Home / Series / The Chris Isaak Show / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 9

Hell Is Other People

From Showtime: Bret Michaels, lead singer for the rock band Poison, is producing a movie and may have a part that's perfect for Chris. To help him decide, Bret wants to hang out together. Eager for the part, Chris puts his best foot forward. But his principles waiver when a neighbor begins building a deck too close to Chris' house. To maintain his privacy and his relationship with the guy next door, Chris makes an anonymous call to the building department. Feeling like a snitch, Chris realizes that the effects of his underhanded tactics are extending much further than his own backyard. Kenney loves everything about Janine and he's blissfully happy. Then, during a mid winter fishing trip with the band, Kenney discovers that Janine had a previous relationship… with Anson! To make matters worse, Anson offers him inside information on what gets Janine sexually charged, turning his seething anger into a full rage. Kenney's struggle to come to terms with this incomprehensible truth p

  • Originally Aired March 17, 2002
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Production Code 40327-02
  • Network Paramount+ with Showtime
  • Created November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Andrew Schneider Writer
Diane Frolov Writer
Ingrid Torrance Guest Star
Craig March Guest Star
Kate Robbins Guest Star
Courtney Kramer Guest Star
Allison Matthews Guest Star
Ben Libbiter Guest Star
Bret Michaels Guest Star
Eric Keenleyside Guest Star
Troy Yorke Guest Star
Milan Cheylov Director