酒店客房部经理沈惜凡是一个工作狂,因为常常高强度工作患有失眠偏头痛, 因此去看中医,在青春的尾巴上邂逅了温润俊秀的中医何苏叶,然而她经常因工作繁忙忘记取药,每每都令何苏叶很是头疼。原本以为两人仅限于医患关系,却没想到他们竟然住在同一个小区。而正是一次次的不期而遇,让两人之间的情愫慢慢萌芽。沈惜凡因为曾经有一段失败的初恋而小心翼翼,何苏叶也曾遭初恋女友抛弃,自此关闭心扉。沈惜凡渐渐靠...
The story follows Shen Xifan, a dedicated workaholic and hotel housekeeping manager, who suffers from insomnia and migraines due to her high-intensity job. Seeking relief, she turns to traditional Chinese medicine and meets the gentle and refined doctor, He Suye. However, her busy schedule often causes her to forget to pick up her prescriptions, much to He Suye’s frustration. What starts as a mere doctor-patient relationship takes an unexpected turn when they realize they live in the same neighborhood. Having experienced a painful first love, Shen Xifan is cautious, while He Suye, abandoned by his first love, has since closed off his heart. As Shen Xifan slowly approaches him, their awkward yet endearing interactions lead He Suye to rediscover the meaning of love, eventually making him the one to pursue her instead. Meanwhile, He Suye’s dedication to traditional Chinese medicine inspires Shen Xifan to find her true aspirations.
- Falling in Love with You Is the Best Thing I Have Ever Done
- For Love
- Ai Shang Ni Shi Wo Zuo Guo Zui Hao De Shi
- Ai Ni