The Animation Show

A collection of the best animated short films from across the world, curated by Mike Judge and Don Hertzfeldt. Selected from an enormous surplus of amazing indie animation that's rarely seen, Judge and Hertzfeldt featured these collections first as theatrical programs, and then subsequent DVD releases, in the hopes it would continue to bring more artists and unseen classics into the spotlight for many years to come.

Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials February 2005 1
Season 1 - Volume 1 July 2003 18
Season 2 - Volume 2 February 2005 13
Season 3 - Volume 3 January 2007 17
Unassigned Episodes 1
Season From To Episodes
Unassigned Episodes 50
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 0
Unassigned Episodes 50

No actors for this record.

Name Number of Episodes Dates
Don Hertzfeldt 13 07/18/2003 - 01/16/2007
Bill Plympton 8 07/18/2003 - 01/16/2007
Adam Elliot 6 07/18/2003
PES 6 02/18/2005 - 01/16/2007
Mike Judge 5 07/18/2003 - 01/16/2007
Tomek Baginski 3 07/18/2003 - 02/18/2005
Peter Cornwell 2 02/18/2005
Amanda Forbis, Wendy Tilby 2 02/18/2005
Saschka Unseld 2 02/18/2005
Run Wrake 2 01/16/2007
Mike Grimshaw 2 01/16/2007
David Russo 2 02/18/2005
Jonathan Nix 2 02/18/2005
Jeremy Solterbeck 2 07/18/2003
Nieto 2 01/16/2007
Jakob Schuh 2 02/18/2005
Chris Harding 2 01/16/2007
Jen Drummond 2 02/18/2005
Tim Miller 2 02/18/2005
Tony Comley 2 01/16/2007
Georges Schwizgebel 2 07/18/2003
Chel White 2 02/18/2005
Matthew Walker 2 01/16/2007
Daniel Nocke 2 01/16/2007
Ruairi Robinson 2 07/18/2003
Gaëlle Denis 2 01/16/2007
Alex Budovsky 2 07/18/2003
Guilherme Marcondes 2 01/16/2007
Corky Quakenbush 2 07/18/2003
Koji Yamamura 1 07/18/2003
Joanna Quinn 1 01/16/2007
Pjotr Sapegin 1 07/18/2003
Max Hattler 1 01/16/2007
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Shôji Yonemura 1 07/18/2003
Scott Poole 1
Tomek Baginski and Jacek Dukaj 1 07/18/2003
Joe Frank 1 02/18/2005
Les Mills 1 01/16/2007
Berit Reiss-Andersen 1 07/18/2003

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