Sakurai Yuki was abandoned by his mother and left in an orphanage, where he spent his childhood alone. Now, as a high school student, Yuki has recently begun to have several mysterious dreams that leave him with a nostalgic feeling that he has seen it all before. In the evening he receives a letter from an unknown sender that leaves him worried by its contents. When he answers the cries for help of a fellow student, Yuki is almost hit by a truck but is saved by the quick actions taken by a mysterious silver-eyed man.
Yuki Sakurai fu abbandonato dalla sua madre biologica e fu lasciato in un orfanotrofio, dove trascorse la sua infanzia da solo con altri orfani. Ora, come studente liceale, Yuki ha recentemente incominciato ad avere diversi sogni misteriosi che lo lasciano con una sensazione nostalgica di aver vissuto una vita precedente.