12 Broke Benoni

    • April 8, 2009
    • M-Net

  • S02E13 Fancy Dress Friday

    • April 15, 2009
    • M-Net

Additional Specials