Home / Series / The Bold and the Beautiful / Aired Order / Season 24 / Episode 239

Ep. #5891

Bill and Liam try to grasp the reality that they may be father and son. Meanwhile, Thorne informs his family, and eventually Liam and Bill, that he is also in the running for being Liam’s father. They all agree to meet at the hospital for DNA testing to determine, once and for all, who Liam’s real father is. Thorne divulges the circumstances surrounding his relationship with Liam’s mother. Feelings are mixed between all parties about the possibilities of paternity.

  • Originally Aired August 30, 2010
  • Runtime 21 minutes
  • Network CBS
  • Created June 5, 2023 by
    Deleted User 197578
  • Modified June 5, 2023 by
    Deleted User 197578